There seems to be a little conflict brewing at the RJC between the marshals who man the security checkpoints and the marshals in charge of keeping the judges and courtrooms safe. Apparently, while both are paid equally, the judicial marshals get some extra perks.
In recent months, according to marshals who work for the administration, as many as a dozen of the roughly 40 marshals assigned to judges and justices of the peace have gotten into the habit of leaving well before their daily shifts end. This usually occurs after the jurists shut down their courtrooms for the day.
Maybe we can get the judicial marshals to open up the south entrance after their judges leave for the day. Win-win!
(LV Legal News; Thanks Tipster!)
Don’t you hate it when opposing counsel straight-up lies to your face? What’s the best way to deal with that?
ReplyDeleteSome of the marshals who operate the metal detectors are wannabe cops with a huge attitudes. They are far from professional and should have been fired years ago. Maybe their whining will get them canned. What a great day that would be.
ReplyDeleteI agree, especially when you are walking through the attorney line and they try to make you take your shoes off. It's almost like you have to flash your bar card to them. Even then I don't think that'll work.
@ 9:09
ReplyDeleteI've noticed that they typically only exhibit attitude toward those who offer attitude to them.
The fact that you're in the lawyer line doesn't mean a thing. Anyone in a suit can jump in that line and fit in.
I'm always friendly to them and they seem happy to reciprocate.
Can't you pay $50 and get a line pass?
ReplyDeleteOnly if you are a member of CCBA. Whiny bitches need not apply.
9:08 AM - Dude, did you just start your job this week?
ReplyDeleteThe CCBA card is an ID card that looks similar to the RJC ID cards. It just eliminates the Marshal's asking you if you are an attorney since you have the card on you.
ReplyDeleteJustice of the Peace Abbatangelo remarries
ReplyDeleteJune 28, 2010
Las Vegas Justice of the Peace Tony Abbatangelo is a busy man these days.
Not only is he running for re-election while running a busy court docket, but last Thursday he got remarried.
A spokeswoman in his office confirmed that Abbatangelo, who has been a justice of the peace since 1996, married Henderson dentist Tina Brandon.
The happy couple is said to be looking for a home this week.
And Abbatangelo looks to put behind him the well-publicized marital troubles he had with his previous wife.
What happened today at RJC - a marshall was chasing a guy through the lobby and into a courtroom on the ground floor
ReplyDelete1:35 pm = Abbatangelo
ReplyDeletep.s. we know.
"flash your bar card . . ."
ReplyDeleteThat's funny. Do you actually think that bar card is like a badge or a shield entitling you to special privileges? "Oh, he's got a bar card, step aside and let this important man through the door!"
I got news for you arrogant turds. My kids library card is more important to those security guards over there at the RJC than your bar card! The only reason they give you a card is so that you feel like you got your money's worth out of those yearly bar dues. That bar card and a dollar won't buy you a cup of coffee.
Me thinks 4:44 has some issues to work through.
ReplyDeleteI did see an attorney get "carded" the other day in traffic court. The alleged attorney produced a bar card, the marshal was satisfied, the alleged attorney was permitted to handle a traffic ticket.
I know, major news, and thats the way it was.
I agree 5:03
ReplyDeleteThe bar card isn't "like a badge or a shield" it's something that should get an attorney thru the line a lot quicker.
4:44, it's not arrogance, it's the fact that there is a difference between an attorney and another person standing to get thru the line, especially, when an attorney needs to make up for the time that you'll waste when people crowd you to get to front of the elevator line. If you don't think it's a problem, then stand in the non-attorney line and make way for the attorneys who want to get thru security quick.
Correct me if I'm wrong. But, I believe that Abbatangelo's new soon to be ex-wife is Lew Brandon's sister.
ReplyDeleteNot quite as connected as the daughter of Myron Leavitt and sister of D.Ct. Judge Michelle Leavitt, but at least this one brings a paycheck to the table.
That bar card does make me special. It's like my imperial scepter signifying my superiority over those filthy, stinking, peasants standing in the other line lolling about like a bunch of cattle. Thank God the attorney is far enough away so I don't have to smell them, while I wait.
