Wednesday, September 24, 2008

"Evil Ed" Indicted!

Judge Halverson showed up at court this morning to testify against her [alleged] abusive husband, "Evil Ed". The press reports were fairly sympathetic as she appeared to be pretty banged up. Later in the afternoon, the grand jury handed down its indictment.

The Review-Journal reports:

A grand jury issued a criminal indictment today against 49-year-old Edward ["Evil Ed"] Halverson, charging him with one count of attempted murder with use of a deadly weapon and one count of battery constituting domestic violence with use of a deadly weapon resulting in substantial bodily harm.

["Evil Ed"] is accused of beating his wife, District Court Judge Elizabeth Halverson, with a frying pan on Sept. 4. He is in jail on $113,000 bail and is scheduled to enter a plea on Oct. 1

Say it ain't so!?! Will these star-crossed lovers have to part simply due to "Evil Ed"'s attempt to kill Halverson. I'm depressed. I thought it was a match made in heaven.


  1. Give the engineer who designed that wheelchair a raise.

  2. If the paramedic were to let go of that wheelchair, would that blimp just take off?

  3. Hey 5:37 -- No, if the paramedics let go they would promptly enter an elliptical orbit around Planet Halverson.
