Got a bone to pick with your secretary? Have at it. Want to express you disgust with the latest Supreme Court opinion? Be our guest. Got a general legal question? We're sure many of our commenters will be willing to mock help you. Got a juicy piece of gossip? Well ... you get the idea.
It's all you, we'll see how this goes.
Yeah baby, how many of us are going to get a little drunk and try to hook up with some strange at Kennyfest tonight? If Judge Johnson gets a few beers in her . . . . .
ReplyDeleteDo you know why leprechauns are always laughing?
ReplyDelete'cuz the grass is tall enough to tickle their nuts
Someone at my firm is getting fired today and has no idea...
ReplyDeleteROFLMAO @ Nobel Peace Prize
ReplyDelete8:26 has just cause heart palpations in half of the firm lawyers in town... especially those recently on the losing side of a MSJ.
ReplyDeleteIt's only fair that PresBO wont he Peace Price... the last Democrat president got a piece prize too ya know.
ReplyDeleteI have a question for everybody. I currently have a job at a mid-size civil litigation firm in town. I like most of the people I work with, but I don't really like the partners and I don't like the cases I'm given to work on.
ReplyDeleteSo I've been looking for jobs elsewhere, sending in my resumes in response to job postings. I realize that many lawyers have lost their jobs recently and are currently looking for work.
So should I feel guilty that I'm looking for a different job, even though I already have one? And will I even be able to make a move right now give the number of people I'll be competing against?
@ 9:13
ReplyDeleteAgreed. BO getting a peace prize is great comedy. Quite the award for less than two weeks in office.
When did this blog become FOX News?
ReplyDeleteYour fear and racism are showing. This is a man of intellect and vision; he has changed the world paradigm. When will the hard right leave its fearful Cold War era mentality and embrace the modern world order?
Good point @10:12
ReplyDeleteThe Cold War has been over for 20 years. The Nobel voters probably did this as much to honor Obama as they did to rub GWB's nose in the pile of shit he and his cronies created.
Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding.
ReplyDeleteAlbert Einstein
Hey - Pam and Jim are married now.
ReplyDeleteChickity check yourself
ReplyDeleteBefore you wreck yourself
~Ice Cube
(*I just love profound quotes and pretentious people who think they're smart just by citing them...come up with an original thought of your own!)
The cold war might be over - but another one is starting up even bigger.
ReplyDeleteDon't let Obama fool you - he has another hidden agenda. Ex: Stimulus money. That was never intended to help others - just his friends that lost too much. It NEVER helped us the people and we knew it NEVER would. All he did is get us in more financial debt just like his health care will bankrupt most of us. NOTHING IS FREE.
Does anyone know if Randy Miley is going to CPK party? If so - I am so there. I would like to see how he giggles out of this.
ReplyDeleteNo disrespect President Obama on winning your Peace Prize....BUT BEYONCE HAD ONE OF THE BEST VIDEOS OF ALL TIME!!!!!
ReplyDeleteHey Glen Beck (a.k.a. Anonymous @10:40 AM)...you're a nut job...go eat a salad, you fat cry-baby
ReplyDelete@ 10:12
ReplyDeleteYou are being sarcastic, right?
You get a Nobel for vision, but no accomplishments? A Peace Prize while directing two wars?
What's next, a Grammy and an Oscar?
Let's be fair...he's directing two wars he didn't even start.
ReplyDeleteEven if pulling out now is the right thing to do, its way too risky from a political standpoint especially if he wants to get re-elected in 3 years.
I don't think he deserves the prestigious Nobel peace prize, but I absolutely love that it pisses off the "birthers" and the "teabaggers". I think he might be the first Kenyan-born President to win.
ReplyDeleteDid you forget to take your meds this morning?
Can we talk about the tools they have as bailiffs at the RJC. These guys are assholes. They're rude to clients, rude to witnesses, and are wannabe cops. Why can't we have those professional guys from federal court? I saw one of them take two women on the first floor because they gave each other a small kiss. I heard that another one chased a guy out of the building, take a car from a private citizen, tried to chase the guy down, but still couldn't catch him - just because the guy called him an ass (which was totally deserved). They're not all bad, but several of them are out of control.
