Monday, September 29, 2008

Is there any part of Vegas not steeped in corruption?

The Construction Defect world of Vegas law is apparently abuzz over rumors that the FBI is investigating alleged conflict of interest issues with how Home Owners' Associations bring construction defect lawsuits. There are rumors that a few Construction Defect Plaintiff's firms may go down over some insider dealing.

Las Vegas Now reports:

Investigators already see a pattern, whereby the same law firms file
construction defect lawsuits, the same contractors are hired to do the work, the
same management company oversees the whole thing, and the homeowner boards are subjected to something like a political coup.
The elections, homeowners say, are rigged.
Nice. Maybe the Feds won't screw this one up like they did with the Noel Gage trial and the Nevada Bar might get rid of a few of its schiestiest members.


  1. Las Vegas Now also reporting that specifically, Nancy Quon's office received a visit from the federales.

    Word around campfire is hers wasn't the only one...

  2. LOL - "schiestiest" makes it ART! Thank you - still laughing.....
