Thursday, June 24, 2010

What's Up With LoBellos and Taxes?

Charles C. LoBello (again, not that LoBello) joins Mark Lobello as the second LoBello to be indicted by a federal grand jury for tax evasion. From the LV Sun:
According to the indictment, LoBello had more than $900,000 in unreported taxable income from his law practice from 2001 to 2005. He allegedly failed to file his tax return for 2001 and filed materially false corporate and personal income tax returns for 2002 through 2005.

[U.S. Attorney Daniel] Bogden said LoBello is accused of providing incomplete income information to his tax preparer and used personal checking accounts to hide large legal fee checks.
It's official, two out of the three LoBellos licensed as attorneys in Nevada cheat on their taxes. Congratulations, Michele, for being the last LoBello standing (and for bearing an uncanny resemblance to Carmela Soprano).

Charlie is scheduled to appear in court on July 9th.

(LV Sun; Thanks, Tipsters!)


  1. First Wesley Charles C. LoBello...why can't my heroes just pay their taxes?!?!?!

  2. waiting patiently for some troll to post that taxes are unconstitutional and theft...

    Maybe the LoBello's are a sovereign nation?

  3. No, no, no, 8:33. They're not a sovereign nation. They're redeemed under the U.C.C., and thus the tax guys can't file suit unless they file suit against the defendant's legal straw man, because the government isn't a holder in due course of the defendant's name in all capital letters...

  4. I thought it was becuase they were paid in gold.

  5. it's because there's fringe on the flag.

  6. Thank you 8:33 and 9:09; you guys crack me up and I needed a good laugh. This is why I read this blog--not for the mean spirited attacks but for the truly funny.

  7. Lets be careful here. Michelle Lobello is a lobello by marriage to non-atty chris. She is a fine atty is not a tax-protesting looney like her brothers in law. I recall that charles and mark also were convinced that the world would end at midnight on 12/31/1999 They sold their homes and moved to some remote, off gris "compound" out in the boonies.

    1. You're wrong. Only mark is a tax protesting "loon." And only mark was "convinced" of the world's end on 12-31-1999. Only mark sold his home and moved to some remote compound. Charles stayed put in his home in Vegas. You can verify this all on the assessor's web page. All told, mark probably spent over $100,000 on his preparation for the end in hopes the "agency"would end with it. In my opinion, he likely wrote the lengthy replies that follow at the bottom of this thread, professing FOURTEEN years asking "that agency" for answers. Given the tenor of the replies, it would seem that whomever wrote them, the "lunacy" is as entrenched as ever.

  8. But the world is going to end on December 21, 2010 as per the Myan calendar. Didn't you see that movie?

  9. 10:14,

    It had better not. I just graduated law school, and I would really hate for all that pseudo-learning to have gone to waste.

  10. He is opposing counsel in a case of mine. Would it be a dick move to notice up a depo in the case for July 9?

  11. Her resemblance to Carmela really is uncanny. Is she a lawyer by day and movie star by night?

  12. 10:14 its December 21, 2012, not this year. And it is the Mayan calendar and I don't think the world is going to end, rather some other event - not that draconian.

  13. I know this is more of a Friday thread thing, but what's the current state of the Construction Defect bar? Is it slowing down? It would be a huge hit to the legal market if all those warm bodies were suddenly without a job.

  14. 1:30

    Hopefully you're not a CD attorney, and if you are, you better take the Florida bar and follow the masses. CD will end soon enough in Vegas and all the CD attorneys who have only done CD will be out of a job.

  15. 1:30

    Hopefully you're not a CD attorney, and if you are, you better take the Florida bar and follow the masses. CD will end soon enough in Vegas and all the CD attorneys who have only done CD will be out of a job.

  16. People were predicting the end of CD ten years ago. CD had been going strong for over 16 years. Guys like Canepa are too smart to let CD die - they'll figure something out.

  17. Let's not canonize Michelle just yet - anyone who spends that much time with John Jones has issues far more troubling than tax evasion.

  18. Wiznet sucks. Fuck the court that closes the south entrance but finds time to sign up Wiznet. Fuck you, you fucking fuckers.

  19. I rather like wiznet, and I find the north entrance to the RJC convenient for where I usually park. So, you have to stand around a little, it gives you the opportunity to get to know people you wouldn't normally meet.

  20. @7:28 a.m.

    Pollyanna, I think I just thew up a little in my mouth....

