Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Two Words: Beer Truck

It's that time of the year again ... the weather is cooling, the leaves are falling, and the nicest guy in P.I. is preparing to host the biggest lawyer shindig of the year.

This years CPK "Open House" begins this coming Friday (10/09/09) at 5:00 PM. Live music will be provided by West Coast Blues Conspiracy, followed by a D.J. for those of you who like to shake a leg. Grub will be provided by Amalfi Pizza & Pasta.

For those of you new to the scene, Craig's parties are a great place to eat, drink and walk that thin line that separates debauchery from disbarment. But seriously, there is no better networking opportunity for those of you seeking to make some law-friends.

Pictures from last year's festivities are available here. Feel free to play "Find the Judge" if you get bored at work (it amused us for way too long).

For those of you more experienced CPK party-goers, let's hear your favorite moments from years past. Hope to see you all there!


  1. My favorite part is when the 40-45 year old balding overweight attorneys hit on the 21-24 year old young cute law students to a point where the girls' big guy friends have to intervene. It was always great fun.
    It is even better when, 4 years later, the young cute law student is an attorney and whips up on the 44-49 year old more bald and more overweight attorney in court while he's telling her how naive she is about the law.

  2. just to add the last element to the pictures you've drawn, where are the big guy friends 4 years later?

    do they calendar these matters with some sort of easter egg that would tell me when I could go to see them?

  3. So many great memories. Now that I've got a job to lose, though, I'm probably going to steer clear of the free booze. I will turn into Frank the Tank.

    (*Although I do have my own office to pass out in this year)

  4. Free beer or not, who wants to waste a perfectly good Friday night hanging out with other attorneys and law students? The weekend is my refuge.

  5. It is funny to see the judges all liquored up.

  6. My favorite part is where Judge Miley's husband gets hammered and starts beating on her in front of the law students....

    To soon?

  7. It is never to early to make domestic abuse jokes.

  8. This party is good for DUI business in Vegas. Good ol' Craig is just helping out the profession.

  9. @ 1:29

    That is cold. Funny, but cold.

    Maybe she just wouldn't listen.

  10. @1:53

    I'm guessing she was talking back...

  11. Does Randy Miley get the still get the invite if he is in jail?

  12. Never too soon for a laugh like that!

  13. I hear the Miley's dog is dead... he had to be put down. Randy should be stripped of license and put out to pasture! What a terrible man.

  14. Has Michael Vick taught us nothing?

  15. I love this party! My office is in Summerlin but its worth the drive to 7th Street for this bash. The next door neighbor, Las Vegas Legal Video, opens up its parking lot to maximize space! Beer, wine, pizza, and great weather! Craig Kenny rocks for throwing this party! Other than Meet the Judges, this is one of the few great chances to hang out with friends and colleagues in a casual atmosphere.

  16. My favorite part is when the 20-25 year old women with nothing to offer this world but their looks and memorized passages from Prosser on torts hit on accomplished 40-45 year old attorneys to the point where the attorneys' wives have to intervene. It is always great fun.

  17. The motto: "Boyd Law School . . . no, really, we're not joking, UNLV does have a law school"

  18. Aw, come on now 3:09...don't hate on UNLV just because you are drowning in loans from your overpriced (and overrated) education and you can't get a job while your peers from Boyd are out raking in the big bucks.

    Don't worry, I'm sure one of those Boyd grads could use a paralegal.

    And yeah, the CPK party is a good time. I never miss it.

  19. The dog did not die.
