Monday, November 17, 2008

So long, so long

I said, so long, it's been good to know ya Judge Halverson [but not really]

The RJ reports:

The Nevada Judicial Discipline Commission has removed suspended District Judge Elizabeth Halverson from the bench and prohibited her from ever serving as a judge in the state again.

In a strongly worded decision released today, the commission stated that her "antics and willful misconduct will be felt by the judicial system for a significant future period of time." 

In its decision, the commission stated that Halverson made significant legal errors while conducting her first jury trials that resulted in "significant costs to taxpayers" because her mistakes will likely result in at least one new trial.

The commission ruled that Halverson fell asleep on the bench, improperly communicated with jurors, mistreated staff and made false statements to the commission.

It also accused Halverson of refusing to cooperate with the Judicial Discipline Commission and demeaning the August hearings.

My office is currently having a debate.  The topic: who's been more embarrassing for Nevada,  Judge Halverson or Governor Gibbons?  Discuss amongst yourselves. 


  1. Who is more embarrassing, Gibbons or Halverson?

    Neither... What is most embarassing is the backwards good ole boy and girl network in Nevada.

    There was no question this would be the outcome of this circus.

    It is not Halverson who should be embarrassed. It is Nevada citizens and Judiciary who allowed this witch hunt and circus in the first place.

  2. anonymous, Have you had a frying pan to the grill in the past month?

  3. @1:52

    It is interesting how the same Halverson troll seems to pop up whenever there is a story about the heavy one, isn't it? On the other hand, I think it would be difficult for her to post on a blog with those sausage fingers of her's ... maybe she has learned to type with her fork.

  4. Anon: 1:48 - WHAT? You think that this was a 'witch hunt' against Halverson? That requires you to believe that she did not do what she was charged of. Do you really think she didn't do any of those things that were said?

  5. I heard through the "grapevine", that former Judge Elizabeth Halverson, was approached by Terry Figliuzzi-Fields-Mosley, to open up a pro-se, business and assist, those individuals, who couldn't hire an attorney and represent themselves.

    Terry Figliuzzi-Fileds-Mosley, who goes around town, representing that she is the ex-wife of District Court Judge Don Mosley and had her "own case" in front of Judge Halverson, gives advise?????

    Seems to me, that Judge Halverson, shouldn't listen to a liar like Terry, especially when she had bad luck, with her marriage. Getting involved with another individual with major issues, would only bring her further down to the gutter......
