Monday, November 10, 2008

Nevada's biggest a**hole

Everyone meet Todd Phillips.  We've briefly profiled his efforts to protect the rights of men against sexual discrimination before (post available here).  Well, congratulations, to Mr. Phillips.  The Nevada Equal Rights Commission officially made him the state's biggest asshole on Friday.

KTNV reports:

Phillips claimed sexual discrimination against the Las Vegas Athletic Club for letting women enroll for free during certain promotions while men paid $10.

"It is discrimination and they are breaking the law," says Todd Phillips.

LVAC claimed it was trying to be more inviting to women. . . .

The Commission decided in a 3-to-1 vote that the gym's promotional practices discriminate.

"I am tickled to death we prevailed today it's a tremendous victory for Nevada Civil Rights," Says Todd Phillips. 

Phillips claims he went after the LVAC because he was a member there and personally suffered discrimination.

Seriously Todd?  You fought about this at the gym?  Given the amount of men who seem to enjoy watching me and the other ladies work out, you'd think Todd would be all about getting more women in the club.

LV Sun is reporting this could affect free admission at clubs for women too.  (LV Sun)  In other words, when you boys get tired of the sausage fests when you go out, you can blame Todd Phillips, civil rights crusader!


  1. Is that a picture of you, Legal Eagle?! Hot Damn! I love the 80s too.

  2. I'm proud to be Nevada's biggest asshole. And I nominate you for Nevada dumbest cunt. Which large impersonal corporate casino employs you anyway?

    --Todd Phillips

  3. Hey Ms. Eagle, riddle me this:

    If there were a 27-year old male, with your same education, background and experience, should your employer pay him MORE money so he can afford the night clubs and health clubs?

    Or, asked another way, should your employer pay you LESS money than your male counterpart because you get free admission at the night clubs and health clubs?

    I await your response

    --Todd Phillips

  4. To the Toddster,
    You are the poster child of why Nevada's State Bar has no reciprocity with California. Have you noticed that those of us living in Nevada have enjoyed life here without self-absorbed holier-than-thou individuals such as yourself having to show us how we should be doing things?
    I like how, when you were legitimately criticized you immediately allege that the writer of this blog worked for a casino - as to make it appear you weren't personally attacking her but her acting as an agent for her employer. btw, the writer is not an employee of a large impersonal corporate casino, as everyone from California believes every person in Nevada is. If I'm not mistaken, you responded the same way to another person who questioned you on your motives over at the Las Vegas Sun ( This just shows your ignorance of Las Vegas and is a second reason why you'll never fit in here - you think you're superior with your non-accredited law degree, your non-Nevada attorney, already screwed up CA so I'll try to f'up NV too, mentality.
    Don't try to use debate tactics to change the subject. This is not about a 27 year old male being paid more than a woman, this is not about a woman being paid less than a man. Not all men go to night clubs or health clubs and not all women go to night clubs or health clubs (I personally use my own gym equipment at home and so does my wife.) So don't try to say you're doing this for the greater good. You're doing this to try to make a name for yourself as a wanna-be Nevada attorney to try for an equivalency of your law school credentials. If you're going to try to be a 'real attorney' in Nevada, maybe you should start by being cordial and not trying to oppress bloggers by using derogatory names, which are not mainstream acceptable. A-hole is a rather mild and acceptable term for someone such as yourself. The C word is never an acceptable term unless, of course, you were female then I would make an exception.
    And to make sure I sound like you to discredit everything I just said above - Mr. Phillips, which small non-corporate, law firm employs you as a law clerk anyway?
    Good luck Mr. SFVCL ( - you're now one of Nevada's largest orifices.

  5. Re: Mr.Phillips,
    I fail to understand why someone who hates everybody that work at casinos would move to Las Vegas in the first place? Are you here to bash casino workers? Are you here to dismiss all opinions of every casino worker? I mean come on, you accused Legal Eagle of working for a 'large impersonal corporate casino' because she posts a blog entry about you?

    Don't you have a hole to go back and crawl under?

  6. Todd,

    You really proved you are not an ass hole. Well done.

  7. To Mr. SFVCL

    Hey, if it weren't for people like me, Nevada would still me a Red state living in the Dark Ages. Thanks to immigrants like me, Nevada is now an enlightened Blue state.

    So do you agree with the ruling, or are you just another lobbyist for the large impersonal corporate casinos?

  8. As to the next guy ..
    Why is my contention, that Ms. Eagle works for a large impersonal corporate casino, tantamount to an "accusation?"

    The point is, all free-thinking people agree with the ruling shutting down "ladies night" pricing.

    And, it isn't about hating casino workers. I have empathy for the thousands who will soon be laid off. My only opposition comes from the large impersonal corporate casinos that fear lost profits.

  9. Hey, Ms Eagle:

    Pat Benatar just called; she wants her headband and leg warmers back!