ReplyDelete6:23 PM - It's funny 'cause it's true! Our clients, collectively (not mine I represent rich people), are gross!
ReplyDeleteSo nobody saw the scuffle with the marshall at RJC yesterday?
ReplyDeleteHey Marshal,
Do you have "bar card" envy?
BTW, we get "carded" all the time so you other rif-raff, and maybe Marshals, stop pretending that you spent all those years in school.
Uh oh....LU is back
ReplyDeleteI kinda missed LU...welcome back!
ReplyDeleteSubject: Breaking News: State Bar Looks to Suspend Attorney
ReplyDeleteThe Nevada State Bar has petitioned the Nevada Supreme Court to suspend Medical Mafia member Noel Gage. Gage plead guilty of obstruction of justice in February.
www.8NewsNOW.com | Now You Know
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Las Vegas, NV 89109
Legally unbound;
ReplyDeleteI'm going to give you an EXTRA special wanding tomorrow when you come through my gate. We'll find a use for your bar card you never even dreamed of.
LU - taking a breather between the primary and the general, I see.
ReplyDeleteLU - never leave again. Although that was a horrible return from WWL retirement, I'm going to let it slide as I have missed you so much.
ReplyDeleteHow in the hell does this website miss this story? The Nevada Supreme Court temporarily suspends the license of an attorney and it doesn't even make this website. Looks like he's ripped off all the Mexicans in town.
ReplyDeleteI've heard this guy is the son of some ex city/county government official. Can anyone confirm that?
I've also heard that he's currently residing in some loony bin out of state? Can anyone confirm that?
Thank's for raising the public confidence in the rest of us hard working, ethical, and honest Nevada attorneys.
Lo yonder unwashed hoard and behold as they part before the glory of my bar card. And should they not, two abreast we shall charge, deep into their howling ranks; I with my sceptor of disruption and C. Conrad Claus with his halberd + 3.
ReplyDeleteThese wanna bees are led by LT. Glasper who couldn't cut it at metro due to integrity and work ethic issues, no wonder they are a mess
ReplyDeleteThat's just ugly. Glasper does the best he can with what he has. I think his reasons for leaving Metro had a lot more to do with basic racism inherent in Nevada at that time and his having a white wife. If Integrity and work ethic were issues then, they would be relativly evident now.
Every Marshal has their reason for being at the RJC. Old retired guys who've already had careers, mid-career guys glad to have weekends & holidays off with little or no stress, and some new guys glad to have cop jobs in this screwed up job market. Yes, there are some who could never be hired by "real" agencies, but they are in the minority.
RJC is not the only mess, do some research on Family Court. The Public Defender's office has made a number of complaints that have been swept under the rug... The major media could do a seven part mini series...
ReplyDeleteYa and the first time there's a problem in any of the courtrooms or the courthouse you pussys run to the nearest Marshal, and say O! GOD! HELP ME PLEASE! so you don't get your ass kick in. So in a stand up fight who do you run to, Your Bar Card, Judge, Law School, Marshal????? Dipshit.... Ambulance chasen Asswipes who just could make it in high school with any girl, or guy and stuck to your books. YOUR STILL A NEARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU DON"T KNOW HOW TO WORK IN A REAL JOB! YOU CAN'T LAST...
ReplyDeleteThe marshals at the gates have to put up with a lot of shit - all day, every day. Just the body odor alone would make most people quit the job within a week. I have dealt with people who seemed to have just shit themselves before walking in. The gangsters think it's funny to fart right when they're walking through.
ReplyDeleteTrue, there are a couple of marshals that have no business working in any capacity as a cop. They are proven liars and appear to be mentally unstable but nothing's done about it. The only supervisor that has any brains or talent at all is a retired LAPD guy. The other one is either in her cubicle putting makeup on or running out the door by herself to take on the world when something breaks downtown - it's comical. One of these days she's going to encounter a real criminal that wants to fight and her backup won't be close.