Wednesday, September 17, 2008

O.J. Editorial Decision/Roundup

Sorry about the delay in posting. We've been bogged down in a four day long editorial meeting over whether there is anything worth reporting about the O.J. trial. The editorial board's verdict: No. There's not much worth reporting.

As a result, the blog will now only provide the most absurd and idiotic moments from the Juice trial [pt 2].

Under such an editorial edict, we offer this nugget about the courtroom circus from the Review-Journal:

If District Judge Jackie Glass had a gavel, she might have snapped it in half Tuesday.
On day two of testimony in the O.J. Simpson armed robbery trial, the judge frequently found herself playing the role of exasperated parent to a courtroom of bickering children, holding multiple bench conferences with lawyers and refereeing a number of verbal jousting matches.

"Stop! Stop! Stop!" Glass yelled at prosecutors and defense lawyers after a round of objections during cross-examination of sports memorabilia dealer Bruce Fromong.
"This isn't going to become a free-for-all," she said.

Later during Fromong's testimony, District Attorney David Roger started asking a question that ignited another round of courtroom fireworks, all televised live on cable channel truTV, formerly Court TV.

"At the time the defendants came in with a bunch of guns and took your property ... ," Roger began before being cut off by Simpson lawyer Yale Galanter, who jumped from his seat and shouted, "Objection!" in true Hollywood style.

"Sit down!" Glass yelled at him before returning calm to the courtroom. "The last thing you want me to do, as a judge, is to lose my temper in front of the fine ladies and gentlemen of the jury and having to deal with all of you," Glass said to the lawyers.

Enjoy. We'll only bring you the Vegas-centered highlights.

Meanwhile, Saturday Night Live offered an amusing view of voir dire for O.J. (available here via Harmful Error)

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