Friday, February 19, 2010

Friday Open Thread

It's baaaaaaaaaaack!

Happy Friday everyone! What's the latest?


  1. If you practice in a particular area of law, who is the best opponent you've ever had in terms of ethics and competence?

    I'm a 10-year BV-rated insurance defense lawyer - I've been most impressed by Bill Brenske.

  2. I'm a BIG fan of Mr. T. Fox - destined from birth to be a sly opponent.

  3. Come on! Someone tries to start a real discussion and 8:29 has to immediately ruin the possibility with another Troy Fox comment. Look, I know T. Fox is da bomb, but 8:29 has never been outfoxed by the man.

  4. For pure trial technical skill, Robert Eglet is the best I've been against. But he is as unpleasant as they come and pays absolutely no heed to his duty of honesty and candor where judges and opposing counsel are concerned.

  5. Don Campbell. He can be hard charging, but he's ethical and honest. And, at the end of the day, he's a gracious man. Bob Eglet doesn't come close when it comes to technical skill. The Bobs - Eglet and Vannah - are primarily bullies.

  6. Are there any ethical attorneys left? I must have missed them spending all my time in CD.

  7. There were never ethical lawyers, only friendly lawyers, and now those are gone.

  8. It is always a pleasure to work against John Peter Lee's office. Ethical and competent.

    But seriously, I think David Rivers is great to go up against. He doesn't get hung up on the little things and has always been easy to work with.

  9. 10:05: bite me. Don't click the link.

    I think Justice K. "Hottie" Pickering was awesome. When she beat me, it was almost a erotic dom experience. Ohhhh, to be dominated by a woman!

  10. Please delete 10:05 AM's link. It is totally NSFW.

  11. Bradley, Drendel and Jeanney, Mike Koening and Keith Galliher.

  12. I was in court this week and saw Brenske oppose an MSJ from a product manufacturer on a case where a baby got breast milk in an IV causing brain damage. Was very impressed with his presentation, although he would have benefitted from having more statistics handy about the deaths he referred to.

  13. The problem is that it is hard to be an ethical attorney in a town where discovery rules are for suckers and judges cannot grasp legal arguments - or at least choose to disregard them.

    Play by the rules and get fucked. Break the rules and drive a nice car from your nice home to your nice office. Sigh

  14. Keach and Murdoch. I have never seen Plaintiffs lawyers work that hard (and give me so many billables). Every day a new PMK or a new set of Requests to produce. Fun too.

  15. Agree on Mike Koening

  16. Difficult to disagree with 12:11 PM. I'd betNoel Gage's house is nicer than anyone's who is reading this.

  17. Hit men make a lot of money too. If money is what you're after, you should be a banker or start a manufacturing plant in China, or do some other soulless work. Being a successful attorney should not require a race to the bottom. It’s a lack of regulation and a lack of spines in those who sit the bench. Crazy juries don’t help.

  18. Don Campbell???? Is that you Colby?

  19. I was there for Brenske's breast milk argument too and I agree with the statistical dearth. It should be enough to get his client past summary judgment but I don't know how that case is going to hold up in trial. I liked defense counsel's "power drill" defense, which I believe the jury is going to eat right up.

  20. Agree with Keith Galliher.

  21. I'm a Family Law attorney, so trying to get ethics and competence in the same attorney can be challenging. I would say the attorney who practices Family Law and is both ethical and highly competent would be Bob Dickerson.

  22. Mark Gentile great lawyer and guy

  23. 849
    Eglet learned everything along those lines from Randy Mainor (RIP)

    Jeff Albregts is easy to work against, pleasant and professional from the civil commercial lit side.

    Family law--Rebecca Miller. Hands down. Piece of cake to work with and isnt obnoxious in her advocacy of her client's interests.

  24. "Jeff Albregts is easy to work against, pleasant and professional from the civil commercial lit side."

    What?!? You must have caught him on one of his good days.

  25. I'm a plaintiff lawyer, and I would agree with Mark Gentile. Cool guy, and doesn't take his work personally. Also really funny and cusses like a sailor.

  26. Matt Wolfe from Olson, Cannon, Gormley & Desruisseaux is the best attorney I've ever seen.

  27. 9:57 Randy Mainor was at least pleasant and polite and a decent man outside the court room - Eglet's unpleasant and nasty all teh time.

  28. Las Vegas personal injury attorney Noel Gage is scheduled to plead guilty this afternoon in connection with accusations that he and medical consultant Howard Awand conspired to cheat clients, Nevada U.S. Attorney's office spokeswoman Natalie Collins said this morning.
