Friday, June 11, 2010

Friday Open Thread

Happy Friday everyone!

Please join us at 6:00 PM for our "Gin with Juice" party at Courthouse Grill if our Supreme Court sets him free this morning. Drinks are on O.J.!


  1. I hate the NCAA.

  2. Is that Michael McDonald in the photo? Yah mo be there!!!!!

  3. Any thoughts on how the Meet Your (Current and Future) Judges at the Four Seasons went last night?

  4. Dude Mexico blew that game. Who actually works when the world cup is on? My billables just went down exponentially.

  5. Meet the Judges went pretty well last night. There were even some hot women running around (no, Miley and Johnson weren't there). All in all, I had a good time (except for the seriously expensive drinks - $6 for a coke!?!).

  6. I saw that updated its 2009 salaries. I was amazed by $30,000+ pay raise that many of the judges got from 2008 to 2009. That's pretty good in a recession.

  7. Miley and Johnson were both there.

  8. @9:45: "some hot women running around", and according to 11:35 you missed Miley and Johnson. Discuss.

  9. Is anyone else sick of the shitty-rude staff in some departments?
    Worst I'd say is DC7, then DC6. I know they put up with a lot of shit, but some are rude for rude's sake. But not all, mind you. Many judges have good staff. I think it's a leadership issue. Weak judges have bad staff.

  10. I missed Miley and Johnson?!? Oh well, some of the dirty old attorneys had arm candy. That was good enough. ;)

  11. Based on the lack of any posts, I'm starting to wonder if those 50+ threads are done by two or three people. Apparently none of them are interested in this topic.

    Any new job openings in this community?

  12. @2:51
    I heard your old lady has a job opening.


  13. 4:39,

    Pretty much by definition, if YOU have to award yourself FTW, it's actually another of those internet expressions the kids are so fond of these days: EPIC FAIL.

  14. Miley was there in a bright yellow minidress. Reminded me of the post a while back that said she was referred to as Big Bird. Shouldn't wear yellow.

  15. She also had, what appeared to be, a baby bump.

  16. OMG she can't be dumb enough to have gotten pregnant with that jerk - whom beats her and kills her dog.

    I know she has eggs frozen and they wanted to use them one day... what does she want? If she is, would serve her right to have twins boys AGAIN!!

  17. I don't know...the "I beat you and choked the dog to death and got a restraining order against me" make up sex must be pretty intense. I imagine that it could easily lead to pregnancy. FTW! (what does that mean?)

  18. Make up sex with those two?

    Yea, I bet she drops her fingernail
    file when she has an O !!!

    I bet that's the most action she gives.

  19. Pyscho chicks with their drama and antics are exhausting to deal with, but they are wildcats in bed.

  20. crazy on the street = crazy in the sheets