  21. How nice. . . I rather enjoy throw up in my mouth and how did you know my name was pollyanna? I thought this was supposed to be anonymous.

  22. travesty that all you all know nothing about the lobellos - one knew the law, the other apparenty just tried to get around the law ... and got nabbed fraud and evasion for a tax lawyer - pretty strong. The first guy is someone I know personally and he took every legal step available to get answers to reasonable questions from that agency for 14 years - with no response. When there is no response that you are doing anything wrong, you have every right to believe you are right. However for #2 on the hit list, for one who holds himself out as a tax lawyer - there is no explanation for that mess he's in and 5 or more years away is a long time. Maybe he and Bernie M can become friends.

  23. All very funny; you can afford to attribute every conspiracy in the books to these 2. Don't know what the issue was with brother 2, but I know brother 1 personally, and his was a position based on sound, thorough, and years long research. After all, if you communicated your position to anyone for 14 years, inviting them to tell you you're wrong, and there is no response, you'd have every right to believe your research and conclusions are correct - logical. Poke at them all you want, at least one of them had the guts to do what the years of research revealed was correct. In fact, you do the same thing every day in the cases you handle - if your adversary did not respond to a position or argument, would you not believe in the correctness of your position? Be honest, you would! The 2nd brother was a witch hunt - end of story.

  24. Wow, nice to see there are some "human beings" left out there in the world, and not just a bunch of sugar coated drones that follow that carrot and stick around every day. I know the entire family, from the "Doc" on down. Have known them all since, well, since the late '70s.

    As to LoBello 1, it is absolutely true, that for 14 years, mind you, FOURTEEN years, he filed and questioned everything and every body about the correctness and constitutional basis for any persons requirement to self attest and self assess an "income tax". He filed whatever it says you are supposed to file, whether it's a legal document or letter or statement. Very thorough. Even anal retentive to a degree. And, you can look it up yourself, it's absolutely true, you are not required, under the tax code or any other code, to pay an "income tax" based on a salary that is paid to you for working your 8 hour shift or whatever. That is not income as defined by the tax code. Look, I can't quote the scripture by verse, but he could. The fact is that you can't get a court to even listen. Find some of those tax cases. Read what the judges say...thing's like, "don't quote the constitution in my court, I don't want to hear it". Legal rules of evidence that would allow for certain types of documents or evidence to be admitted, in ANY OTHER case, but not in these types. Look, I don't want to go over all that, EDUCATE YOURSELVES, like he did. But, caveat, and I really hate, just hate to say this, don't do what he did or that's where you'll be. They will smear your character, your name, your children. Imagine what would happen if the elephant wasn't able to stick its trunk into the ocean. How would it pay for things...that, my friends is another story. Truly, it's not but a little reading, and research.

    What is fact, is that LoBello 1 did whatever he was supposed to do, did it right and did it for FOURTEEN years, jeeez, doesn't anyone see how disingenuous of the government that is? They never answered anything, not even once in all of 14 years of asking was he right.

    And, that's what he did, and that's what they did. He served his time. Paid his debt to society, and you know what? Now he can't find a job... whatever LoBello No.1 owed, he is paying back, has paid back, or will be paid back. However, because he's been convicted,he can no longer find gainful employment to provide for his family. Was it worth it "uncle" sam? to put your kin on welfare? or damn well near it? Would the government, because they didn't get their money, not have been able to pay that unemployment, or social security check? Was it worth sucking the life out of this man? Was it worth almost, and I mean, almost causing the family to divorce? And, the Gov't is still taking pot shots at this man.

    Now, I really can't speak as to what LoBello No.2 was thinking or doing. But, again, to some extent, if he was following in No 1's example, at the time, he would have thought himself justified as well, right?

    Okay, so I wrote a book. Didn't mean to, but this subject is volatile, heated, controversial etc..etc... on and on. We're being fleeced. And, just because everyone is being fleeced, and we're all being fleeced by the same entity, and just because mostly everyone chooses to keep a blind eye and deaf ear, doesn't make the fleecing right....or just....or legal. "Wake up Neo. The Matrix has you". LoL.

    1. Hmmmmm. Wonder who wrote this self -serving diatribe. Don't know for sure but I can probably guess.

  25. Michelle lobello is a bitch that I hope ends up in hell. I sure hope she goes to prison.She deserves to the ugly bitch. I am so glad that her husband went to prison.
