Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Good Luck February Examinees!

That time is again upon us ... time to further flood the market with another round of attorneys.

Good luck to all of you early-graduates, out-of-staters and umpteenth-time takers from your friends at WWL.

Feel free to use the comments of this thread to taunt offer encouragement to our fragile, soon-to-be colleagues.


  1. If Troy Fox can do it, so can you.

  2. How many of our sitting judges enjoyed the Nevada Bar Exam so much they took it more than once?

  3. Noel Gage to Plead Guilty this afternoon!!!!

  4. If you walk out of the Bar Exam after three days and say either "I nailed that" or "That wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be" then you are in trouble. If you feel like there is no chance you passed, then you probably did fine.

  5. Noel Gage to enter plea--RJ 1:57

  6. 1:23: No true. i said both statements after both the CA and NV bars. Albiet, saying after the NV bar while I was walking through the rows of slot machines at the casino in which we took the bar was a far more surreal experience.

    If you are confident that nothing surprised you on the exam, then you likely did fine. Now, if you had no f***ing idea what secured transactions or commercial paper were...then you probably still passed.

  7. Will Gage testify about the other Big Bear attendees?

  8. So Gage is pleading. What about Awand? Plea? Trial vacated or continued?

  9. Fully agree with 2:26 PM.
    I knew I passed as soon as I took the bar, and I did pass.
    Bar exams are not like law school exams. Having taken any kind of bar prep course, you should know exactly what the exam is looking for.
    In fact, even if the bar exam is like a law school exam, you should know by now how to take a law school exam. If you don't, well, you don't quite deserve to pass the bar now do you?
    But then again, how many of us who passed actually deserve our license? How else do we have such a hilarious blog to read about . . .

  10. Where is the exam being held and what time did it start?

  11. To answer your questions, no, Johnny, Gage has no knowledge of other law firms. Why would he? Awand is pleading guilty to misprison of felony. Just like Kabins. So, just like Kabins, no jail time, probation. Cannot vote or have a gun. I doubt he really cares about a country which is this screwed up, so you folks can do the voting for him. He has no $$, so it doesn't matter about restitution. Nice use of our tax dollars. $5 million later, and this is it. Why would Awand cooperate with the feds. I am sure he hates them. Are you kids that naive, or just young and dumb? However, Melonie Simon should erect a monument to her friends at the US Attorneys office. They got her about $6 million dollars on a medical malpractice case. I wish I could threaten people with 20 years in prison on a med malpractice case. I bet I could get even better settlements than that. Not bad, no attorneys fees, and no taxes. Where are you "tort reformers" now??

  12. After the exam I had the most wonderfully expressive experience with a buxom hebrew girl of almost infinite enthusiasm. Ah, a night to remember. My goodness, that was sooooo long ago.
