Wow, we thought ... what could our little friend be up to? Is he donating a portion of his earnings to victims in Haiti? Is he giving time to help local families devastated by the plunging economy? Teaching free legal education classes?
We were sorely disappointed. See, Heavy Hitter has no time to pursue such endeavors, because he has much more important work to tend to. Lerner's big humanitarian effort - helping accident victims.
That's right, Lerner, the King of lawyer advertising jingles, sent out a press release to announce that he helps accident victims. The release is available here and here.
We wouldn't deny you all the pleasure of reading the ridiculous release for yourselves (we find it's better if you let your inner voice take on his Bostonian accent), but here are two of our favorite quotes:
- "Glen Lerner is the most Popular Personal Injury Lawyer in Las Vegas and has had the ability to help dozens of Las Vegas and Nevada residents in the litigation of their personal injury cases." Ohhhh ... Mr. Popular!
- "Currently, Glen Lerner & Associates are looking to work with other accident and injury victims and are encouraging those who believe they were injured or have suffered at the hands of another party to come forward and contact an associate of the firm to discuss their potential case." We like reading this one in Sally Struthers' voice.
Yeah, in case you weren't aware - the guy's an ass. Or his firm is being run by an ass (Lerner himself may have transitioned into selling beauty products). Or his PR company is full of asses, and he's an ass for hiring them. We think it's pretty shady for Lerner to be putting out these "press releases" in a time where people are actually suffering. Who knew that 4'10" Lerner could sink lower?
And we're aware that Lerner isn't the only one pulling this crap, it's just extra asinine for him to do it because of the seemingly endless radio and television advertising he already does. But the rest of you should knock it off as well - it makes all of us look bad. Just buy a billboard and try to look your angriest on it, like Libo. Or better yet, do good work and let word-of-mouth do the advertising for you.
We long for the good old days, when Lerner's hyperbole was restricted to television ads depicting him as a chubby pre-pubescent:
Bonus: (Fake?) Glen responds in the comments to our silly little blog and contests 4'10" claim. We're gonna need a picture of you barefoot next to a yard stick, friend ... and none of this.
Wow! An opinion piece with a call to action!
ReplyDeleteI like how Chris Rasmussen has gotten himself into a verbal (er...typing) altercation on the LV Sun comments page regarding the way he dresses in court.
Judging from the photo alone, I would have to agree, Mr. Rasmussen could at least put on a tie. So much for courtroom decorum.
Lerner is an ass, his staff is horrible and anyone working for him is only there for the money.....
ReplyDeleteI hate to break it to you, but 95% of all attorneys are in it for the money. Some are just better at getting it than others.
ReplyDeleteThis post sounds like it was written by a law student who still thinks he can change the world. Oh, those were the days.
Is that a photo of Lerner's wife? All the Lerner-haters are just plain jealous.
ReplyDeleteMan Rassmussun got FAT sinve I last saw him.
ReplyDeleteA point of parliamentary procedure: as a native of Boston who can control my accent, I feel compelled to mention that Lerner doesn't exactly speak with a Boston accent. He speaks more like someone trying to obscure his accent and failing miserably.
ReplyDeleteNot wearing a tie in court should be punishable by a beating with a bag of sweet Valencia oranges.
Wow, that nuyu beauty products bio made me throw up in my mouth a little.
ReplyDeleteA word of caution to the wise...Lerner is such a narcissist that I strongly suspect that his beauty line is made, in part, from his semen.
"Mr. Rasmussen could at least put on a tie"
ReplyDeleteIt's arraignment court in the basement. Nobody cares. Well, the judge doesn't care, and he's the only one who matters. But judging by his comment on the LVSun, he wasn't good enough for the public defender's office.
Lawyers in other states also use Lerner's music and green smoke, so his PR people are not that original.
ReplyDeleteone of the testimonials on the NUYU Lifestyles website is from an "-- Anonymous Man" (the only one from a male).
ReplyDeleteI'll bet anyone that "anonymous man" is none other than one Mr. Glen Lerner himself.
Anyone...Anyone...loser buys Mr. Rasmussen a tie.
Noel Gage to enter plea--RJ 1:57
ReplyDeleteRasmussen's an ass. Clients deserve attorneys who care enough to dress like attorneys while in court - even for basement arraignments. Although he's pretty well dressed compared to some of the slutty outfits worn by the female DA's.
ReplyDeleteOne of my attorneys in my office just pointed me to your silly little blog.
ReplyDeleteYes, that woman is my wife of eleven years and most of you sad little haters could only dream of having someone that looks like that. I am just curious who is the angry little fellow who writes this blog?
