Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Primary Results Open Thread

As we write this, the votes are still being counted ... and it's waaaaay past our bedtime.

Check the results here in the morning and let us know your thoughts!


  1. Travis Barrick?

  2. Did anyone count how many times Angle mentioned Harry Reid in her acceptance/victory speech?

    Creepy attachment.

  3. Sharron Angle? Based on that acceptance speech, I'd say more like Share'n Anger.

  4. more mediocrity comes to Distict Court - Ron Israel???

  5. 8:35,

    It's Israel v. Howard for the seat in November. Plus Davidson v. JAWS, Gale v. Sturman, and Dabney v. Kishner.

  6. I really hope that the civil bar votes for Eccles over Gonzalez.

  7. I am pissed about this Angle woman. Now I am forced to vote for Reid. I was prepared to vote for Lowden. I am a democrat, btw.

  8. 9:41 - Of course you would have voted for Lowden as a democrat, she isn't conservative. The only ones happy about Angle are the conservatives. I don't care which party you are - Reid shouldn't have anyone's vote in November, if you feel like he's your only choice, please, don't vote.

  9. The Angle of her dangle is inversely proportional to the heat of her meat

  10. Teabaggers and Tea-tards Unite...this is gonna be one ugly election season

  11. "Teabaggers and Tea-tards Unite"

    I am neither and disappointed that Angle won. But I still won't be voting for Reid.

  12. Thanks to people like you, 9:54, it will be ugly, esp. with your anti-gay and anti-challenged slurs. You need to pick up your game. Speaking of things Gaye, only love will conquer hate.

    Angle and her backers did an effective job of portraying Lowden as a faux conservative, that's indisputable.

    Embattled Nye County DA Bob Beckett garnered a whopping 8.53% of the vote--as an incumbent.

  13. Before you all get really stupid, can someone give me a good reason not to continue to vote for Harry Reid as long as he is still breathing???

    Name the last NV President?
    Name the last NV Vice President?
    Name the last NV Speaker?
    Isn't the other sitting NV US Senator halfway to a federal criminal indictment?

    Reid has pull, power, and is the ONLY thing in DC with any NV credibility. He brings $$$ to NV. Now, I know it is specifically southern NV directed, but $$ in the door is a good thing given our Guvs stupidity.

    My 2 Reid simply because being the bottom of every national ranking doesn't lend itself to federal funding, unless your Mississippi and have back to back historic disasters or have a man at the top from your hometown.

  14. 9:41 to 9:52 - I'd take Reid any day over Angle. I will be voting. I will probably campaign for Reid and give him my hard-earned money. I'd much rather have Reid as my senator than Angle.

  15. I was going to leave a comment about how using the slur "teabagger" reveals 9:54's homoerotic desires, ignorance of politics, and general d-baggery, but then, I remembered, this is a legal blog, visited by members of a civilized profession, and I refrained.

  16. How does teabagger have anything to do with homoerotic desires, ignorance of politics, and general d-baggery? The tea-baggers are people that actually care about the USA and the constitution - sounds like attorneys in Nevada have gone off the deep end and forgot about the constitution. Scary. Sounds like the ACLU, anything they represent or stand for I know to go the opposite direction.

  17. Sarahon Pangle just bought Reid another term. There is no way she comes out of this election looking clean or competent. She can shoot a gun! Wow, that'll last a week.

  18. Jacob Hafter really screwed himself by getting all worked up and looking foolish over the healthcare lawsuit. The the thing with the state bar. Not good business. Masto will win again anyway.

  19. I don't about Reid's pull. The news portrays him as a joke in Washington. Assuming he has influence, what has he done for Nevada. He close Yucca Mountain. Although unpopular, the project would have meant jobs for thousands of Nevadans from construction workers to engineers, etc.

  20. @10:51,

    No, those descriptions would refer to members of the tea party movement. By contrast, "tea bagger" is a vulgar slur used to reference an act frequently associated with homosexuals. No one with an active knowledge of the current political movements could confuse the two, so either you used it ignorantly, or you used it deliberately, and demonstrated your d-baggery.

  21. I'm a Republican and I'm voting for Harry Reid for the exact reasons @10:37 stated. I don't agree with a lot of what he does, but there are times when I think the only reason Nevada gets attention is because of him.

  22. Tea Partiers care about the Constitution the same way the Crusaders cared about the Bible and Al Queda cares about the Qua'ran. It's a shield for stupid, irrational behavior. I doubt most of them know anything about the Constitution beyond the first and second amendments.

  23. there are more amendments?

