So, when we last left our dysfunctional couple, Ed, in a drunken rage, strangled his dog to death and gave his hot judge-wife the 'ole what fer before deciding to play shoot-em-up with a live firearm in his backyard. This landed Ed a TRO from his home, his kids' school, and the RJC (big problem for an attorney).
After that point, the rumors get a little murky. Apparently the TRO was allowed to expire. However, Ed's current location is unknown. From what we've heard, he is in rehab in either California or Arizona (possibly court ordered).
As for Judge Hottie, she took a little vacation (do judges really have unlimited sick days?). She is reportedly back to work as of Monday.
But what about the relationship, you ask? Here's where things get real rumory. Those of you who are not daytime soap fans may wish to stop reading here.
Here's an email we received on the matter:
I heard Judge Miley told friends she is going to take him back. Not because she is so in love, but she is over in debt. She paid a lot for her house a few years ago in Red Rock and now she can't sell it for half the price she bought it for. She feels trapped with all of their debt and can't give up the life style she has created.These are the days of our lives ...
The cops who were there and arrested Ed - said the kids got their baseball bats, light sabors etc to try and get Dad off of their mom. He was attacking her and didn't stop. Judge Miley thought he was going to kill her then.
That's all we've got. We'll leave it to you guys to fill in the blanks and/or tell us we're full of shit.
(Thanks, tipsters)
Has someone called CPS? Kids should not be growing up in this environment.
ReplyDeleteLet's ALL call CPS today and cite WWL as our source.
ReplyDeleteI could be off, but with a little random searching through the assessor's website, it's my guess that the Mileys paid $1,875,000 for the house in August 2005. Not bad for a district court judge earning in the mid-100's and a lackluster attorney who accepts court appointed cases at $100 an hour. Must be tough to pay that mortgage and the rehab. spa bill at the same time.
ReplyDeleteI don't think judges get "sick" time - but as elected officials they pretty much just take off whatever time they want. Miley already started her time at the RJC with a three week trip to Egypt, so it's not surprising that she took a couple of weeks off to explore the parameters of her relationship with Ed. The AOC should put out a list of time off per judge per year -- they have this info. because they appoint senior judges, at taxpayer expense, to cover for the absent district court judges. If we had any decent reporters in this town they would look into this.
ReplyDeleteAssessor's Parcel Number: 164-02-217-017
Recording Date: 08/31/2005
Sales Price: $1,875,000
Sales Price Description: FULL AMOUNT
County Transfer Tax: $9,562.50
Loan Amount: $1,500,000
Loan Amount: $281,250
Loan Amount: $319,000
Boring topic.
ReplyDeleteIn light of the question about the amount of time taken off by State District Court Judges, why not attempt a meaningful discussion of all sitting State District Court judges and which, if any, of them are truly qualified by practice background, intelligence and temperament to be on the bench?
Forgive me for reposting:
ReplyDeleteNow that the dog is gone, I see no reason why Miley and Miley can't get back together and live happily ever after. All the naysayers are inexperienced yahoos who do not know what sweat and tears go into a real relationship. In fact, I predict hot sweaty reaffirmations in the marital bed real soon
Look, whether you are upper-class in mind and body, or lower-class in every way, financial realities play a big role in decision making. So, Jackie Kennedy who never liked JFK married him because he could keep her in the lifestyle she was accustomed to, and here Princess Miley must stay married to bullfrog Miley to keep her overpriced house in Red Rock Country Club (which is, btw, a trailer park in spirit; every lowlife who finds a bag of money in the alley behind some Clark County Commissioner's house buys a house there. You couldn't pay me to live there.)
As for the kids, they get a valuable life lesson by seeing the parents patch things up. Divorce is almost never the answer, I don't care how much he beats her or how bitchy and frigid she is. Together, they can live happily ever after; apart they are just two losers drifting through life.
I agree and disagree with 9:37. A multi-part series on the judiciary is a good idea. But this post has a good topic, especially considering the name of the blog.
ReplyDeleteI guess they could be approx. $1 million under water. I'm not a math person, but wouldn't that conceivably mean they have a $4,000mortgage payment--on the value that isn't there?
You'd think we wouldn't want judges drowning in debt...
They showed up in Vegas in the mid-90's right out of second-rate law schools, but diriving nice cars and wearing nice clothes. She failed the bar and couldn't keep a job even after she passed, a year later. He just couldn't keep a job. My guess - there's a trust fund somewhere, probably hers. She latched on to Nancy Oesterle, joined the Junior League, and began showing up at fancy cocktail parties. Either she had an upbringing which showed her that lifestyle, or she's a really good faker.
ReplyDeleteAnd geez- that house is a million under water. If there isn't some money somewhere, there's going to be a bankruptcy.
People in Las Vegas refuse to live on less than they make.
I know this isn't a new thought, but it is SOOOO lame that we elect our judges in NV. As if the general public has the first clue what mades for a good judge.
ReplyDelete10:11 AM
ReplyDelete"You'd think we wouldn't want judges drowning in debt...:
Amen. Nor former Discovery Commisioners.
This is the kind of stuff that leads to judges looking for first-class invites to fancy Super Bowl parties and fancy parties in Big Bear.
10:50 is arguing from a false assumption, namely that appointed judges are any better than elected ones. I will take any of our judges over some f'ing party hack in Chicago, LA or NYC any day. Any day.