Where do you get this 4'10" sillyness? Moreover, I am closer to seven feet tall when I stand on my wallet!
Jealousy is such a deadly sin. You purport to know something about me when you know nothing at all. I have been so successful not just from the advertising but because we get more money for more people than anyone else. It is not quick settlements. It is filing suit and making the insurance companies pay. Go check out the Clerk's office and see who files the most suits year after. If a case warrants settlement or the client wants to settle we will settle. If we do not believe the insurance company is treating our clients fair we file.
Just in the last decade we have dozens of cases either through settlement or verdict in excess of a million dollars.
I am happy to have you gossip all you want about me. That lets me know how successful I have been. I would just hope that once in a while you said something true.
A million-dollar settlement isn't much if the case is worth ten. If that's really you Glen, you're pathetic. Money money money, hot hot hot, etc.
ReplyDeleteFact: you make lawyers look bad (try showing up for your next murder trial, huh?)
And get over yourself.
Lerner's wife walks up to the bar. The bartender asks her "why the long face?"
ReplyDeleteWell, Glen, it's certainly true that you have several reprimands from the state bar for your ethically challenged behaviors.
ReplyDeleteFor what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Mark 8:36.
You think Glen is bad, check these ads out. I particularly like the virtual rapper:
Poor Glen. Don't worry, greatness has always had its enemies and always will.
ReplyDeleteGlen, beauty is on the inside.
ReplyDeleteThat's the same place where the Karate Man bruises.
I knew Glenn Lerner years ago before he advertised heavily and got to where he is. He was a real
ReplyDeletegym rat and was even a competitive body builder. And know he is not 4'10" but actually about 5'8" and looks big because he works out.
If you happened to follow the story about the case with Judge Leavit you would know that he moved for a continuance. Before that he was just helping out a client who happened to have a murder rap. The client was not harmed and once the Judge knew all the facts Lerner got a "pass". A lot of lawyers don't like advertising but it is a fact of life and here to stay.
Remeber his Drive-Thru-Divorce window at his office on Charleston?
ReplyDeleteAs a personal injury practitioner, let me quote a recent letter received from a client: "The settlement you got me allowed me to get out of an abusive relationship, it allowed me to put a down payment on a house of my own, and to set up college funds for my three children. You will never know how you have changed my life."
ReplyDeleteIts not all about the money - you arrogant, deceitful, hypocritical, corporate and commercial litigation whores! Your firms are the ones that are "all about the money." Just take a look at the fraudulent billing ledger you turned in yesterday (maybe you'll lie your way into a $500 dollar bonus this month by saying you billed 200 hours when you really did about 120). Did that letter your secretary drafted for you really take .5 hours?! You are the joke. Lerner has done what you only dream about doing, but don't have the guts or the ability. He and the lawyers who work for him do more for their clients on a daily basis than you'll ever do for the corporate pigs you call clients.
I can verify Glen has married well. Not 1% of you will marry as well.
ReplyDelete11:04 PM - Mrs. Heavy Hitter
ReplyDeleteIsn't the goal of a PI/tort action to "make the victim whole again"?
ReplyDeleteSounds like 11:02 might have done more than make her client whole again, by providing her client with the ability to buy a house and save for her children's college education.
PI attorneys get a bad rap in my book not because of the people they help who truly need it, but because of the people they overhelp by securing a windfall that the client would never otherwise be entitled to.
11:04 PM - Amen. Glen is an American Hero. He got the dough. He got the gal. He helps the downtrodden. Seriously, most you posters are just envious. Don't spit on greatness; bow to it.
ReplyDeleteMrs. Lerner you may be, grammarian you are not. While "not 1%" will marry as well, perhaps 99% will.
Best thread ever since Wild Wild Law started. If 3:13 is Lerner, and there are grammatical errors and spelling atrocities that might point to that, then standing on your wallet might make you that tall if you carry those Bar Complaints and Reprimands in them. You are Satan's progeny if your arrogance rises to levels which have you turn up your nose to everyone for the thought that money makes you "holy." Lerner for sure thinks that. Assuming that everyone that posts here has less money than you? You might want to reconsider that heavily. @ 3:49 p.m.- you said it right. And the meek shall inherit the Earth and Lerner shall inherit wrath for all the wrongdoing and deceit. Mario Lino says "Hi"
ReplyDeleteFor all posters who have put such negative comments I ask you to to look in the mirror and ask yourself... why is it I am angry that Mr. Lerner makes so much money? Why is it making someone whole can mean they received too much money yet I must bash Mr. Lerner because he doesn't get some clients enough money? Why is it I must make comments about his horrible staff based on only one isolated experience or worse yet, second hand statements made by an unsatisfied client, and why is it I feel the need to waste my time during a long day to point out flaws in someones accent. These and other comments posted nothing short of absurd. Making someone whole is obviated if they make too much money. That is just absurd. For those that work against his firm, any comments made are certainly rought with the distain they have for usually being on the losing side of the argument. After all, who wants to go to work everyday knowing they are usually going to lose.
