Sunday, September 21, 2008

The Endoscopy Victims are getting screwed

We all suspected it could happen: that procedural delays and defense strategy could end up screwing over the Endoscopy victims.

Las Vegas Now reports:

Time is running out for possible victims of the hepatitis C scare to file a medical malpractice lawsuit. But time isn't the only issue patients face, hundreds of patients still don't have access to their medical records.

Attorneys for these patients have been trying for several months to get a hold of theses medical records so their clients could be part of this lawsuit. But attorneys say they're getting the runaround, potentially affecting hundreds of victims.

"I'm not getting a clear answer. What is available and where is it?" asked Special Hearing Master Floyd Hale. "This litigation is over half a year old." Patience is running thin, not only for Hale, but for attorneys who want their client's medical records.

"Everybody is pointing the finger at everybody else and they are playing ping pong with patient's rights," said attorney Ed Bernstein.

Time to step up Plaintiff's attorneys! You're going to have to out-lawyer Lewis Brisbois and the other firms rep'ing Endoscopy doctors if there's going to be any justice.

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