  24. True enough, 11:17.

    And I wonder how many of the Nevada Tea Party adherants (or for that matter, Nevada Republicans who spout off about states' rights) know that the Nevada constitution includes this language:

    "But the Paramount Allegiance of every citizen is due to the Federal Government in the exercise of all its Constitutional powers as the same have been or may be defined by the Supreme Court of the United States . . ."

  25. How can you vote for Angle in good conscience defenders of the constitution? That would be unconstitutional. According to the tea-party participants the 17th amendment is an ACLU inspired erosion of our founding document. We should let the brain trust up in Carson City decide who represents us.

    After that we can abolish the department of education becuase Ben Franklin, John Adams, and Thomas Jefferson didn't really support public eduction.

    While we are at, seeing as how state's rights are paramount, let's undue the outcome of the civil war and the south can get back to the slavocracy. Nevada, as a battle born bastion of the confederacy, could join them.

  26. The Senate, like the U.S. Supreme Court, could use another woman or two.

    Just not Sharron Angle.

  27. 12:27...why???

    Pure numbers? Ok, then get that majority of women out there to vote and contribute for women candidates. No woman even filed for Governor in NV!!!

    Can't pick them if they don't have the balls to file.

    The majority of the posters here hate it because she is a powerful woman? Because she looks like a lap dog? Because she had the tenacity to fight for her seat and position repeatedly? I dunno, but I still think it has a little bit to do with the fact that most NV men want their women at home with the shotgun and the youngins.

    that is unless they make gobs of money and i can sit at the pool all day long drinking beer and fondling strippers, excuse me, erotic performers.

  28. To the RJC Practictioner, you are most likely looking at a new bench with the following roster:

    26: Gloria Sturman
    27: Nancy Allf
    28: Ron Israel
    29: Susan Scann
    30: Davidson/Wiese (too close)
    31: Phil Dabney (altho close)
    32: Rob Bare

    Correct me if I am wrong but didn't Sturman, Allf, Israel, Scann, Wiese and Dabney form some type of "slate" for these offices. Their signs looks the same style. How do you feel about "Coalition" candidates for judicial offices?

  29. @ 10:37
    Your 2 cents worth is about all Harry has brought to the state. He took credit for saving City Center when the banks couldn't let it fail because no one would buy it, and then promptly disappeared.

    O'bama, under Reid has bashed this state not once, but twice. How's that for power in Washington.

    NV got screwed out of 90 million for the rail line between here and CA from the DOT because "our paperwork was defective."

    NV was hosed out of another 30 million from the Dept. of Educ. because our I's weren't dotted and T's weren't crossed.

    Do you think Montana with thier massive voting numbers had those problems. So, before you start sounding stupid, check your facts at the door and stay home on election day. Seniority is the lamest reason to vote for a politician. Should we retain lame ass judges because they've been on the bench forever as well? Your logic is astounding.

  30. 10:37 and all Reid supporters: Nevada has a horrific economy, foreclosures through the roof, no relief in sight and our senior senator has the Presidency, House and Senate all from his party and in spite of having this overwhleming majority and therefore ability to move legislation, what in the hell is he doing GOOD for Nevada that would earn your vote? He has every ability to actual HELP Nevadans and yet we suffer and see absolutely NOTHING of help for Nevada. A turtle would earn my vote over Reid because Reid hasn't done squat to assist us at this most difficult time.

  31. some of these comments are amazing. the fact that supposed intelligent attorneys can draw direct correlations between economics, foreclosures and political offices is astounding. sit back and try to draw the line from your short sale (and your fiscal irresponsiblity) to Harry Reid. Please map this out for us so we can see wtf you're talking about.

  32. I will be voting for Reid. For those saying he hasn't done anything for Nevada, you are incredibly uninformed. Period. I don't agree with Reid on everything, but I do believe we would be doing NV an incredible disservice to vote him out.

  33. hey genius at 2:36: my point was simple - Harry is in charge. If anyone is in a position to do something, ANYTHING, he would be that person, right? And please tell me astute attorney, what the hell has he done? NOTHING. He and his pals in DC have ramped up our debt astronomically.
    If you want to talk economics let's do that too. Only a complete illiterate baffoon can believe that Harry Reid's 'economic plans' are right for Nevada and America. But, I was simply saying that he hasn't done SQUAT for Nevada and given his position, don't you think he could or should? How long do we put up with Harry doing nothing for Nevada and enabling his uselessness. Yeah, I'm confident a turtle could do A LOT better than Senator Reid.

  34. @2:36,

    It's very simple.

