Friday, June 18, 2010

Friday Open Thread

Sorry for the slow week, folks. Let us know if there's a particular topic you'd like to discuss.

Otherwise, just talk amongst yourselves and we'll post when something comes across the wire.


  1. Cops shooting everybody in sight?

  2. police bad, criminals good

  3. Are there any attorneys on the 'Yep, cops killed another loser, we're fine with it' citizen's review board?

  4. I am just wondering how many people are going to make it thru the day without a drink.. I'm already gettin the sshshshshshaakes.. Hopefully its #notparkinsons.

  5. maybe one less person is's darwin's theory. sometimes i wonder how some people posting here have made it this far.

  6. I love the criminal defense attorneys who also try to be social workers. Here's some news folks: your clients could not care less about behing rehabilitated and changing their lives; they simply want you to get them out of jail, as soon as possible. Aunt Methie is waiting for them outside and they want to see her and breathe in her wondrous beauty. Right now.

  7. It hasn't made waves, but at least 12 attorneys have left Lewis Brisbois' Las Vegas office so far this year. Mostly they left on their own, with a few exceptions.

  8. Did anyone solve the mystery of the hottie at bankruptcy court? That is the most interesting thing to hit this board in a year.

  9. What is the story about the hottie in BK court?

  10. We needs pictures of the BK hottie! And yes, I spelled need with an "s" to stress the importance of the most important story on WWL this year.

  11. Was she the blonde in Reigel's courtroom this week?

  12. Paul Powell vs Powell Naqvi PC, Farhan Naqvi; case no. A566761

    Court noted there was a Settlement Conference Friday. Mr. Aurbach concurred, and stated they settled the case. Mr. Peek stated the individual parties settled .....

  13. Seriously people -- no one who reads this can give us any real info on the BK Court hottie? Or are you simply being selfish and keeping the info to yourself? Come on, show a little professional courtesy.

  14. The BK "hottie" does wear short skirts to Court but she's really not that nice to look at.

    And I won't divulge her name because she doesn't deserved to be Troy Fox'd on this crappy site.

  15. I second 2:58. There is "hot" and then there is "bankruptcy court hot." She would fall into the latter.

  16. 3:09 PM - I don't know how any woman can practice law in front of Markell and Nakagawa. Any sane woman of child bearing capacity should be overwhelmed with primal hormonal desire. With her ovaries and uterus siphoning all the energy in her body, what's left over to make a cogent legal argument?

    It's kind of what I feel as a man when Kristina Pickering (heck, even Kristina Pickering's name) is in front of me. My loins jump the line, cutting off my higher reasoning abilities.

  17. Bankruptcy geeks have taken over the blog. NERDS!!!!NERD ALERT
    Signed, Ogre

  18. 1:34 all we know from comments on another thread is that she is a blonde who wears short skirts and frequents BK court. Inquiring minds want to know.

  19. Seriously?

  20. Only TF deserves to be TF'd on this site; BK hottie has pointy elbows and a second toe that is longer than the big toe

  21. What's wrong with my pointer toe being longer than my big toe? Isn't that, like, a, like, sign of intelligence?

    Mmm, BK, my favorite venue.

  22. why don't you start a thread about each of the major firms in town. gossip. critiques of the major players. lifestyle. are there any hotties, etc.

  23. How did Leland Backus become so amazing? And he's an insurance defense guy! His nickname should be Backus the Mighty.

  24. Interesting opinion article from the New York Times. The thesis of the article is that humans can be so incompetent they do not know they are incompetent. It goes on to note that we are all stupid, but the smartest idiots know they are actually idiots. I wonder how many on this board think they are really good lawyers...

  25. I am an idiot, hands down. I am also lousy in bed and a bad driver.

    But I don't drive a mini-cooper, so all is well.

  26. 12:35 You sound like a Regular Everyday Normal Guy (NSFW lyrics)

  27. Indeed, this is me. (NSFW)

  28. speaking of bk hotties, jolley urga blonde bk hottie spotted with fellow blonde jolley urga ex-pats denise gentile and judge pomrenze at marche bacchus over the weekend. dick and bonnie bryan even stopped over to buy drinks. wonder what's going on there... haven't seen the bk hottie around (i dont think she has pointy elbows).

  29. ohhhh didja see the toe?!

  30. The BK Hotties (there is more then 1) can only be very distinct group of women either blonde or brunette, making very few appearances but defiantly catching the eye of so many shy men. Causing quite the conversation with the local blogs the question arises if the BK hotties are single? Do we even know who they are? If, so who are they? Something a few us would like to know this I am sure of.
