Friday, February 26, 2010

Friday Open Thread

Happy Friday everyone!

The floor is yours ...


  1. Looks like Bailey Kennedy beat Harrison Kemp to the punch on this one:

  2. Dennis has become an asshatting douchebag in old age. I predict he croaks before any $$$ ever comes of it.

  3. Kennedy now charges $1100 an hour and associates at Bailey Kennedy got 30k+ bonuses...

  4. I cannot find the story you are talking about, do you mind elaborating? It sounded interesting. Thanks.

  5. the part i have not figured out is how to get those "clients" on board for a first to the courthouse lawsuit like Toyota. I know, it means i actually have ethics and morals, but damn it would be nice to be first in on an AIG, Toyota, MGM class action lawsuit.

    Do these attorneys have precast plaintiffs, like Milberg Weiss, or are they that well contected and funded that when news breaks on an alleged mass wrong that they have clients rushing to the phone to call for counsel?

    just curious if anyone has any information about this practice.

  6. @10:21 How hard is it to find a Toyota owner? Way harder than finding a valid cause of action against a seller of vehicles for breach of a promise of alleged future resale value.

  7. There is a spectacular trial going on right now in Judge Delaney's courtroom. David Fassett and Dennis Prince are Counsel for Plaintiff and Bruce Alverson is counsel for Defense. I think Alverson is getting destroyed and making stupid mistakes. Seems Like Fassett and Prince and too much for him and his mormon mafia to handle.

  8. Where is Delaney's courtroom? I thought they put her in Phoenix building, under the leaky pipe.

  9. It's interesting that Dennis Kennedy can charge that much and still be so miserable all the time. If I could get away charging that much, you can be sure I would be smiling a whole lot. Even Sam Lionel is like a happy camper compared to DK.

    DK could learn from Glen Lerner. Glen is a happy man.

  10. Delaney is in the Phoenix building on the 11th floor.

  11. what is going on with the state bar office? has anyone seen the new lobby? what happened to it?

  12. WTH is going on with Summons and wiznet? I'm filing cases and it's a) not giving case numbers, even after weeks; b) not providing return copies of the Summons.

  13. you have to physically send a hard copy of the summons you would like issued over to the court clerk so they can issue it.

    They won't e-issue summons.

  14. Yo 1:54! He's happy because he's ignorant. But he's really a miserable f--k too because people like that hate that others make more than they do and don't suck at being a lawyer.

  15. Nah, I've watched most of the trial 12:07 is talking about. Fassett looks like a bumbling moron. Bruce looks like a class act in the courtroom.

  16. You are nuts! Fassett and Prince are amazing. I have been watching the entire trial. Bruce has made mistake after mistake after mistake and Fassett and Prince have been ripping Alverson apart. Alverson is going senile.

  17. 12:07 and 11:01

    Mr. Fassett, I presume?

  18. Nope try again. I seriously doubt Mr. Fassett looks at or cares about this website. I'm sure 9:43 works at ATMS. Might be Bruce Alverson's cold and evil henchman Karie Wilson. Or, better yet, maybe it's someone from the Taylor family.

  19. Bruce Alverson has to be one of the biggest pricks alive. Cold, heartless prick.

    Sadly none of his (partners er, uh, I mean senior associates) have the spine to stand up to him.

    Whoever is watching the trial, please post updates. I'd love to hear that he got his ass handed to him.

    BTW -- @ 10:20, very true about Karie -- she's cold, evil, and heartless just like Bruce.

    Finally, I have a general question for everyone:

    Is Jack Bernstein gay or just really feminine? Man, he's a douche. His commercials are ridiculous. Is his arm broken? Every time he points at the camera his arm is all jacked up.

  20. Jack Bernstein gay? Glen Lerner is heard to spend a lot of time with him so hope not. Maybe Glen's been hitting him heavily. Yuck! I must be bored to be on this blog during my mani-pedi. :) Glen Lerner with anyone is disgusting. He looks like a primate.

  21. What's with all the gay jokes

  22. Want to know when this blog was fun? Back when the link to the sitemeter was at the bottom of the page.

    Back when anyone could click on that sitemeter and see the location of the anonymous commenters. And the ISP.

    Back when I could see the latitude and longitude of where they were commenting from.

