First, the cast of characters just got more colorful since it came out that the lawyer representing the O.J. co-defendant, Clarence "C.J." Stewart, is apparently under indictment in Louisiana for tax evasion charges. (Las Vegas Now)
Speaking of colorful characters, it was revealed that the media reporter who inappropriately approached O.J. jurors for information was none other than the "Naked Boy" blogger, who likes to post video reports on the Internet while wearing very little. (Review-Journal)
Then there's the fact that the O.J. judge, District Court Judge Jackie Glass won't be releasing the jury questionnaire that was used. (Sign On San Diego) The Nevada Supremes don't appear to be too impressed by this decision, ordering Judge Glass to explain her refusal to release the questions. (Review-Journal) [do you think O.J. will make Judge Glass will become as famous as he did California District Court Judge Ito?]
Finally, the jury that will convict O.J. . . I mean, hear the case has been chosen. Not sure what was on that jury questionnaire, but the D.A.'s office got their jury make-up wish: an all-white jury! (San Franciso Chronicle) It's a Chris Rock bit in the making (Youtube)
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