Thursday, October 8, 2009

Sidebar: Sizzle

I've considered posting this question a few times, but I was worried that the topic was too superficial. But, based on the content of some comments, it is a pressing question that must be posed to our legal community.

It seems that a certain judge in Dept. 23 (current, not former) is considered a judicial hottie. One of my Delta Nu sisters has a major crush on Judge Wall. I know many super hot members of our profession, both male and female, from various firms, although my heart will always belong to the Honorable Justice Harry Blackmun.

Who is your legal dreamboat? Ever have opposing counsel who was too foxxxy and you got distracted? Who gets your vote for hottest, most attractive or most stylish? This can be a judge, lawyer, professor or even Supreme Court Justice (I know we must have some Nino fans!). And for another one of my Delta Nu sisters, yes, you can list legal lexicographer, Bryan Garner.


  1. (Sorry to my friends, who will quickly figure out who this anon poster is...)

    Laura Browning of Snell & Wilmer has the hottest shoes on earth. Jennie Dorsey of Kemp Jones is also lovely.

    For the men, love Marek Bute. I also love a dashing silverfox.

    My judicial lady is Johnson. Judicial man is Potter (because he gets extra points for the badass factor).

  2. Yeah, this is too superficial.

  3. I'm kinda sweet on one of the pro se clerks over in Fed. Ct. ;-)

  4. @ 8:00 AM - you are Troy Fox, aren't you?

  5. Becky Baker - circa 1996 - was stunning! Not a nice girl, but really fun to look at. Time hasn't been good to her.

  6. I am possibly biased due to possibly being married to one of the attorneys, but I have to say that the entire firm of Goldsmith & Guymon has a very high mark on the overall attractive scale.

  7. 8:34 = Gary Guymon. Are you still relegated to the couch after pulling that humiliating stunt in Utah?

  8. Susan Johnson is a MILF.

  9. This is one of the dumber topics that have been posted.

  10. Law School= Cynthia Asher

    Law Clerks= Justice Douglas' law clerk

    Lawyer= Paolo Armeni

    Judge= The tall lady

  11. Agree with @9:14. The women who write for this blog should be fired. Elle Woods and Legal Eagle are the worst. Always posting idiot surveys and superficial discussions. Yawn.

  12. Great survey! Not much on the hottie scale here at the Federal Courthouse!

  13. Ray Jones @ Snell & Wilmer is a right sexy bastard.

  14. Two words: Ron Parraguirre (Yummy.)

  15. The Clark County Public Defender's Office has some hotties.

  16. Rebecca Levine (now Maurice). Seriously hot!

  17. I'm 8:34 and I am not Gary, although I do believe Marjorie is a very attractive woman (and I don't say that because she is my husband's boss).

  18. @ The Hate - I'm glad to hear that you hate the women who post on the blog. As I have said repeatedly in the past, if you don't like the post or the topic, why bother commenting? (And in this world of anonymous posting, how do you know the sex of any of the posters?)

    If you haven't noticed we do one Sidebar each week to engage the legal community. Some are light and fluffy, like this one, and others are not. Instead of focusing on the serious nature of some of the posts about Judge Miley, people have turned the comments into a debate on whether or not she is hot. Do you consider those superficial?

    If you have sidebar suggstions, speak up. I'd love to hear from you. Otherwise, if you don't like them, you don't have to participate. We try to have varying content with something for everyone.

    This topic is meant to be humorous. Yes, that's right, it is superficial on purpose.

    Enjoy and lighten up. If you have other topics, let us know. We're always looking for tips and feedback on what people would like to see included on the site. Since we've gotten some great discussions started in the Sidebars, I think a lot of people enjoy them and it gives people a chance to say things in an anonymous forum.

    Warm fuzzies,

  19. Julie Sanpei

    1994 = young hottie
    2009 = cougar hottie

    *this is a great topic, though very meaningless

  20. Marilyn Fine is fine.

  21. My true 'dream boat' is Elle Woods, Esq., no offense LE but you haven't posted a pic of a famous actress, yet.

  22. Every one of Judge Mahan's past, current and (likely) future clerks is a knockout.

  23. Most delicious male attorney is Jerry Wiese. Something about that buzzcut that really get's my juices flowing.

  24. This is like asking who the hottest Jonas Brother is (*Hint for those too old to get the reference= all three Jonas Bros. are pretty fugly).

    Face the facts...we do not work in a very attractive profession.

  25. Judge Herndon is definitely those glasses. Judge Wall is also a handsome man.

  26. @ 10:06: You are joking in some capacity I believe, unless the ad on TV is correct and Hefty has come out with a trash bag strong and thick enough to hold a piano.

