Friday, June 25, 2010

Friday Open Thread

Happy Friday everyone!

Word on the street is that Judge Abbatangelo got remarried last night. Congratulations to the happy couple! Here's hoping this one goes better than the last one.


  1. Let's see:

    Boyd sucks; Boyd is great
    8th Jud. Dist. Judges suck
    Eglet is great; Eglet is a criminal
    associates are under paid; associates are lazy and expendable
    The BK Court Hottie; Amber is a hottie; Miley is a hottie/idiot
    Troy Fox, blah blah blah

  2. Agrees with 10:18, this site really does suck. Used to be decent to come visit for gossip, etc., but now it's just the same old crap. I'm done with it.

  3. Walsh is an idiot and not a hottie.

    Who is this Troy Fox?

  4. Amazing, some of the Marshals are leaving before their shift ends. I've always thought the Marshals who work for the judges were such hard workers, especially based on their trim hard-body physiques.

  5. Today Awand was sentenced to 4 months in jail and has to pay $700K in restitution.

  6. Is it just me, or is Judge Wall "McLovin"

  7. Sorry, Blogger cut off the end of the link for the pic of Wall

  8. Forget it. Blogger is lame. You know what he looks like.

  9. How about Judge Cadish? If you squint just a little she looks and talks like Lisa Simpson

  10. Yes, this blog does suck if you want information regarding the movement of firms. It's turn more into a slam site (which is kind of fun).

    Seriously though, what's the state of the Las Vegas legal field? I see more postings hiring attorneys, so I'm wondering if the economy is picking up and we are close to returning to the days of 2006 and the never ending lateral movement of associates.

  11. Troy Fox & Associates is heard to be hiring aggressively.

  12. @10:18 and @10:25 - there's not exactly a lot going on lately. Chill out. Here...take a puff on this:

  13. I'm aware of several recent lateral associate moves. Seems like it's the time to strike if you're looking to jump ship. Unfortunately for recent grads, most firms want people who can hit the ground running, so you're still SOL.

  14. Can one of my esteemed colleages please explain to me how the medical mafia players can all be convicted of not reporting a felony, and at the same time, not one convicted of the felony itself(whatever that felony may be)?


  15. I agree with 5:11 - I've seen a lot of lateral moves lately. Guess the firms that hired newbies for cheap are starting to realize the time training them can be better spent.

  16. Troy Fox is a CD attorney who will be out of a job when CD goes away in a few years.

  17. Troy Fox is also a punchline for comments on this blog left by people who have no game.
