Wednesday, November 19, 2008

In re Mosley

If you are not yet familiar with the recent incident involving District Court Judge Donald Mosley's son, Michael Mosley, you can catch up here. For those of you who came to class prepared today, let's begin.

Our hearts go out to the family of the young teen, Olivia Hyten, who lost her life in the crash. This was truly a tragic event. It is also unfortunate that Michael, with a pending reckless driving case already in the system at the time of the accident and an otherwise questionable driving record, was still able to be in a vehicle at all (albeit he apparently was not the driver). 

However, the real story here appears to be that Family Court Judge William Voy conceals a huge set of brass balls under his robe. From the Review Journal:
Donald Mosley asked Voy to release his son.

"I can assure you he will not drive any vehicle until the court otherwise makes a determination," he said in his gravelly voice. "Additionally, there will be no drinking, and I would intend to monitor that strictly."

He also wanted his son to return to school so he wouldn't fall behind, he said.

The teen's mother, Terry Mosley, accused the judge of violating a court order to share custody of their son. She also said Donald Mosley left their son home alone for a week while he went on a hunting trip.

"There's a whole different set of rules in my house than there are in Judge Mosley's house," she said.

Donald Mosley defended himself, saying he went to Tulsa, Okla., for a week to settle his father's estate. He said he asked Terry Mosley to care for their son, but she refused, and "this is the result."

The parents have been involved in a long and bitter custody battle over their son.

Voy put a quick end to the back and forth.

"This is not about you all. It's about this young man right here," he said.

He ordered Michael Mosley to remain at the Clark County Juvenile Detention Center until at least next week, when prosecutors were expected to file formal charges. Voy cited the violation of the driving restrictions in making his decision.
As the kids say: Oh, snap! 

Good for you, Judge Voy. It's nice to see a judge going against the perceived "good ole' boys network" mentality. You take that high-and-mighty District Court judge and send him right back where he came from. This is your house! Just make sure you manage to stay out of trouble, we would hate to see the tables get turned on you. 


  1. Maybe Judge Mosley should have written a letter on his judicial letterhead... or simply issued an OR release for his son...

  2. Michael Mosley,....was a WITNESS, to a horrible accident! Yes, Michael violated his restrictions, yet
    he did the mature thing, by helping his friends in the other vehicle, and calling 911....He could have taken off, knowing what he was facing, when the police came, but he didn't.....he stayed and faced responsibility.....His mother, Terry Figliuzzi-Mosley, who had her name changed, in order to be a S O M E B O D Y.....should be put in jail, for her many violation's to court order, from numerous judges.....Terry, should have taken the keys away from her son, when he was at her home, and immediately hidden the truck.....One more mistake, that Terry has created, in order to F@#K, the judge....What mother would call a reporter, first, in order to get the sensationalism from the media.....Michael, will be cleared on the drag racing rumor......

  3. What happens, when a parent is given 50/50 custody, but the other parent, continually tells the child to get out of "HER HOUSE AND NEVER COME BACK!"?????....

    Is this behavior considered contempt of the court?

    I find that Judge Mosley, isn't in contempt, by putting a roof over his son's head, when the mother continues this type of verbal abuse.....Why doesn't the court just ask Michael, where he wants to live?

    Also, I still don't understand why the mother didn't take the keys from Michael, if she really had all this concern for her son?

    Doesn't make any sense, but I heard that Terry Figliuzzi-Mosley, has no common sense.....

  4. When will Terry Figliuzzi-Fields-Mosley, get
    punished for her many "in contempt of the court's order"....Tattle Tell/Point the Finger Terry, who acts as if she is the victim from this child custody case, when the victims here is clear: Don Mosley and Michael Mosely are the victims from the irresponsible Terry Figliuzzi, as well as ALL THE DEFENDANTS, WHO HAVE SUED TERRY FIGLIUZZI MOSLEY.... yet she can't find the "time" to appear in her many scheduled depositions, for her many lawsuits?.....When does a judge find the BALLS, to put her in jail for this contempt, as well as, her alleged criminal activity? I am more interested in protecting the people of Clark County, from her unethical business patterns, that she has throughout the community....Michael is paying for his mistake, by driving reckless....through his house arrest and the media crucifying him publicly! Judge Mosley, has continually had to endure the constant battle for his son, against this woman....through the media, yet the media hasn't INVESTIGATED TERRY FIGLIUZZI MOSLEY lawsuits? The media needs to get some balls, as well and really pursue this investigation on her unethical activities....This is where the REAL STORY LIES!