  27. ERIKA PIKE TURNER - mmmmmm mmmmmmmm

  28. Hey there Ed Miley . . . er, I mean . . . Anon @ 9:18 a.m.

    In other news, this post does suck, but only because I've wasted my whole morning trying to find pictures of the "hotties" herein nominated. (Yeah, like you didn't?!) What's worse is, most of you (1) have bad taste, or (2) have nominated yourselves--and still have bad taste. LU especially. I just don't get that guy/girl.

  29. Judge Cadish's first law clerk. Not sure where she is now...kept me distracted throughout trial.

  30. This is a tough (but good) poll. Unfortunately there are too many ugly attorneys in this town (both male and female).

    I wish there were hotter attorneys, I need something to keep me preoccupied while I'm billing for the man.

    By the way, I don't know who half of these attorneys even are. Any decent looking attorneys in town under the age of 40?

  31. @12:44 PM

    Ahhh, mission accomplished, again . . . confusion for the WWL anonymous.

    You only brought my posts up because its trendy. How can you not question the "Potter Nomination", or the 'anyone at the PDs office' Nomination?

  32. Not that any of you ever surf away from WWL, but check out a post today at ATL. Same topic, with a photoshop twist.

  33. LU, 12:44 P.M. here. I brought up your post because it's trendy? Are you kidding me? I invented the bash-on-LU trend!

    It's nothing personal, it's just that nothing you say makes one bit of sense. For example, how can you read my post and conclude I wasn't questioning almost everyone's nominations--including both the Potter and the PD's office nods? Again, no sense.

    One time I agreed with something you said, and I even posted a comment about it. I should have later posted a comment about how I went home from work immediately, showered continuously for the rest of the day, and then cried myself to sleep.

  34. @ 4:46pm
    You are such a trend-setter! (That is what I should have said, I guess.) How the hell am I to know that you are the 'great creator of all LU-hate and animosity (and WWL traffic)', given that you are all "Anonymous" and say the same things, over and over. You could at least dub yourself 'the anti-LUB' or something equally gay since we are now showering together. I hope it was good for you, too.

  35. I shower with 12:44 / 4:46 all the time. It's totally gay and totally worth it! Still, I wouldn't mind showering up with LU...

  36. LU, how many different screen names do you post under, anyway? You are too obvious.

  37. Now we're discussing who showers with LU? I just want to know who is hot. Last I checked, the pickings are slim. (Especially slim during the CD calendar. Just saying.)

  38. Sorry, can't take credit for "Legally Awesome", but that was fuckin' funny!

  39. Marilyn Fine? You might not think she's so fine if you ever saw her face hideously contorted as she spits venom at her staff. That generally happens within a few days of her hugging the same staff member while half crying & half giggling as she tells them she loves them. One of the long time staffers over there frequently refers to that female partner as, "psycho-bitch" behind her back.

  40. @ 2:34 a.m.:

    Stay classy, San Diego.

  41. Judge Wall - sexy

  42. I would have to say Jacqueline Jeanney over at the DA's office, cute face and fit body. Then again anyone working next to other drab, skeleton DA's like Kristin Kramer is a supermodel. I mean yikes...she looks like the scream mask!

  43. Judge Wall kind of reminds me of Jimmy Fallon, both in looks and in his wry humor and demeanor.

  44. LU - I wasn't referring to only the LA post. I meant the others too.
    - 7:17

  45. Hey 11:54 and 2:34 re 10:06, you at least have to admit she looks great for her age. Especially those knockers she always has on display. Granted she's had work done but it was pretty good work. So what's up with the snide comments?

  46. Shea Backus is hot; great legs.

  47. 1980 - Israel "Ishy" Kunin. 2009 - Shoshana Kunin-Leavitt.

  48. Bethany Raib at Greenbrg Traurig is the perfect woman.

  49. So where's the big, giant, obnoxious poll on this?

  50. @12:53 - This is the "big, giant, obnoxious" poll.

    Although perhaps we should invite those named to pose for a charity calendar and donate the proceeds to Nevada Legal Services...

  51. I always enjoy looking at Mark Ferrario.

  52. @11:59. I do not think that it is snide to refute or reject an opinion for a person who does not tickle the right ivories. Don't be so sensitive, Marilyn.

  53. @ 11:59 It was good work. I remember the big hips, braid down her back look.

  54. Definitely Becky Baker back in the day with her super-model face. Carol Barnes and her Kim Kardashian look alike friend - love how they always have the four inch pumps. Melanie, Judge Guiliani's (Family Court) law clerk is also a babe.