    Reid's supporters claim that we shouldn't vote against him because he brings money to Nevada, and gives Nevada clout in Congress. See, e.g., 10:37. Reid's detractors, on the other hand, point to many of Nevada's problems, assert that increased federal spending in Nevada, decreased spending overall, or targeted relief programs could help the situation. (For example, foreclosure aid could help Nevada, which currently has one of the highest foreclosure rates in the nation.) Since Reid hasn't delivered on any one of those three, his supporters' argument fails. He doesn't bring money to Nevada. Although he might have clout, he has yet to really use that clout to benefit Nevada, unless you consider shutting down Yucca Mountain (never mind the fact that the federal government has an obligation to dispose of the nuclear waste, and by law, Yucca Mtn. is the only site that can be considered) to be a benefit.

  35. 321 and 326 ...

    i dont know...not quite convincing. I dont agree that the political world functions as seemlessly as either of you (or others)seem to imply (or believe). and still, it's not apparent how you link A to B to C - but it's not just you. Lot's of people do it too. And i'm not saying i'm not one of those people, but at what point can we in fact draw a direct correlation in the political world.

    how much of it is timing and accidental circumstance? and how much of it is actually a cause and effect as you suggest? it's one thing to be boisterous, it's another to say something substantive. (not that i have)

  36. It never ceases to amaze me how the ability to think critically, supposedly the hallmark of a trained legal mind, disappears when discussing politics.

    Runaway federal spending is the legacy of 8 years of the Bush administration, exposing the fraud of the claims of the Republicans as the party of fiscal discipline and restraint.

    The Federal budget was actually running at a surplus when Clinton left office.

    As for foreclosure relief, do you really think that Reid can (or should) deliver some sort of foreclosure relief to Nevada that is unavailable to the citizens of the other 49 states on account of ours being one of the highest foreclosure rates in the nation?


    O.k., I'm convinced. Sharon Angle is just the person to deliver a balanced Federal budget, safe storage for nuclear waste and Nevada-specific foreclosure relief. And she'll have it done by noon on her first day in office.

    I can hardly wait to cast my ballot for her on election day.

    Ried may be imperfect, but he gives Nevada a voice at the table in D.C. If you think that Angle will win more influence for and benefit to Nevada as a freshman Senator, please put down your crack pipe before you burn yourself.

  37. Sharron Angle will win; mark my words. Voting for Harry Reid because of his position is the craziest reason I've heard yet!

  38. i would vote Troy Fox over Angle but tough against Reid.

  39. @3:21 Are you serious? Harry Reid is "in charge." Do you realize there is a difference between the federal government and the state government?? You do realize that Reid only represents NV's interests in the federal government. This person that is "in charge" would have been Gibbons. (I say that loosely as I don't believe there is anyone really "in charge.") You can't blame Reid for all NV's problems. Yeah we lost 90 million for the rail system to CA because the idiots in the state government couldn't fill out the forms correctly. What is Reid supposed to do in that situation? I agree with those that say Reid brings money and credibility to NV. We need to vote him back just on those grounds alone. We really should be more focused on the idiots we keep electing to the state government.

  40. The more important race if talking about who will provide the most support for Nevada is Reid v. Sandoval. Sandoval will win the election by a landslide. Regarding Reid v. Angle, I'm a staunch Republican who did not vote in the primaries because it would have been picking the lesser (the least?) of three evils. I think Lowden had the best chance of beating Reid, but unfortunately Republicans did not seem to think about that in choosing Angle. As much as I support the tea party and its views, I don't think they are in line with mainstream America, which will cost them elections to the dems in Nov. Angle was a poor choice and I will be very disappointed to see Reid be seated for another term.

  41. teabagging can be practiced, and has long been practiced, between heterosexuals or homosexuals. It is not exclusive to homosexuals. Seems like some of you need to get out of the house more often.

    Having said that, it is not the tea party support that turns me off from Angle. It is Angle who turns me off from Angle. She is a moron.

  42. You may agree with the Republican party and support the party, but if you cannot be depended upon to vote in the primaries to support your Republican party then you are not a 'staunch Republican'.

  43. Okay, here's a little bit of proof for you Reidites out there that need some poking in the noggin' to show you how impotent he is in Washington.

    It has been said, what connection is there between the problems in NV and the fed, or what can Reid do? Well, let's take just one little tiny example of loose checkbook spending, the recovery act spending. To date, our neighbors to the east, Idaho and Utah both have recieved more revoery act money than NV has. There are more people living in the city of LV than the whole effin' state of Utah, yet they have received more money than we have. Utah, like NV has a senior Senator. That's how pull is supposed to work, a state the size of your fair city gets more money than we do!!!! Come on, give me some facts to support your arguument because at this point, you lose!