    So on a Saturday or a Sunday (or a slow Wednesday, even), when the traffic was slow, I could actually find out the street the "anonymous" commenter lived on. Then the assessor's office would give me names.

    I miss that.

  23. @ 8:21 PM -

    Nice try, Asshat ... not even remotely true.

  24. People. Go find yourselves a blog with a green and white "sitemeter" link on it. Easy task. Find one that's connected to the blog stats (the way WWL used to be). Click on it. Left hand column. "Details". See latitude? See longitude? Google the numbers.

    See ISP? Sometimes, see your firm name in place of the ISP?

    Yes, the sitemeter on WWL is no longer visible to readers. Now only the blog administrators have access to it. Way more fun back in the day. Those blog administrators are still having fun.

    Still think you're anonymous?

  25. I manage the IT at my firm (This because I am the one attorney who actually knows what an IP address is) and I know when my IP is traced as per 8:31/3:39's comments, it directs you to the street address/building of my internet service provider, not to my firm.

    Close only counts in horseshoes, hand-grenades, and nuclear weapons.

  26. Update on the trial in Delaney's courtroom. Bruce Alverson is grabbing at straws. He's putting doctors on the stand and its unclear what he's trying to use those doctors for. What is clear is that Prince is turning every witness called by Alverson in favor of the Plaintiff. Looks like Alverson is poorly prepared for his own witnesses. He's trying to get the jury on his side by laughing and making jokes. Hey, if you can't think of any solid arguments in your client's favor then just crack some jokes.

  27. @ 8:31/3:39

    Good thing I live in an apartment complex and steal my neighbor's internet.

    But if it makes you feel any better, the next time I see Bruce Alverson, I'll tell him to his face that he's a prick.

    You see, I don't bother telling people things when it's the truth.

    P.S. @ 3:39, since it's so easy to find a site you're talking about, please provide us all with a link to "one of these sites" so that we can verify what you've claimed.

    Wait for it....
    Wait for it....
    Wait for it....

    That's what I thought... you miserable douchebag.

  28. Lazy ass 6:40 p.m.

    Yes, I did your homework for you.

    Halfway down on the right hand side - green and white sitemeter. Once you're in take a peek around. Go right ahead and click on details. And then the # before it.

    Sure you'd tell him to his face.

    And keep thinking you're all good cause you're piggybacking on your neighbor's provider.

  29. @ 7:50

    followed your instructions:

    Sitemeter shows my Internet Service Provider (Mpower, Cox, Etc.).

    Latitute/Longitude shows i'm in Las Vegas (but it puts the marker way out somewhere near redrock.

    Wow, shocker.

  30. Poor blog administrators.

    Where would your little blog BE without your anonymous commenters? They are smarter than you. They're already confirming what we both know. Nobody is anonymous.

    Have fun browsing those (now hidden) sitemeter blog stats. Everyone knows it's the first thing you look at in the morning and the last thing you look at each night.


    Not Anonymous

  31. @ 1:15 -

    Go away ... and take your little tinfoil hat with you. You clearly don't know what the hell you are talking about.

  32. @ 7:50

    See @ 9:03

    Wait for it....
    Wait for it....
    Wait for it....

    You asshatting shit there are blogs with sitemeters, that's never been disputed, but as 9:03 pointed out they give the address of the ISP like Cox, Embarq, Comcast etc.

    Please show me a sitemeter that shows the information you claim it does....wait for it....douchebag.

    Can someone please give an update on the trial in Delaney's court?

  33. Trial in Delaney's courtroom is getting hot! Delaney keeps sustaining Bruce's BS objections. It's obvious Delaney is concerned about losing campaign funding and support from the big firm Alverson Taylor. Fassett and Prince both did a fantastic job of neutralizing all of Bruce's lying witnesses. Its funny, one of the Defendant's completely recanted his deposition testimony and changed his story. Fassett ripped him to pieces.

  34. Thanks for the update. How much longer is the trial scheduled for?

  35. Closing statements are tomorrow.


    Read up. Nobody is anonymous.