    Love, Todd Phillips

  10. Eagle, DON'T GIVE THEM BACK. Pat Benatar is over the hill...and NOT hot.

  11. San Fernando Valley College of Law? I'm sure I'm not the first tosay, "wtf?" Todd, please leave this blog.

  12. Hey anonymous, you sound jealous.

    How long have you been practicing law?

  13. I can tell you that I've practiced in Nevada longer than you ever will (assuming anonymous @ 9:27 = Todd Phillips). I've also practiced long enough to have heard of about 200 law schools. San Fernando didn't make that highly selective and elite list. Sorry you pathetic old piece of shit. Please go back to California.

  14. Look, cupcake, you're not even a lawyer. You went to the California State Bar website to look me up because you're obsessed with me. You know that I've practiced law for 16 years, state and federal court.

    You don't need to lie-- you're not a lawyer. You wish you could be a lawyer, but you're just a wanna-be with gender orientation issues. In reality, you're a casino lobbyist who is scared shitless of civil rights lawyers like me.

    So here's your chance: If you have any balls, (which you don't), post your Nevada State Bar number. Or, in the alternative, just hide behind the "anonymous" flag and go on pretending that you're a lawyer. C'mon bugle boy-- tell us the truth!

    Yes, this is Todd Phillips. And stop flirting with me. (LOL)

  15. Todd,

    Let me make sure I understand your arguing techniques. You got mad that someone called you an asshole, and to try to prove that you are not an asshole, you:
    1) Call the writer a "cunt."
    2) Immediately assume that people are "obsessed" with you (when really, they just think you're an asshole).
    3) Start name calling, like "bugle boy" and "cupcake."

    I think I speak for all of the readers (except you, of course, who has successfully convinced no one that you aren't an asshole), and say you really are Nevada's biggest asshole.

  16. Todd, this is 9:05 and 9:52. I am a male attorney, from a nationally accredited law school, and I am not the writer of this blog. I do have Casino clients as well as other businesses; however, I do not work for a Casino.

    Look, in the immortal words of Leon Phelps, "you're clearly gay, and that's cool," but then you tried to keep women out of the gym and that's not cool.

    I'm sorry that you are no longer able to get married in California. I would have voted against Prop 8 if I lived there. While I do not consider myself homophobic, I will thank you kindly for not referring to me as "cupcake" in the future.

    Now onto more substantive issues: no one is "scared shitless of a civil rights lawyer" from San Fernando College of Law. How many accredited law schools are there in California? 20? You're telling me you couldn't get into Southwestern, Cal Western, Chapman etc. and folks are supposed to be impressed by your legal acumen? I doubt it.

    There's a big civil rights battle going on back in your home state, please go there and join the good fight.


    Nevada Licensed Lawyer

  17. to (supposed) Nevada Licensed Lawyer:

    Isn't it unlawful in Nevada to masquerade as a lawyer? You walk a fine line, tootsie. Clearly, you're NOT a lawyer because you fail to ante up and state your Bar No. I'm not impressed by you rattling off law schools; I have google too.

    I'm not mad about being called asshole. I'm honored to have earned Ms. Eagle's title. You, on the other hand, are raging mad because of my tremendous civil rights victory, which of course, means that you are an agent of a large impersonal corporate casino. No other person or entity has the impetus or reason to be so motivated.

    Hugs & kisses, Todd Phillips

  18. Alas, Todd, you caught us. We are all "raging mad because of [your] tremendous civil rights victory." They say that profanity is the last refuge of the uncreative, but your name-calling is clearly the work of a finely-tuned legal mind.

    It's amazing you can even hear us over the sound of how awesome you are. Luckily for us, you've got a compulsive need, and can't help responding to each and every one of our posts to prove it.

  19. You're starting to sound a little jealous ...

    Of course, I have no idea who you are since you're hiding behind anonymity.

    Maybe one day you'll throw your hat in the legal ring and make a name for yourself; or, perhaps, you'll just go on hiding.

    Anonymity is the last refuge ... period. GOTCHA!!

    Love, Todd Phillips

  20. Oh, Todd. Like I said, you just can't help it. You have a compulsive need to to respond to every post (including this one) and prove what we already know, that you are truly awesome.

    Thank you for sharing your wisdom and showing us that true persuasive power (such as yours) requires immediate use of the C-Bomb and other name-calling.

  21. For someone who quotes Samuel Johnson, I expected more ...

  22. Oh, Todd... you just can't resist responding, can you?

    Las Vegas Sun, 09/29/08:
    "Phillips, who moved here from Hollywood a few years ago, has made a business out of suing California businesses for charging men more than they charge women."

  23. There you go !!

    Now you're down !!

    P.S. Keep posting !!

  24. There are those of us that would be very angry in public places if you called a woman a cunt just to let you know.