ReplyDeletesoory - that should be took. Where's the edit button.
ReplyDeleteThe bailiffs are now called marshals (better union). There are three or four I like and respect. The rest are wash-outs. Usually the worst judges have the worst marshals; Mosley, Bixler and Walsh come to mind. The gate marshals are usually a little less pretentious and they're working under pretty demanding circumstances, so I understand more when they're snippy. I have spent a lot of time in that building. The problem is the CULTURE. The two guys at the top think they're running a swat team and nobody in power has the nuts to tell them to calm the fuck down.
ReplyDeleteGood judges, who are strong leaders/managers of their large staff have marshals that know how to be effective without being a-holes. Many of them are just strung way too tight.
Two wars still going strong, including an "unnecessary" one.
ReplyDeleteGuantanamo is still open.
Iranian freedom fighters slaughtered and barely a peep.
To the Dalai Lama: drop dead.
And for this he gets the Peace Prize?
Disclaimer: yes I'm racist and socialist and sexist and unpatriotic, but not as much as you are, scumbag.
Good job, October 9, 2009 10:45 AM
ReplyDeleteAs for the court staff, it's a steady downhill decline. Truly unbelievable how the friendly local courthouse I once knew is now some LA Courthouse.
Ignorant liberals who think Obama can do no wrong are obnoxious. Not even a year in office, no accomplishments, leading a country waging 2 wars and he's awarded a Nobel peace prize? Absurd.
ReplyDeleteYeah...I'm starting to wish I voted for Sarah Palin...we'd be in a lot better shape as a nation.
ReplyDeleteI guess Obama did earn that award. He held a successful peace conference between a professor and a cop.
ReplyDeleteGood job! Mother Teresa would be proud.
I think it is funny how people act like Obama is the one who decided who gets the award.
ReplyDeleteTo them, Larry the Cable Guy and/or Dale Earnhardt, Jr. are more deserving candidates.
ReplyDeleteAnd you guys think my comments are dumb . . . well, at least one of you.
ReplyDeleteThe Baliff/Marshal discussion is very accurate. Why not name names?
I don't like the "marshals" either. First time I entered the building as an inexperienced summer associate, they wouldn't let me in because I had a nail-clipper hanging off of my key-chain. Which is fine. I should have known better.
ReplyDeleteBut then this one "marshal" tried to rip the nail-clipper right off of my key-chain. He eventually realized that he was not strong enough to break metal, but never apologized for completely misshaping my key-chain.
And yes, it was a precious key-chain!
meow meow meow meow. meow meow meow meow. meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow.
ReplyDeleteI see, absolutely no one found time, through all their senseless bickering to point out a minor spelling err... feel not fell. That is all.
ReplyDeleteLooking at the beer truck out my window.
ReplyDelete@1:36 PM said
ReplyDelete"I think it is funny how people act like Obama is the one who decided who gets the award."
Very astute comment. If he was given a "fag of the year" award by the San Fran Queers Association, nobody would be blaming HIM.
The Peace Prize has increasingly become a political statement and nothing more. It would be like washing someone's car, then knocking on their door and demanding payment.
@ 3:56pm. Fixed, thanks.
ReplyDeleteIs there a Nobel Prize for customer service and efficiency? If so, let us nominate the Courthouse Staff. Afterall, if Obama can be the Prince of Peace, then surely those surly sob's who look upon the public as pesky nuisances deserve the prize, too.
ReplyDeleteTo celebrate, they can close half the elevator banks, seal the stairwell and close the one remaining entrance. Oh, amd make sure to dump some manure in the coffee. Yeah. Las Vegas-stan justice courts ready to do business.
ReplyDeleteYour comment is very revealing. It says more about you than I could ever imagine doing, so I won't even bother. Thanks for saving me the keystrokes.
ReplyDeleteYou're obviously a douche bag. Say something constructive or keep it to yourself.
ReplyDeleteOnce again, thank you, you keep making my point for me. It's nice having somebody else to do the heavy lifting.
D. Bag
Anyone catch the fist fight at CPK?
ReplyDeleteI find it interesting that the Peace Prize is given to a leader involved in two wars. Just doesn't make sense. Unless they are giving the prize for promises? I'll make a few promises for the prize!