Thursday, February 4, 2010

The Letter to the Judicial Candidates

I saw the comment on my post earlier and, honestly, I didn't think anyone would be interested in the letter. So, for those who are interested, here it is. These are the final questions. No, we won't be making any changes. I ran these by the editorial board a while back. The goal is to keep it simple and get some basic information. The questions are based on your comments. Many of the comments seem to say, why is this person running or I am more qualified than X. So that's what I'm going for. And I wanted to ask a fun question. This isn't the RJ. And apparently, when I drafted this late last night, I wanted to include some run-on sentences in the bullets. Here is the letter:

Dear Judicial Candidates,

I am a writer for Wild Wild Law, Clark County's local legal blog. Because we do not accept advertisements, many people are not aware of how large our audience is. On any given day, we range from hundreds to thousands of page views, depending on what's happening in the legal world. As judicial candidates, exposure on the site allows you to reach a targeted group of viewers who are specifically interested in the legal arena in Clark County.

One of the topics that generates the most interest is the Clark County judiciary. During the last election cycle, we referred our readers to other sites, like the Review Journal, to obtain specifics about the judges. Based on the comments we've seen, I'd like to offer all of the judicial candidates a chance to answer a brief interview. If you decline to answer or if we receive no response, we will simply state that we have not received a response when your department is posted. If you do answer, we will post your answers on the site in the following manner:

  • I request that you answer by February 21 to be included in the first round of answers. If you answer later than that, it is fine, I will still post your responses, it may not be with your original opponents.
  • I will post races that will be facing a primary election prior to those races with just two candidates
  • I have sent emails only to those candidates who have listed emails on their Candidate Filing forms with the Election Department. If there is a candidate who did not receive this email who would like to participate, please email me at ewoodsesq [at] gmail [dot] com.
  • If you would like to send a photo to post with your response, attach it to your response. You may also provide a link to your campaign site.
  • There will be no editorial content added to my posts with your answers. The candidate responses for each department will be listed in alphabetical order.
  • I will not spell check or grammar check. I recommend doing that. The comments will be open and our readers are a persnickety bunch.
  • I repeat - the comments will be open. If you choose, the day your interview is posted, you are welcome to post responses to any reader questions or comments. I will do my best to advise everyone at least 24 hours in advance prior to the posting of their Department's responses.
Questions for non-judges:

1. Why do you want to be a judge?
2. Why are you qualified to be a judge?
3. Do you read Wild Wild Law? If so, what do you think of the site?

Questions for incumbents:
1. Why should people re-elect you?
2. What you have achieved while in office?
3. Do you read Wild Wild Law? If so, what do you think of the site?

Thank you for your time. Good luck with your campaigns. I look forward to hearing from you.



  1. I have helped manage the public communications strategies of several political campaigns, and it is my opinion that your question #3 to the candidates is problematic. The inclusion of this question can only be interpreted as an attempt to solicit ass kissing for the website. For a candidate, there is no upside to answering this type of question.

    I would strongly suggest deleting the self promoting questions in the future. The fact that they answer at all should serve as your needed ego boost about the relevance of this website.

  2. Easy 5:07, you sitting here being the first to post at 5:07 AM leads me to believe that this is one of the first websites you go on in the morning which is giving Elle an ego boost about the relevance of this website... Thanks for your input anyway though.

  3. @5:07 - I was not looking for ass kissing. I am looking for honesty. My hope was that if they have never seen the site, that they would say so. If they think our topics are shameful, they'd say it.

    Like I said in the intro, that question was meant to be fun. Not a self-serving ego boost. You see, we blog anonymously, in between billing hours, and we don't make a cent off of this website. I don't see how this is an ego boost. WWL is a guilty pleasure site for a lot of people. And I thought it would be add a dash of fun. Perhaps I should have gone with my backup and asked what sort of super power they would want.

    I guess I was being naive in hoping that our candidates would be honest and not feel like they have to kiss our ass on the "fun" question.

