An editorial suggests that the backslapping of the Vegas legal industry is coming to an end and attorneys will now be prosecuted for ethics violations. (Review-Journal) [ahem . . . did they forget about the outcome of the Gage trial?]
U.S. District Judge Kent Dawson gave a convicted sex offender a break at sentencing after the man’s lawyer suggested the treatment received by Defendant in federal custody at the North Las Vegas jail was “worse than Guantanamo Bay in some cases.” (Reno Gazette-Journal)
Hey new 1Ls, having trouble figuring out what constitutes an "offer"? Well you can study this multi-million dollar public utilities case where counsel for Nevada Power argued a proposal to sell his company a power plant did not constitute an offer. (Review-Journal)
Congrats to Ryan Works of McDonald Carano Wilson who was recently appointed by the American Bar Association to its Litigation Pretrial Practice & Discovery committee. (Las Vegas Business Press)
Finally, enjoying using Blockshopper.com, to see what kinds of properties in the Vegas valley have been purchased by lawyers? Live it up, because a lawsuit brought by law firm Jones Day is asking the court to require websites to seek permission from the linkee before posting a link to another site. (Prairie State 2.0) Come to think of it, this and every blog that attempts to cite to a source would be destroyed by such a ruling.
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