Thursday, February 25, 2010

Congratulations February Examinees!

Phew! It's over!

Well, sort of ... you have to wait until April May to find out if it's really over. Congratulations to those of you who made it through the exam, best of luck!

So, how did it go? Did anything interesting happen during the exam? What subjects were tested? If you took the exam this week, please leave us a comment. We want to hear all about it!


  1. Day 1

    Professional Responsibility
    Secured Transactions
    Property/Remedies (cross-over)

    Day 3

    Civil Procedure
    Criminal Procedure

  2. There was no property, con law, or contracts question. Very weird.

  3. Uhhhh...there definitely was a property question. Re: life estates and unmarketable title. Day 1...right after lunch and before the MPT.

    I'm so glad I spent the bulk of my time studying easements and recording statutes.

  4. Thinks 2:23 doesn't get it.

  5. Who cares what the essay subjects were, most of you now get to defend slip and falls before Vega & Walsh...suckers.

  6. I have fond memories of three happy periods in my life. One involves a summer family vacation as a kid, the other a torrid six month love affair (why didn't I marry her???). The third fond memory revolves around that six weeks or so of pure monk-like living that ended with a nice three day exam (and two days of drunkeness). Awesome. Three years of lawschool came down to three days of exams. I wondered: am I wheat, or am I chaff?

    Good times indeed. Don't worry kiddies, you will look back with a smile one day. Go have a drink, or go snowboarding or whatever.

  7. Don't worry when you see someone post what he or she thought the essay subjects were and you say to yourself "What?!? I didn't see a [fill in the blank] question!!" I have several of those and I passed.

  8. Anyone remember the golf course question from February 2006? The course issued firearms to players because the course had a rodent problem (something like that, anyway). A cornucopia of tortious high-jinks soon followed...

    Great question.

    Also on that exam, several people completely missed the the thrust of the Con Law question and others violated Rules #1 and #2 of the MPT: follow the instructions and finish the file.

    By the time I got to property, I just wrote "you have w, so if the law would favor x, then y, but if it not then it's z" several times.

  9. Anon 4:15, I, too, have fond memories of the few weeks of cramming before the bar exam, even though it was almost three decades ago.

    All I did, all day long, was cram, with breaks to ride my bike and to try (unsuccesfully) to pick up the hot chick working the register at the convenience store around the corner from my apartment.

    Ah, good times.

  10. what is it about the blissful nature of spending 6-8 weeks wasting time studying for the bar? I played a ton of golf, drank a lot of beer and went to Mexico on vacation. Missed about 1/3 of BarBri and crammed for 8 days before the test.

    I still think of it as the last great freedom in my life before becoming a slave to the almighty dollar, while trying to stave off the boredom that comes with a career chained to a desk.

    welcome to the most noble profession meat.

  11. How many who took the exam were from Boyd? How many who took the exam have jobs? What is your starting salary (also type of firm)?

  12. Definitely was a property question...can't think of anything else it would have been to Alice for life, then to her eldest living son. LOVELY!

    And what was up with that torts question? What ever happened to negligence or assault and battery

  13. The "wills" question was a wills, trusts and community property crossover.
