The 911 call tapes have been released and some f'd up sh*t is going down in that house. The tapes have Judge Halverson calmly asking her husband to clean up and get some ice while she is on the phone with the 911 dispatcher. (audio of 911 call available here)
Here are the highlights from the Review-Journal:
Evil Ed is overheard showing his gentle side when Halverson complains that she can't see out of her right eye. "Awww man, it's terrible. Ooooh," her husband said, after apparently looking at her eye. Finally, shortly before police arrived, Halverson becomes more with Evil Ed:The judge dials 911 and is heard talking to her husband. "You might want to clean the floor, too," the judge said calmly.
"Yes, dear," her husband responded matter-of-factly.
"Are you going to help me? Because I'm bleeding a lot from my head," she said. Elizabeth Halverson then directed her husband to get some ice. When he left the room, she finally spoke to the dispatcher.
"Please, help. Please, help me now," she whispered in a panic. "He's beating me with a frying pan."
"Why did you kill me?" she asked. "Well, you murdered me. Why did you do that?"
What was the incident that provoked the argument that led to the fight? Get ready for this . . . seriously:
Judge Halverson's friend said the judge could not navigate the home on her
scooter because her husband blocked rooms with boxes.
C'mon. I'd like to have some human decency about this situation, but wtf? Calmly telling Evil Ed to clean up and get her some ice? And . . . [giggle] . . . seriously? Evil Ed was preventing her from getting around the house by blocking off rooms with boxes? Were the COPS cameras filming during this entire scene?
I was enjoying the train wreck for a while, now it is just awful and sad.
ReplyDeleteWhoever wrote this article is an idiot.
ReplyDeleteYour bias against Judge Elizabeth Halverson is so strong you cannot even write an article that is not filled with inaccuries and downright lies.
Bobbie Tackett never said the argument was over boxes in the way.
Since you are too ignorant to understand, let me help you as I have worked with battered women over 15 years.
It was clear in the 911 call that Judge Halverson is asking her Ed Halverson, to clean the floor, or go get ice for her eye in order to get him OUT of the room so she can give more information to the 911 operator. It is clear she made the call without his knowledge and is trying to keep it that way to avoid more beating. When I hear her confront him, with "why did you kill me", it is clear to me, Judge Halverson is thinking she may not survive her injuries and wants to make sure that Ed Halverson, her perpetrator is held accountable.
Having worked with batered woman and knowing the terror of these situations, it is clear to me that Judge Halverson handled that call in an excellent fashion.
You and your rag of a blog should be ashamed of yourself. Your comments are repulsive.
On the other hand, this woman is the same one who forced her husband to testify in her courtroom, under oath, about whether he'd gotten her chores done and generally abused and threatened him in public.
ReplyDeleteNobody here is saying that hitting a woman with a skillet is aceptable behavior; however, it's clear there was some abusive behavior going on and it wasn't a one-way street.
Please shove your protest sign whereever you sent your sense of humor to die alone in the dark and let the rest of us get back to pointing and laughing at the horrors of life...
Anon: 2:27
ReplyDeleteI might be confused, but when did writing a blog require that one be unbiased? I've always thought of a blog as a way for a person to get his/her opinions about an issue to the public. If blogs had to be edited for fairness, it would not be a blog, it would be NEWS. I don't read this blog (WWL) for unbiased news, nor do I read other blogs for unbiased news.
I do read the review journal (www.lvrj.com) for news, and although I do not warrant the unbiased viewpoints of the RJ, I do recall, and I quote: (from: http://www.lvrj.com/news/28344549.html)
"Tackett said Elizabeth Halverson, who gets around in a scooter because she is overweight and suffers from various illnesses, could not navigate the home because her husband blocked rooms with boxes. Elizabeth Halverson asked Edward Halverson to do a chore that night, but he ignored her, Tackett said. The judge was angry and, in preparing to kick him out of the house, called her sister, Angela LaMacchia, and asked her to call 911. 'When he heard that, he got the frying pan,' Tackett said."
So it sounds to me like Tacket said that boxes in the way caused the argument which resulted in the attack. Had there not been boxes in the way, Halverson would not have had to ask Big Ed to do something she probably could have done herself, and she would not have gotten mad when he refused, and she would thus not have had to call her sister to do them for her, which is what Tackett said caused Big Ed to go batshit on Halverson.
Now, I am not doubting that Halverson handled the call in an excellent fashion - but I have to agree with Anon: 11:01 that you need to let those of us, who find this sadly humorous, mostly because she brought a lot, if not most, of her problems upon herself, enjoy her continual downfall. If you don't like reading someone's opinions, then might I suggest you stop reading them?
Sounds like you're bringing the problem (of not liking the opinions you are reading) upon yourself.
Deja vu all over again?
Right on 4:06 - I have to say I can't stop with the chuckling either. These people are right out of some weird trailer trash sit com.