Monday, November 3, 2008

Dream of Federal Government Strip Club One Step Closer

Today I feel like standing on my chair and belting out "I'm Proud to be an American" at the top of my lungs.  Is it the approaching election?  Dreams of President McCain?  Fantasies of President Obama?  Nope.  It's because my dream of federally-operated strip clubs is one step closer to reality.

Mercury News reports:
Federal authorities are reversing position and asking a judge to let U.S. marshals operate a strip club seized after the owner was convicted of tax evasion.

The change is reflected in documents filed Thursday asking U.S. District Judge Philip Pro to extend by one month, until Dec. 3, a deadline for a decision whether to let a California bank foreclose on the Crazy Horse Too.

Security Pacific Bank has said it wants to foreclose to satisfy a $5 million loan it made to former owner Rick Rizzolo. It filed documents recently saying the value of the club had declined from about $30 million to $4.6 million under the marshals' control. . . . 

But in the new court papers, the government said a private law firm that specializes in land use issues has been hired to help persuade Las Vegas city officials to grant the government a liquor license to run the club.

Forget the rhetoric of Obama the socialist or the bailout of banks as the onslaught of socialist-style government control of the financial sector.  The real sign that socialism is upon us is when the federal government controls what strippers get to work the pole on Saturday night.

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