  5. Judge Voy:

    1) You need to check to see if there are any warrants out for Terry Figliuzzi aka Terry Mosley.

    2) You need to check out the various lawsuits of Terry Figliuzzi aka Terry Mosley.

    3) When will Terry Figliuzzi aka Terry Mosley be BEHIND Bars, for her alleged fraudulent activities?

    4) Has Terry Figliuzzi aka Terry Mosley paid her back taxes to the I.R.S., the amount was amended to $510,000.00!!!!!

    5) What about her numerous B A N K R U P T C Y S, that Terry Figliuzzi aka Terry Mosley files in order, to not pay J U D G M E N T S ??????????

    6) Terry Figliuzzi aka Terry Mosley, is not to be trusted !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Anonymous says This issue of drag racing and the killing of a innocent child is NOT about the Judge Mosely's permissive parenting skills. Having been involved in a similar contested custody battle, under language of NV Statute of "Best Interest of the Child" and pursuant to previous Court Orders, Judge Mosely is in Contempt of Court for having failed miserably in his duty as a parent to "supervise their child's welfare." Michael had a "history" in juvenile court of disobeying NVs traffic law which begs the Question: How many times has Ms. Mosely brought contempt charges against Judge Mosely for having abdigated his parental responsibilities and leaving his child home alone and unsupervised? How many Contempt Orders has the Judge in Family Court issued against Judge Mosely for violating previous orders of leaving his child home alone and unsupervised? Some other parents' child died as a result of Judge Mosely's reckless disregard of Court Orders in failing to supervise his son. How sad that the Moselys son and his parents now have to pay for a Family Court Judge's misconduct who failed to issue "short-term Orders" regarding the "welfare" of the child under the Best Interests of the Children Standard."

  7. To the previous comment posted @ 3:02 pm, on December 15, 2008.


    1) Judge Mosley, WASN'T IN CONTEMPT, of the court order.....PERIOD.

    2) Terry Marie Figliuzzi, who legally had her name changed to Mosley (Case 94-D-180961-N).....HAS BEEN IN CONTEMPT OF HER CHILD CUSTODY, ORDER.....PERIOD.

    3) I know it seems easier to point the finger at a Public Figure and blame them for things that go wrong, because of the 1st amendment, yet....the fact of the matter, is TERRY FIGLIUZZI-MOSLEY....
    CONTINUES TO THROW her son out of the house, because she is a control freak.....liar.......and has
    mental issue's......

    Go to the Clark County website:

    These are the cases filed AGAINST TERRY MOSLEY:

    07-A-536175-C Riccardo Ingrassia vs T. Mosley
    06-A-526270-C Roger Dielman vs T. Mosley
    06-A-527373-C Matt Callister vs T. Mosley
    05-A-511932-C Spartan Management vs T. Mosley
    04-A-487012-C Edythe Fitzpatrick vs T. Mosley
    04-A-487242-C Monica Williams vs T. Mosley
    03-A-467196-C Ramm Corp vs T. Mosley
    03-A-467199-C Terra Concepts vs T. Mosley
    03-A-478105-C S&B Associates vs T. Mosley
    03-A-474758-C Kenneth Buck Jr. vs T. Mosley
    03-A-470720-C Nolan Merritt vs T. Mosley
    01-A-444274-C Sean Mahan vs T. Mosley
    99-A-408639-C Mary K. Crosswhite vs T. Mosley
    99-A-407255-C Dempsy,Roberts,Smith vs T. Mosley
    98-A-387705-C Allegro Acceptance vs T. Mosley

    Ask about all the Contempt that Terry Mosley got AWAY WITH, in these cases, and still is in contempt of her BANKRUPTCY case number: 07-18575-LBR.

