I love that you check in on my humble little blog and keep us up to date on what's going on in our wild little legal world. I love providing a forum for our legal community to converse about the things that can't be said in public forums.
I love that you provide information that keeps some of our less scrupulous peers on their toes.
But ... I'm tired, real tired. It may not seem like it, but posting on a semi-weekly basis takes a lot out of you. This is especially true once you lose interest in what you are posting about in the first place, which, if you've been paying attention to recent posts, it is obvious that I have.
Additionally, the level of discourse on this blog has, for the most part, dropped below a level that I am comfortable with. This is mostly my fault. I can't expect to maintain an interesting discussion by simply, half-assedly, regurgitating semi-interesting legal news. It's not you, it's me.
I am hoping that some of these issues will be remedied by my taking an extended hiatus from this blog. My thinking is that this will help in a couple ways: (1) by losing some of the riff-raff we seem to have picked up (hard to troll posts that aren't there); and (2) by giving me time to clear my head and relax, possibly rekindle that interest I seem to have lost.
I honestly feel a lot of guilt over this. We have many loyal and fantastic tipsters who are constantly emailing us with the latest scoop, and I feel like I'm letting all of them down. Unfortunately, I feel strongly this is something that has to be done.