Attorney Michael Amador reportedly pulled a gun on someone in a bar on Wednesday night and was arrested. He had to be taken to the hospital before he was booked. Keep it real, G.
The LV Sun is reporting that Judge Hottie filed for divorce from Ed "Puppy Strangler" Miley on November 13 citing "incompatibility." The pictures on the right of the Sun's story will give you a little hint as to what that "incompatibility" was. We have conflicting information, however, because one of our commenters reported the following on November 22nd:
Was out this weekend and saw Randy and Stefany Miley. Apparently he is out of rehab. They were holding hands, kissing - lovy dovey stuff. So it looks like she has no backbone and is taking him back.Sing it with us: Tale as old as time ...
State Senate Majority Leader Steven Horsford pulled a "Libo" outside the Aviary Park in North Las Vegas and got busted by Channel 13. Here's Horsford's explanation:
I apologize for any inconvenience I may have caused in inadvertently parking in an unauthorized parking space.
Inadvertently? Yeah, right. See the full story to get a feel for how big of a pussy the Senator is being over fessing up to his mistake.
Finally, Nevada Appeal is running an AP story that confirms U.S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has interviewed both Clark County District Judge Elissa Cadish and Clark County Chief Deputy District Attorney Gloria Navarro to fill the open Sandoval/Jones U.S. District Court seat.
Las Vegas attorney Kathy England said Reid's consideration of the women is in line with President Barrack Obama's emphasis on diversifying the federal bench. Okeydokey. No more penises ... got it.
Looks like we have our short list, Cadish said she expects a decision "relatively quickly."