  4. With all due respect to this blog, why would anyone running for office even bother answering your questions? This isn't the RJ that has the ability to reach voters. Most of the people that read this already are in the "know" and anything the candidate writes won't persuade them to change their vote. If I was running for office, I'd ignore your e-mail.

  5. I take offense that Wild Law Blog is "Clark County's local legal blog."

    No need for us in Northern Nevada to read it then. Little redeeming value, nothing but pansies bitching about their lack of bonus or some dork named Troy.

    But...if the esteem Ms. Woods would acknowledge that Clarks' betters do reside north of Tonopah and Clark attorneys quake with fear when a Reno attorney is actually willing to take the 6am SW flight to make a court hearing in Clark (unlike the "call-ins" done by LV attorneys); if the Big Eagle would admit that high malpractice premiums are not the only thing making Clark a terrible place to practice;if the blog would spend a little time gossiping about the cow counties (Wagner-Stermitz kerfuffle)....

    then I'll return to wasting time reading this blog. Until then...if Allf is the best joke of the day, then Clark deserves the bench it gets.

  6. How dare you Yanks up north speak ill of Troy Fox!

  7. I have never quite understood the hatred the North has for Las Vegas. It is not mutual. Mostly, we don't care. It reminds me of a petty high school rivalry. Grow up Reno.

  8. Probably has to do with all the $$$ that is wasted down south by the legislature and Congress; or all the crazy scandels from LV that make NV look like idiots (think your chubby ex-rodeo clown; or it might just be that all the really good places to go in eat and party in LV are full of stinking LA folks and real Nevadans get pushed to the back of the line.

    or...11:26 is out to lunch. Seems a little unstable...probably a paralegal or secretary.

  9. agree with 1:12.

    Northern Nevada is always pushing this "North-South" agenda. But Las Vegas, Clark County, and the "South" don't really seem to care.

    If anyone should be upset, it's Mesquite, Laughlin, Pahrump, and the rest of Clark and Nye Counties, which always seem to get bunched with Las Vegas regarding this "South" label, when, quite honestly, we probably have more in common with northern Nevada.

  10. I forgot Reno was in Nevada.

  11. 3:38

    Reno is in Nevada??????????

  12. When it is election time, everyone I know comes to me with their sample ballots and asks me who to vote for. I know a lot of the district court candidates that I have opposed. Other names are certainly new. I personally don't know a lot of family law candidates. Getting the personal endorsement of one lawyer who tells their friends and family can mean a lot of votes. This is a very targeted market. That's why I hope we will receive responses. (I have already received one.)

    As for the Clark County remark, that's sort of in the sidebar of the blog. It says: Wild Wild Law is a tabloid blog publishing information about Nevada law, judges, jurisprudence, and legal jobs (focusing on Las Vegas) obtained via word of mouth, e-mail, and traditional media. I like Reno. I've been there (not calling it in, although I don't like to churn fees when it isn't necessary). This is nothing against Reno. I have great respect for the litigators that I've worked with in Reno. Much of our news on the blog is focused on Clark County and Las Vegas.

    When these interviews are done, I want to interview Troy Fox. Can someone set that up?

  13. Dude, 11:26. What's with the blog of "northern agression?"

    As a former judicial candidate. I will say that I answered every questionaire I got and attended every invite to address every group I was sent.

    Once in initial work is done for the 1st questionairre, it's an easy exercise in "tweaking" to the audience and emailing it off.

    I hope they all respond so that those os that KNOW the candidates can comment and inform without repurcussions.
    Elle. You provide a service to this community that gives me a grin daily.

    Don't listen to the haters.

  14. I believe the North struggles with their growing lack of relevance and their reliance on Las Vegas tax dollars. Deal with it. Maybe therapy would help.

  15. 4:57...think maybe the "Dude" comment was your judicial downfall?

  16. 606, 457 here.
    Perhaps, though I doubt it,

    Dude. You're a tool. Get over yourself. I've probably kicked your ass in court and I bet you voted for me.

  17. 4:57 - what are you going to follow up with next, "my dad is better than your dad"?