When someone reaches the level of public recognition such as Mr. Lerner there will always be people who will hate, disparage, libel, and monger seemingly irrational thoughts about such an individual for no apparent rational reason.
Mr. Lerner's practice changes lives. He provides a service to many clients most of you use as pawns against him, but would decline to represent had they walked through your doors. His business practice provides revenue to the courts and provides the mainstay of revenue for many local defense firms. His staff are hard working and while they may sometimes fail to reach the high bar for some clients, the vast majority are content with the result.
I dare ask you what each individual negative poster has done to match this. Have you made your insurance carrier a larger profit today because you achieved a lower settlement? Has the originator of this blog somehow aided a client from this post? I think not. Unfortunately, this type of blog will continue for what it is... nothing other than non newsworthy sensationalism where angry people will post angry and defaming comments about Mr. Lerner and other local attorneys for no other reason than to bash someone in a sick measure to make that person feel better about their own failures.
Boo Hoo 7:25.
ReplyDeleteYour stump speech is the most horrible bunch of drivel I have read or heard in weeks. You could run for office with that unintelligible turd nugget.
12:16 PM - Hater.
ReplyDeleteBtw, has anyone noticed Glen is better looking than most attorneys in town? This might help explain the hate for him. He's good looking, rich, buff, successful, well-known and has a ridiculously hot wife. Sheesh, what's not to hate?
ReplyDeleteHe is handsome!
DeleteYes he is handsome! :)
DeleteBeing better looking than most attorneys in town doesn't necessarily say very much...
ReplyDelete7:25, most of us have had first-hand dealings with him over the years and we're not all defense attorneys somehow 'jealous' of the wealth. Failures? When a lawyer fails in his representation of someone through direct representation or through delegation of cases to litigation staff and attorneys, they don't usually reach the magnitude of malfeasance that Lerner has mastered which has affected a good number of Las Vegans in devastating fashion. Find some insiders and ask them. Some of his current attorneys, staff, like to get drunk and spill their guts about his antics sadly enough, and I heard that from a judicial insider. We're supposed to do a good job for our clients. Some just don't give a shit even if it is a murder trial.
ReplyDeleteI concur! Have some insomnia apparently cuz I'm here at Wild so late at night. And Hello?? Glen Lerner is good looking? Have you seen him in person? Take a look at some of his pics. Are you kidding? The missing link is walking among us. Someone call National Geographic!
ReplyDeleteWere not "spilling our guts" you douchebag! We're telling war stories about the most humorous and brilliant legal mind of our time!
ReplyDelete3:55 why do you sound like an angry little Cartman from South Park? Clearly you are a certified loser if you think dah Heavy Hittah is brilliant. Paul Powell made him what he is.
ReplyDelete2:45 PM - or Lerner made Powell what he is.
ReplyDeleteI have to disagree. It wasn't Powell that made Lerner. A speech impediment, a deep sense and knowledge of inadequacy, and short man syndrome is what made Lerner. I think someone here also said steroids. Don't know about that but wouldn't surprise me. Ed Bernstein effin' rules. Oh and Kutner's a better guy than Lerner too. You don't want to punch him in his face every time you see him. Go back to Philly or Beantown or the trailer park wherever you came from. Practicing law here was somewhat noble until Lerner brought his filth here.
ReplyDelete12:11 am - the mere sight of the hymie brothers makes me want to puke. Glen rules.
ReplyDelete"Hymie brothers?" U R A DICK. Glen rules nothing.
ReplyDeleteAll you hater will love this tidbit of info.
ReplyDeleteMr. Money Bag's is actaully getting foreclosed on.
Public Notice. January 11, 2010.
He goes and purchases a home in March 2010 and then lets his current home go into foreclosure.
What a LOSER!
You should go by facts and your personal experiences with glen and or his associates. I am sure none of you know them personally...so why judge him? We are all human and we can not judge each other. Glen and associates work hard and deserve their earnings. Even though most of us are going through tough times, we cannot get angry with the wealthy...we need to pray (:
ReplyDeleteI don't have a dog in this fight, other than also being a victim of crap made up about me by anonymous online entities, but for whatever it's worth...
ReplyDeleteI'm 5'10". I saw Mr. Lerner in person a couple years ago and he was at least my height, if not an inch or two taller.
This now begs the question: What else have you said about him that you completely pulled out of your... thin air?