Friday, June 4, 2010

Friday Open Thread

Happy Friday Everyone!

Open wide ... it's time for your weekly dose of open thread.


  1. What the hell, I'll get this crapshoot started...

    Anyone have thoughts, opinions, stories, etc...about Assistant US Attorney Eric Johnson?
    He is teaching Professional Responsibility at Boyd this summer and I'm curious about my new prof.

  2. Who did people vote for in the primaries?

    From what I remember:
    Howard, Sturman, Kirschner (Sp?), Friedberg, Eccles, Ochoa "The 'Stache," and Marren.

  3. Toolshed. Boring. Monotonous. Have fun with that.

  4. Ditto 10:03am.

    9:52am, just keep your head low and parrot everything Johnson says on the test. Don't challenge him on anything, and you'll get by.

  5. Ah, I love the Boyd education - wrote repetition and no critical thinking. The top tier will be calling soon... I don't care how much money you throw at a school, if you perfume a pig it's still a pig. It's kind of like when Jeannie Winkler got lipo, yeah her stomach got smaller but her ass grew exponentially.

  6. Don't take shots at big girls. They need love'n too.

  7. 11:48,

    That would describe every class at every law school after 1st year. If you can figure out what the professor wants, you're most of the way to an A. Particularly when you're dealing with an adjunct professor.

  8. Hey 11:48, it's "rote" not "wrote." Maybe you need to work on your own education before talking down to Boyd grads. Also, the people who judge attorneys by where they went to law school are fools, destined to be run over in the practice of law by people they underestimated.

  9. 11:48, I think you mean "rote," wetard.

    And rhy in the well rould anyone vote for pewennial candidate Ocho-oco?

  10. 1:02, 11:48 here. I think you meant "misunderestimated."

  11. Wasn't it ocho ono that ruined the Beatles?

  12. DO NOT TAKE PR WITH JOHNSON. I made that mistake. His classes are unbelievably boring. He is terrible at explaining anything and his test was ridiculous. He gives you a bunch of questions, he tells you won't have time to answer all of them, so he says to go through and pick which ones you want to answer. I don't know how you can really curve a test like that.

  13. This Friday open dialogue was more fun when it was done in person at the Mad Dogs bar.

  14. @1:11
    Definitely the same Johnson. What you said about his exam is exactly what he said during our first class.
    Unfortunately, I have no choice because I am a part-timer in the night program and our schedule is pretty much set in stone since they don't offer many classes at night.

  15. Is Stempel still at Boyd and still teaching PR? Hopefully he is and just not in the summer/night program.

  16. 1:11/1:21

    Just be the class gunner and you'll achieve professional respect and admiration throughout the entire Nevada legal community.

  17. anyone else notice that they sit here all day and cannot for the life of them figure out if they accomplished anything productive?

    i wish people would stop coming by my door to gab about shit they could figure out themselves if the had half a brain.

    whoopppieee....bill reviews are due too.


    What does the legal community in Vegas think of the "community service" requirement for Boyd students?
    The requirement is basically that a group of 1Ls, with a supervising attorney, put on a basic legal clinic on a specific topic every week at Boyd. The students are supposed to do stuff like explain what people can expect when walking into court, teach them how to fill out court documents, etc...
    The students are expressly forbidden from giving "legal advice" since they are unlicensed 1L's.
    They do about 8 classes per semester for the community to attend. All students must partake in these classes in order to satisfy the "community service" requirement for graduation. Classes are things like; Bankruptcy, loan modification, family law, etc...
    Do other schools have a community service requirement and if so, how can that requirement be statisfied?

  19. Tony Liker has been endorsed by the mormon blog a "Gently Hew Stone" in Family court read it and weep. Ochoa has only run ONCE before in 2008 if my memory is correct.

  20. "Gently Hew Stone" looks like it's run by a real POS.
    Regardless, Ochoa runs or SEEKS APPOINTMENT almost every time an opening has come up in the 7 years I've been watching Vegas courts.

  21. DAs David Roger, Steven Owens, and Giancarlo Pesci's assholes are hurting right now - (murder conviction reversed for bad briefing)

  22. 3:51 that's the most bizarre thing I've ever heard. They have obviously no knowledge of him or his stance on things like domestic violence...

  23. Dabney has my vote, I do not want some old lady telling me her opinion on every subject.

  24. @4:18, that was a petty f'in decision from your "criminal in every neighborhood" supreme court.
    They could have done that analysis on their own (and they did) and would have reversed regardless! They used the opinion to be assholes to the DA.

  25. There's a new PI attorney taking over the market!!

  26. @3:34,

    The legal community in Nevada doesn't think about the community service requirement. Why would they?

  27. Tony Liker endorsed by the (largely conservative) Mormons? Do they know his history??

  28. 11:29, don't bite the bait. 6:34 is probably some guy named Troy Fox or the like who is trying to make sound more important than they really are.

    What I do know with concrete evidence is that my wine glass is empty and my mind not merely muddled enough to not be checking this crap at this hour on a Saturday night.

  29. Liker isn't endorsed by "the Mormons". As a church and 501c3, the church cannot endorse a political candidate. (Duh!)

    That blog is a single individual that has an opinion. Even if we disagree (or know better).

    Stupid statements like the above make me question the common sense of some posters here.

  30. fcking mormons stfu. quit trying to moralize sin city.

  31. As a Mormon I was going to just keep on moralizing, but your eloquent plea to do otherwise changed my mind.

  32. Dear seven year old,
    Ochoa has run once before in his 30 years of practice in 2008,not seven years ago. He applied for appointment once in 30 years in 2009.

    If you have ten years of practice you too can take the time to fill out the application about your law practice, ethic charges and mental health for the next judicial appointment.

    It must be noted that the State judicial selection committee selected his name twice for the open judicial seats

    For the record Mr. Ochoa ran for Governor on the Board of Governors for the State Bar of Nevada in 2009and was elected to that office by his peers.

  33. Anyone have info on the pending departures from Jones Vargas (jumping ship to Brownstein)?
