First of all, a reader wrote in saying that Halverson interrupted the hearing yesterday to emphatically demand that the Discipline Committee members refer to her as "Your Honor" because she is still a judge.
Judge Halverson brought her rolls of fun to the witness stand yesterday too. The Review-Journal describes her testimony as combative. She stated that she never treated her former bailiff like a personal servant, touched him inappropriately or ordered him to spy on court staff. Additionally, in classic bat-shit style, Halverson maintained that she has been persecuted by political enemies who want to remove her from the bench. (Review-Journal) Halverson then testified that "This is a bunch of hype" and that she has "the absolute right to be acquitted of these charges."
Halverson then apparently drugged the water at the Federal courthouse because she managed to get herself a hearing before U.S. District Judge Jones on a claim that the Disciplinary Committee's hearing violates her due process rights. (Review-Journal) [we will write on the federal Complaint and the hearing in a future post]
Here are some other highlights from a WWL reader:
At about 3:35 PM a new set of Halverson attorneys entered the hearing room and served the Nevada Commission on Judicial Discipline and the Special Prosecutor with a federal civil rights law suit that Halverson filed under 42 USC 1982, and with a notice of exparte hearing wherein Halverson will request the federal court to issue a temporary restraining order to halt the hearing. (42 USC 1982 provides for damages and is commonly used in police officer shooting cases and beating cases.) Halverson also claims she has a petition pending with the NV Supreme Court to delay the hearing but the Supremes have not acted on it yet.
The disciplinary hearing will start late (at 1:00 PM) today, because the Commission and the prosecutor will be in Federal Court this morning. The hearing did go until 6:00 PM today, and it was electric.
First, the tech expert that Halverson hired to search Ilene Spoor’s Court House computer for evidence that she had been emailing information about Halverson to the press testified that Halverson said “don’t believe everything you read about me in the papers and then lifted up her blouse and then asked him if there was any “urine on it”. He thought that comment was so strange he talked to a lawyer, then the police, then the Commission.
Next, Halverson was called to the stand and tried to avoid testifying by asserting the fifth amendment against self incrimination. This was overruled. Halverson then implied that the Nevada Supreme Court might not follow the law as handed down by the US Supreme Court—which Halverson insists holds that the disciplinary hearings are quasi-criminal in nature and therefore she does not have to testify.
The Commission responded that there is a NV Supreme Court cases that decided that very issue holding that the judge in question could not blanket take the 5th,
but could only assert the 5th on a question by question basis if the question created the risk of a criminal prosecution. Halverson then said that the “court” would resolve that issue “tomorrow”.Nash-Holms (the prosecutor) then asked series of questions running through most of the accusations (ask Jordan to rub feet, ever touch him, call your law clerk a faux Jew, etc. etc.). Halverson denied every core allegation against her with a series of
"No"s, then got very combative and argumentative with the prosecutor and the
Commission adjourned at 6:00 PM.
All in all, a banner day for the blob of insanity. The Committee members should take care. Word is if you're around Halverson for too long, she drives you crazy or eats you instead.
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