Tuesday, November 25, 2008

An ex-felon in possession of a firearm is not inherently dangerous. Wait, what?

The Nevada Supreme Court recently handed down an unpublished opinion wherein it ruled that an "ex-felon in possession of a firearm" charge could not be used as the predicate felony for purposes of a felony murder conviction. From the opinion:
"We agree with the district court that, when viewed in the
abstract, 'ex-felon in possession of a firearm' is not inherently dangerous."
So, there you have it, you may now stop worrying about felons with firearms. The opinion is unpublished and can't be used as precedent under SCR 123.


  1. I agree! It is certainly not as dangerous as a Frying Pan in the hands of a meth user who has been pushed over the edge by the constant nagging of his 800 lbs. wife. Even if his wife's nagging was HARVARD quality.

  2. Totally agree an 18 yo who stole a bicycle will NEVER mature enough to handle a firearm to defend his EVENTUAL wife, kids, and home...
    Once a felon ALWAYS a felon and we should always remember that...
    Naturally, J.W.Law has never made a mistake but we are are just waiting for him to slip once...lock him up and toss the key...Hey he can volunteer for prison where there are NO firearms...SAFE and FREE?
    OOPS...that might mean he would have to shave off the small square under his nose Heil LAW, actually we have found it is NOT Joseph LAW but really STALIN...
    Risen from the dead it all makes sense now...
    Think about that...
