Sunday, September 21, 2008

Christen Glaser name change

There's a name change over at Christensen Glaser.

Business Wire reports:

Christensen, Glaser, Fink, Jacobs, Weil & Shapiro, LLP today announced that the law firm name has been changed to Glaser, Weil, Fink, Jacobs & Shapiro, LLP.

Terry Christensen, the firm's managing partner since its formation in 1988, said "I am very proud of the law firm we have built in the last 20 years and I am confident that the partners will continue to prosper and build a great firm. I will be withdrawing from the practice of law."

Why change the name? Well, there's the conviction of Terry Christensen in the private eye spying case. (LA Observed) Well, that's nice.

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