  37. Who won the Delaney trial??? I have a trial coming up. She good?

  38. When a computer loads the Site Meter counter, it sends the IP address of the person browsing to Site Meter . Site Meter takes that address and does an internet command that turns it into the domain name (Reverse DNS is what it is called). But sometimes the Reverse DNS doesn't return a domain, just the computer's name. Not every IP address that is used on the internet has a domain name associated with it. If there is a domain name, then the domain name gets returned otherwise the computer's name gets returned. Sometimes, even the computer's name isn't found so Site Meter just displays the IP address of the visitor.

    Write something threatening or defamatory and the mask of anonymity can be removed. It's technologically simple to track the source of a comment;

  39. Update on the trial in Delaney's courtroom: the jury is deliberating. Some great lawyering going on. Jury went in at 4:22 - and left around 5:30 - deliberation continues at 10 am tomorrow. I think everyone who knows the Plaintiff prays the jury sees the light and awards him the compensation he deserves. Bruce Alverson continued his BS shenanigans in closing.

  40. 1:48- we just what updates on the trial everyone is talking about here not off-topic stuff about how we can trace the comment you posted anonymously right to your home and office and magically lift your fingerprints and passwords through tiny perforations in your aura or whatever. And stop making stuff up and adding it here. Tin foil asshat?

  41. 1:48 PM - Yes, that's all true. Your wife says hello; well, actually, she'd say hello, but, well, you know.


  43. Wow. That's a nice verdict. The jury really must have hated the defense.

    Great victory for the plaintiff's bar.

  44. Alverson and Wilson will laugh all the way to the bank as they bill their way through post-trial motions and the appeal. Ah, to be a defense attorney: heads I win; tails you lose.

  45. Alverson and Wilson won't be laughing when all of the carrier drops them because they lost so miserably. Plaintiff's attorney's also get Attorney's fees as they filed on offer of Judgement for $1 million that was rejected by the defense. You think the representatives of the carrier are livid or what? You think Bruce's phone is getting blown up and nasty messages are being left on his voicemail by the carrier's reps or what? You think his reputation is demolished or what? I think so.....

  46. @ 4:21

    You obviously don't understand basic math, or the way plaintiff's attorneys charge for their services. Let me help you out a little.

    $13,000,000 at 33%* = $4,333,333

    Who is laughing all the way to the bank?

    I'd much rather have a 4 million dollar fee than a few hundred thousand in billable hours.

    Also, I'm pretty sure Alverson won't be billing for the appeal after an embarrassing loss like that.

    *This is a conservative estimate of the percentage. Since it went all the way to trial, it's more likely 40%, which would be: $5,200,000 . . . again, more than whatever Alverson billed.

  47. @4:59,

    That will depend on what the carrier wanted to do. If Alverson told them to settle and they told him to try it, they will not be bothering him. Losses are expected in the insurance industry sometimes. And Alverson and Wilson both probably billed 1000 hours at $175-$200 an hour, and the post-trial motions are still coming, so I'd imagine they made between $350,000 and $400,000 on the trial. Not $5.2 million in fees, but certainly not chump change.

  48. @ 8:51

    I agree somewhat, but wouldn't you agree that the majority of time the carriers make their decisions based on the status reports you send them?

    I know the majority of my carriers base their decisions on my analysis.

    When I say settle, they settle etc. I agree that if they told him to try it and he said settle, then you're right, he'll get to continue billing etc.

    However, realistically, a carrier wouldn't tell him to try it if he was telling them it was a loser case.

    Who knows though.

    Bruce, enlighten us . . . we're curious.

    Also, what were the injuries anyway? I'm curious to know how anyone gets a $13 million verdict.

  49. $175-200 an hour? Do you think they are first-year associates? If Bruce charges less than $500 an hour, he is an idiot. First years at my firm bill over $200.

  50. @12:05 P.M.

    Do you do insurance defense work? Rarely do insurance companies pay decent money. That's why ID attorneys work such horrible hours for low salaries (and why many of them double and triple bill, especially on construction defect cases). I would be shocked if the insurance company payed more than $250 an hour, even for trial time, although I would expect there were 3 or 4 attorneys working on the case at the same time, putting in 12-hour days and billing like crazy while the trial was going on.

  51. Jack Bernstein is gay

  52. Um gyah whah da fuhk iz dis frikin stoopid blawg abow aneway