    Did it ever occur to anybody, that Terry Figliuzzi-Mosley is the unfit parent in this situation!

    Michael is soon to be 17 years of age, on February 15, 2009.....and while Judge Mosley was in Tulsa, Oklahoma, taking care of his father's estate....Terry Figliuzzi-Mosley, had the opportunity to parent Michael on her 50/50 shared why
    didn't she do it? and why didn't she be the "mother" that she constantly threatens the court with:
    "I AM THE MOTHER" why, didn't she act like the mother?

    Maybe, she didn't want Michael to learn of her many deceits?

    Judge Mosley, is the BETTER PARENT!

  8. I have an idea:

    Why doesn't Michael Mosley, get a job and learn
    to finance his way through life, so he can become
    independent from "daddy's" money and "mommy's"

    Emancipate yourself Michael from your parents and learn responsibility. I heard you can't even do HOMEWORK.

    By the way, how many schools has this kid attended in Clark County?

    I heard that Michael Mosley has been EXPELLED from at least two schools. Behavioral problems are the issue, could he have learned these bad traits from his MOTHER? Terry Figliuzzi? Oh, I forgot she likes to call herself Terry Mosley, and say she was married to Judge Mosley! Yet the facts have it, that they were NEVER MARRIED!!!

    Would that be considered a mental disorder?

  9. I feel for Judge Mosley and Michael Mosley.

    The alleged fraudulent activity, that the "so-called" want to be wife and the horrible mother continues to do, to her son...only the list of victims continues to grow!

    ONE MORE PLAINTIFF SUING TERRY FIGLIUZZI aka Fields, who "loves" calling herself Terry M O S L E Y....

    CASE: 08 AH 720 .....filed in Justice Court,
    Henderson Township....for EVICTION...executed on 12-31-08, in Department III.


    I heard you owe $30,000. in back rent...along with your past due fees on your recent, repossessed, rental car, owing $17,000.

    Terry, need I remind you......YOU ARE NOT AN stop telling people you are!....

    Your lies and deceits are catching up with you....I wonder: "WILL DANA GENTRY, DO A STORY ON THIS"?....or will Dana be the person who will buy you your next home, from your big deal that you have closing?....HHMMMM!


    Links: Input name: Terry Mosley

    Latest Eviction in Anthem Country Club ~ in process for Terry Mosley ~ Justice Court, Henderson Township ~ will show her driving record, as well.

    Focus needs to placed on the MOTHER...who constantly slanders the father.

    When will the media pick up on ALL LAWSUITS FILED AGAINST Terry Figliuzzi Mosley? ~ the fraudulent activity alleged by credible source's against Terry Mosley needs to be exposed, in order to protect citizen's from this predator.

    Get off the father and get off the son ~ they're victims of this wicked woman.

  11. Good Job ~ Henderson Police Department.

    Finally, law enforcement has picked up the infamous
    Theresa (Terry) Figliuzzi Mosley....

    Three arrest warrants were issued, and on Friday evening, March 13, 2009, Terry was handcuffed and booked into Henderson Detention, where she will appear in front of a Henderson Judge, Monday, March 16, 2009, in the afternoon ~ due to the hold that Clark County has on her, she will then be transported to Clark County Detention...

    Who says Friday the 13th, is bad news!

    Great Job ~ law enforcement! Remember she is an
    xxxx girlfriend of a judge, NEVER THE WIFE of a judge....

  12. Latest NEWS, on Terry Figliuzzi aka Terry Fields aka
    Terry "MOSLEY"............

    Warrants issued for Terry Mosley's ARREST ~

    File Date 06/08/2009 Case Status OPEN Case Status Date 06/08/2009
    Case Disposition UNDISPOSED Case Disposition Date
    Party Information
    Party Name Party Alias(es) Party Type Attorney(s) Attorney Phone
    Party Charge(s)
    Case Party MOSLEY, THERESA M
    Count Code Description Disposition Disposition
    1 5578 THEFT (FELONY)
    Docket Entries
    Date Text
    05/15/2009 BAIL AMOUNT Charge #1: THEFT (FELONY)
