Wednesday, October 7, 2009

More Miley Details

Now that the dust has settled, some of our local news outlets are wringing more details from Cirque du Miley. Here are some of our favorites:
  • After choking his dog and shoving his wife in front of their children, Big Ed went all "gangsta," grabbed a gun, and fired off multiple rounds in the backyard of their home. (Fox 5 Video @ 1:07)

  • Good news for those of you looking to "court" a 38-year-old hot judge: Apparently Judge Miley initiated the argument by telling Ed she wanted a divorce. We expect to see her office filled with roses tomorrow morning. (LVRJ)

  • The status of the choked dog, while mentioned in almost every article, is still unknown. Someone get the status of that pooch!
  • LV Now is reporting that the dog was euthanized. Anyone know the dog's name?

  • Judge Miley was granted a temporary restraining order against Ed, forbidding him from coming within 100 yards of their home, their children's school, or her work. Too bad she works at the RJC, and he happens to be an attorney (for now). Guess there will be a lot of pro se ugly hookers in court today. (LVRJ)

  • Ed is best known for representing Charles Cashmore, one of the defendants in the O.J. Simpson robbery case. Cashmore was given a 12- to 36-month suspended sentence and up to three years of probation after pleading guilty to accessory to robbery. He then promptly violated his probation.

  • LV Now has a link to the arrest report.


  1. She's a handful, no doubt. The poor dog gets more sympathy from me than she does.

  2. Can we get a post about the indigent defense fiasco reported in the LVRJ?

  3. "We expect to see her office filled with roses tomorrow morning."

    Yeah, she'll probably send them to herself.

    Ever wonder why she's married to Randy? Because she's such an incredible pain in the ass that no one else would have her. There's a reason she averaged a job per year prior to becoming a judge. No one can stand her.

  4. If you aren't the sharpest tool in the box, is your situation improved by marrying a giant tool? Just curious.

  5. I knew her just before she got married. She was working at the old Barker Brown firm. Everyone there hated her with a passion - besides the fact that her work product sucked, she was an arrogant bitch. They even kept her on for a long time after she failed the bar. Then, as soon as she got her ticket, she split for Eglet's office. If you knew her back then, you'd understand how she ended up with Randy.

  6. 10:02, I'm not sure "a giant tool" would be in play here...

  7. Ah, yes, another woman on the bench. Hey, maybe we should make her a federal judge. Afterall, she's a woman. What else matters?

  8. 1:44, your wife must love you, especially when you ask for a beer while you watch Glenn Beck...

  9. My lvmpd friend told me the dog had to be put down.... he was in pain and couldn't be saved.

  10. I'm torn between hating the husband for killing the dog and being amused by the absurdity of these bumpkins holding positions of respect in our community. These are real, live, inbred, trailer-park characters. And in Las Vegas, they become judges. All that's missing is Ned Beatty and a banjo.

  11. I think if you choke out your dog and it [allegedly] has to be put to sleep, you qualify as a 'giant tool'. Add in the fact the kids were present, and well, you do the math on the tool factor.

  12. The tool remark at 12:08 seems to have gone a mile over your head, 3:07. Did you actually interpret that as a defense of the suspect?

  13. Miley (husband) was charged today with 1 count of animal cruelty (the dog had to be 'put down'), 1 count of child abuse/neglect & 5 counts of battery domestic violence. All this after Judge Miley (the battered) got a restraining order against him so he can't enter the courthouse. Come on, they have armed guards there. Did the court really need to go that far?

  14. This is a sad situation, even if the characters involved are not sympathetic. What type of dog?

  15. The only sad part is the death of the dog and the effect on the kids. My guess, knowing both of the parents, the kids were already emotianally screwed up. Both Stefany and Randy are too self-centered and narcissistic to be good parents.

  16. Maybe this will change your minds!!!!

  17. If there is anyone left out there who wonders why the Las Vegas judiciary has such a rotten reputation nationally, this should just about cinch it.

    Judge Miley is the victim here, and that counts for something, but she's still one of several embarassments at the RJC.

  18. Wow, according to the arrest report it looks like she went to Lenny Fink's house.

  19. Judge Miley is NOT the victim! How can someone say that this woman who reduces a man to animalistic gruts and violence is innocent. She made him do it, and I am pretty sure the dog asked for it, too.

  20. Yea, the cocker spaniel he killed was just too tough for Randy to handle!
    The man is 6'4 and a bull.. he couldn't handle a little dog.

    But, I do have to agree with you Judge Miley is NOT the victim. They have been getting in knock down drag out fights for years. She just called the police this time.