  44. Hey genius @3;21, if you are going to call other posters illiterate, I suggest you start with yourself. The word is buffoon not baffoon.

  45. ATTN: torrentialcyclist @ 5:22 PM.

    You are entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts:

    1.) According to, the official website of the Recovery Act "twenty-eight different agencies – such as the Departments of Education; Health and Human Services; and Energy – have been allocated a portion of the $787 billion in Recovery funds. Each agency develops specific plans for how it will spend its Recovery Act funds." Therefore, the Senate and its leadership have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with the allocation of such funds.

    Furthermore, I believe that Utah and Idaho have more universities/research institutions than Nevada. These institutions apply for and receive a large chunk of the funds.

    2.) According to the same website of the Recovery Act, Utah did receive more than Nevada, $1.877 Billion to $1.487 Billion. However, Nevada received more than Idaho ($1.432 Billion).

    3.) Utah Population in July 2009: 2,784,572

    Nevada Population in July 2009:
    2,643,085 (Clark County: 1,865,746).

    ***Turn off the Glen Beck, go read an objective book and/or government website with actual facts on it, and most importantly, stop making shit up.

  46. Since when is Idaho our neighbor to the East?

  47. Dear 7:37,

    That made me laugh. Thank you.

  48. This argument a vicious circle---Tea Partiers complain about Obama and the Democrats drowning us in debt and wasteful pork spending (Recovery Act), and then they turn around and bitch about their representatives not bringing home the bacon. Harry Reid can do no right in their star-spangled eyed.

  49. @8:59,

    Please note the difference between the budget and an earmark. The budget is passed and set in stone long before any appropriations bills are enacted. Earmarks are simply Congress's way of limiting the discretion of the Executive branch. For example, instead of simply telling the USDA "You have $6.2 billion in the budget for the Forest Service, have fun, and we'll see you next year," Congress specifically directs that certain funds be used for a particular program, and nothing else.

    An increase in earmarks does not increase the budget by a single penny. Earmarks are not responsible for deficit spending.

    On a side note, can we try and get this thread up to 50 comments? Somehow I think this deserves another "I can't believe this stupid thread is still going 50 comments later."

  50. Harry Reid can do no right period.
    He is bought and paid for... unions love him because he is their play thing. Illegals love him because he could care less who comes here and uses our services (school, medical etc.) as long as money is in HIS pocket. If you think he cares about NV... think again. He could give two flipping cents about NV. It is all about power and making in the bank to him.

    I might not like who is running against him - but I will do EVERYTHING I can to help with money and time to DUMP him out of office.

    Can't wait til Nov. This will be a good election!

    BTW: Constitution? Our wonderful President already spit on the constitution. He does whatever he wants with no regard.

    I can't believe some comments on here. We went to law school to be something. To be able to earn whatever we want. With this new government, we will just be making what THEY want us to. Taxes upon taxes to pay for the ones that care not to go to school, not to work. Sorry. You should get what you pay for in life. Hardwork should be able to pay for something.

    What a world this has become.

  51. @10:27 PM


    You sir are 51.

  52. Yello Yello....Mark Levin.

  53. Does anyone have any problems with Harry Reid saying that Obama is 'light-skinned' with 'no negro dialect?' I do. Reid is a chump and needs to go. Or how about the fact that he can 'smell the tourists' at the US Capitol in the summer time? Gee Harry Reid, what a shining star for all of Nevada. I'm so proud of him. Let's vote him in for another 6 years. I still would vote for a turtle over Harry 'the Body Odor' Reid.

  54. The best point that people keep making for retaining Reid, and that the majority of the Reid-hateres are overlooking, is the fact that Ensign is not getting re-elected. Call me crazy, but having two freshman senators from a small state would be an utter disaster.

    I'm voting for Reid because he's the Senate Majority Leader. He has the clout to immediate demand the attention of the President of the United States along with the heads of every federal agency. Don't blame Reid for Gibbons failures to properly apply for federal funding. It's not about the party, it's about what's best for the state.

  55. Earth to 11:25 - first off lay off the bottle...your slurs are coming through your comment. If that is the best argument you can make for Reid, then you are conceding you have zero substantive points for reelecting Harry. Evidence in support of Harry would be nice; but all you have is the position argument. That's pathetic. Oh, he's been there forever so let's vote him in again. Really? Are you serious? That's idiotic. That's an argument from someone lacking any concept of political science, economics or ANY useful metric as Keith Overbite, Countdown to No Ratings would say. The trifecta of statists {Barry, Harry, Nancy} are leading the US down the toilet and you want to continue down that path with 6 more years of Harry. Completely pathetic and moronic and devoid of an ounce of logic. Perhaps on election day you can go shopping and avoid the polls.

