Sure, living in a nice pad and getting a BMW for your 16th birthday are good perks, but what about when the economy tanks and Daddy, Esq., suddenly finding he has more time on his hands, decides to become more "involved" regarding your extracurricular activities?
(LV Now)
Local Attorney Cory Hilton (of Hilton English, website currently "under construction") is taking on Green Valley High School over their theatrical productions of Rent and The Larime Project. Hilton is leading a group of overprotective concerned parents who don't want their children's virgin eyes and ears traumatized by such debauchery. What year is this again? From LV Now:
Hilton says he will ask a judge to shut down the plays, citing, in part, the Clark County School District's own policy related to movies. It forbids any movie above a PG rating in the schools. The movie version of Rent is PG-13.
Ahhhh ... the old "Motion To Do My Parenting For Me," very shrewd Mr. Hilton.
As a criminal defense attorney, we'd think Hilton would be more aware of the types of things modern-day high schoolers are exposed to as part of their everyday lives. We're guessing that the daily happenings over at GVHS make Rent and The Larime Project look like Sesame Street and Mister Rogers' Neighborhood, respectively.
Be sure to check out the video over at LV Now, if only for the final 10 seconds when current Boyd law student Colleen McCarty is awkwardly subject to a pop civil procedure quiz.
(LV Now)
I've practiced criminal law for 15 years and have never heard of Hilton. Blackstone shows that he's only had 9 district court cases in his 17 years of practice. His office is on Mountain Vista. Real criminal defense attorneys do not have offices on Mountain Vista. Maybe he should have his kid try out for a church roadshow and focus on developing his law practice rather than censoring students.
ReplyDeleteI'm getting dizzy from my eyes rolling so hard. When did we become Utah?
ReplyDeleteooooh , but the "Motion for Someone Else to Take Responsibility" is not limited to censorship in schools. Who's that clown suing Wynn over the 2d hand smoke issue?
ReplyDeleteYes, Heaven forbid parents choosing what play their kid can perform in or watch; or those same parents being allowed to choose whether or not to work in a smoking environment.
And we question people's negative impressions of the legal profession?
I think Hilton just has a general law practice, may take criminal cases from time to time, but I've had a fairly complex civil case with him. Decent enough guy, but whatever.
ReplyDeleteHilton is a solid civil attorney. If you've practiced anything in this town for 15 years and never heard of Hilton, you really must only hang with criminals.
ReplyDeleteIt is nice to see the bigots show up, though.
Ah, another do-gooder trying to impose his own moral code on the rest of us. To an extent, I support Mr. Hilton, in that I believe that the school has a duty to inform the parents of those trying out and those attending the performances so that they can avoid participating or attending if the subject matter is offensive to the student (or the student's overbearing parents).
ReplyDeleteAnd that's it. If you object to the content, DON"T GO. Do not impose your sense of morality on me.
If seeing the Laramie Project helps to arouse consciousness to avoid other senseless and violent deaths, and that conscience-rasing experience is denied those who seek it, then the blood of those martyrs will be on Cory Hilton's hands.
Uggggh....these plays are hardly in front of a "captive audience." The students at GVHS, as well as the general public, have the OPTION of paying admission to go to these plays.
ReplyDeleteI must say that "Rent" and "The Laramie Project" are both outstanding plays...coming from a very religious/conservative background, I personally found them very thought-provoking. Of course, I had to wait until college to see both of them. In high school, the Cory Hiltons of the world "protected" me from (a) any semblance of culture in Las Vegas and (b) having to learn about tolerance of gay people at too early an age. <**Note: sarcasm intended for those who can't recognize it>
What time do bar results come out today?
ReplyDeleteBar results are at 3:00 p.m., although they posted early last time at 12:00 p.m. Good luck to the first time takers, the repeaters, and the multiple repeaters (keep trying, you'll get it eventually). (Speaking of which, any change the Supreme Court will consider capping the number of times a person can sit for the bar or does it want the revenue?)
ReplyDeleteSort of ironic how these super conservative parents are likely the same ones touting small government and less state intrusion into the private sector. But as soon as someone portrays homosexuals as something other than sex-driven sinners, they are all about making sure OTHER PEOPLE'S KIDS dont see it.
ReplyDeleteI'm conversative and don't want to see homosexuals or cross dressers in my every day life, but I loved Rent. It's a great story.
ReplyDeleteEven though I'm socially conservative, I don't believe that I know what's best for everyone else. That's the difference between me and the Fox News Neo-Cons (who all seem to have the IQs of mayonnaise). I just choose not to look at things that make me uncomfortable.
I wish there were more conservatives like you.
ReplyDeleteLMAO @ "I don't want to see homosexuals in my everyday life."
ReplyDeleteSometimes those homos are so secretive in ramming their collective agenda down our straight throats that we can't even tell that they're gay by looking! They dress just like me (usually a little nicer though) and talk just like me (usually enunciate better and are more articulate). Something needs to be done to expose these gays!
WOW, the bigots are REALLY out in full force today...I was making a comment, not an invitation to slam on 'the gays'.
ReplyDeleteHow did Hilton's lawsuit turn into a discussion of 'gay bashing'?
re: 8:58 - LU
ReplyDeleteYou were the first to use the "bigot" term - though in reference to those who are tired of some homophobic citizens of Green Valley who are constantly shoving their agenda down the throats of non-believers.
10:20 = irony
ReplyDeleteLU - you must be on your meds because for the last few weeks your posts have been coherent, intelligent, and made good points.
ReplyDeleteI've started drinking again. Law through the beer goggles becomes much clearer.
ReplyDeletewhat a bunch of arseholes on this thread. all of you, without exception.
ReplyDelete9:47 - you refuted your own point. do you pay people $300 an hour to receive your counsel?
I understand that when Mr. Hilton learned that the main character in "Rent" was named David Cohen, he determined that the play was "too Jewey."