Saturday, September 13, 2008

File under innovative pleading: suit against insurance companies in Endoscopy case

Not a lot has been going on in the Endoscopy case. All the medical professionals have pled the 5th or threatened to, and as a result, have avoided being deposed. Dr. Needles had himself a stroke. And, oh yeah, the patients/victims of Endoscopy Center have seemingly been screwed out of suing the insurance companies covering Dr. Needles' clinics.

But wait . . . innovative lawyering to the rescue. The Review-Journal reports:
A 70-year-old woman who has tested positive for hepatitis C filed a lawsuit today against Pacificare of Nevada for referring her to a physician associated with the Endoscopy Center of Southern Nevada for treatment.

Alynne Griffiths, who underwent two procedures at the Shadow Lane facility where health officials have linked eight hepatitis C cases due to unsafe injection practices, claims Pacificare won't pay for her to see a hepatitis specialist outside her network.

Not sure that's gonna fly, but you have to give it to Plaintiff's counsel for trying to reach the insurance company since Dr. Needles' coffers will soon [hopefully] be dry, leaving him destitute on the streets of Vegas.


  1. Did this blog die? Where do I send flowers?

  2. Sorry about that. The damn O.J. case was giving me a headache. Had to take a hiatus. Back on the job now.