  56. I am writing in Troy Fox.

  57. I can't help but to notice that those who are the most opposed to Harry are those who have been in Nevada for the shortest period of time. Only those without any historical perspective would vilify Harry for being the one to finally stop the nuclear suppository (remember Chic Hecht?)at Yucca Mountain.

    Harry is also the person responsible for establishing Great Basin National Park as Nevada's first (and only) national park. you can also thank harry for replacing the blighted Minami Hole with our new federal courthouse, and for getting the federal funds that were necessary to improve our infrastructure during or recent years of extraordinary growth. In addition, it is Harry Reid who is spearheading the efforts to put the Nevada test site to alternative uses, like solar and wind power, to keep skilled jobs in this state.

    Make no mistate: harry is a power player, and he has ALWAYS played for the benefit of his country and his state. Nevada would be a poorer place without his service, and I, for one will proudly cast my ballot for him in November.

  58. Ironically, the Tea Tards should have thanked harry for the nice highway they travelled for thier kickoff in Searchlight. Without Harry they would have been stuck on a dangerous two-lane road.

  59. 11:02, I too am a NV native, and I have watched Reid trip over himself for far too many years now. You never know what is going to come of his mouth. If he wanted to keep skilled jobs, he would not have shut down Yucca Mountain. The waste has to go somewhere, and after years of looking at different sites, Yucca was found to be the best option, and would have provided thousands of jobs. In this economy we don't need to explore possible alternatives. We need to put people to work.

  60. Harry looks out for Harry and his boys first and Nevada second. But he did assist in keeping the nuke dump out and that was a good thing.

  61. 11:02 is spot on.

    10:22: Is this the same Constitution that GW referred to as "a goddamned piece of paper?" Yeah, you're right, it's Obama that trampling the Constitution.

  62. I love it. "Obama is spitting on the constitution." How?

    On the subject of Harry Reid: Vote him out. I don't really care. I'm leaving Nevada soon anyway and I could use the $1.5 billion in earmarks Reid pulled into Nevada last year, more than all other NV reps combined, sent to other states.

    I know, I know, we can piss and moan over earmarks all day long. But do you think they're going away? So take a stand all you "pork" hawks. Vote Reid out and kiss that money goodbye.

  63. I don't know why a lot of people seem to have reservations about Angle. What's with you people? Her main issues are reduced spending, reduced government, protect our borders and stop this downward socialist spiral before we end up like our socialist allies (e.g., Greece, etc). So what if she wants to get us out of the UN. Have you been watching those creeps? They are trying to get the L.O.S.T. (Law Of the Sea Treaty) passed by our congress. LOST will give the UN total power over the sea ways and all navigable rivers in the world. It will also put them in charge of all pollution violators on those navigable rivers as well. That means that the UN will began to have jurisdiction on American soil. Isn't that just what we need? A foreign entity telling Americans what they can and cannot do. Have you people LOST it? (That was a joke for you slow ones out there.) Angle is just what we need. We cannot continue down the path that we are on. Economically speaking it is suicide for one and second it is systematically dismantling our law and our culture. Oh, wait a minute, that's what change is all about. We need to become members of the Federation. So is this just a conspiracy fomented by Startrek nurds? Sue Lowden was a ditz and i was not interested in watching Danny Tarkanian double dribbling in Washington, D.C. Our representatives have lost touch with reality, with us. Isn't it odd that since Obama took office that you hear nothing of the war in Afghanastan? Yet, June, 2010 was one of the deadliest months over there. Total media blackout. What's up with that? What's up with Obama refusing to appear at the National Prayer Vigil on Capital Hill, because he didn't want to offend anybody? However, Obama was at the Muslim prayer vigil on Capital Hill. I guess that didn't offend anybody? We need to be done with these two faced fascist change agents in our government. You people are all looking for form over substance, you just don't want to support anybody who can be ridiculed by Harry Reid. It doesn't matter who runs against him (I am sure that he is really happy that Angle won) because is going to attempt to marginalize them and make them look like a kook anyway. I have seen Reid in action. He will do ANYTHING to win. Is that somebody you want in Washington? Somebody who only represents himself. Grow up!

  64. Thank you 4:08...
    when does volume 2 of your treatese come out?
    Its called a paragraph, and its supposed to be your friend.

  65. @4:08,

    To quote a beloved Boyd dean and professor,

    "For the love of God, use a hard return!"