ReplyDelete11:12 - our state court judges are a joke.
ReplyDeleteWhy does the same basic talent pool create very good Federal Judges and a terrible state court bench? People who stand for election aren't going to vigorously enforce the Rules of Civil Procedure especially because insurance companies can't vote.
11:40 AM - the rules of civil procedure are a helpful guide, not some Law from high. Wise judges move things around as necessary to advance justice. Advancing justice usually means acting in contradictio to insurance companies.
ReplyDelete@ 12:32
ReplyDeleteSo rules aren't really rules?
Got it.
@ 12:32
ReplyDeleteYour comment that "Rules" are really more like "Suggestive Guidelines" is outrageous.
Using your logic, I should consider the "Laws" that keep me from punching you in the face as more like "Recommendations."
You literalists are full of it. All other rules must be read through the filter of Rule 1, the most important of them all. It provides that those that follow "shall be construed and administered to secure the just, speedy and inexpensive determination of every action." That mandate actually PROHIBITS literal application.
ReplyDeleteO>K>, a show of hands. How many of you have never even read rule 1 before?
1:06 Then why do they apply the Rules in Federal Court?
ReplyDeleteCould be that Federal judges aren't elected and don't care if they offend the plaintiff bar (aka the primary donors to judicial campaigns).
@ 12:56
ReplyDeleteLol, funniest thing I read all day. Almost tempted to put it up as my facebook status!
@ 1:06
ReplyDeleteYou're kidding? So Rule 1 says don't take the other rules literally? Isn't that taking Rule 1 literally then? Do you not see the logical fallacy you've created?
They aren't called the "Suggestions" of Civil Procedure for a reason.
You know what else is lame the fact that some attorney's in this town are allowed to even practice with some of the shenanigans they pull...seriously...
ReplyDeleteOur federal judges are no better than the state judges... Thank God for the Ninth Circuit.
ReplyDeleteMiley vs. Miley is a boring topic but the Rules of Civil Procedure are a good topic for a gossip blog? What universe is this?
ReplyDeleteAny guesses on who is going to represent Ed criminally???
ReplyDeleteEd should be represented by Palmer & Associates (they have the advertisement with the doberman and specialize in dog bites). He will plead that the Miley dog was asking for it.
ReplyDeleteI first met the Mileys in 1995 and worked with Randy Miley in 1997. I no longer live in Nevada, have not seen either of the Mileys since 2000, and am shocked at this turn of events.
ReplyDeleteRegardless, anyone (10:26 AM, you know who you are) that claims the Mileys showed up in Vegas driving fancy cars is really, really delusional, or simply lying.
In 1997, Randy Miley was driving a very used red Ford escort. The inside roof lining hit the top of the passenger's head and the back seat was missing. In its place were towels spread out.
..... You know, all of this is very sad for the Mileys (spouses, children, pets and extended family). If it makes folks happy to gossip, fine. But as members of the legal profession, try to be at least credible.
Anyone who thinks our federal judges are of the same caliber as our state court judges doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground.
ReplyDeleteHey Corrine - what was Stefany driving during her days at Pyatt Eglet & Silvestri? If she really was broke, one sure couldn't tell by the weekly manicures, dye jobs, and Nordstrom shoes.
ReplyDeleteI used to work with Randy, as well. I always found him to be a likeable sort of guy who always seemed more concerned with the "glam" cocktail party circuit than learning how to write a good motion or take an effective deposition. Frankly, I was shocked to hear the news. But, regardless of the scuttlebutt, you have to feel for the kids. THEY never bargained for any of this.
ReplyDeleteHey Corrine - what was Stefany driving during her days at Pyatt Eglet & Silvestri? If she really was broke, one sure couldn't tell by the weekly manicures, dye jobs, and Nordstrom shoes.
You should visit your local mall sometime. I assure you there are plenty of poors who have manicures, dye jobs, and yes (gasp), even may purchase something at Nordy's. It's called credit, my friend. It can be very deceiving.
ReplyDeleteOMG, the horror, a manicure and shopping at Nordstroms! Dye jobs! Gosh, no one could possibly find a $15-$20 manicure in this town, nor a reasonably priced dye job. And shoes from Nordstroms doesn't equate a slam dunk of a silver spoon in the mouth. Hell, I love high end shoes, but am thrifty enough to find them on sale or save up for them, and no trust fund here.
Assuming that because someone actually gives a shit about their appearance doesn't equate to the presence of a trust fund. And if you think shopping at Nordstroms is the creme de la creme - apparently you've missed true couture fashion.
What is Nordstroms? Is it like a TJ Maxx or Marshalls? If so, then I agree with 3:09.
ReplyDeleteYou are obviously a defense attorney or hold a government position...
ReplyDeleteI'm betting that you are a federal judge's law clerk.
A defense attorney? Criminal defense attorneys are not that fond of the federal bench with one judge excepted.
I am sickened by some of the comments in this thread. Have you people lost your humanity? For whatever transgressions the Mileys have committed, do they deserve to be scrutinized and mocked by you pathetic losers? Are your lives so horrible and meaningless that you feel the need to make yourselves feel better by making fun of this sad and serious situation? My God, whatever their faults, these are human beings!
ReplyDeleteLas Vegas IS the soulless shithole the rest of the world thinks it is. God help us.
8:58 - to answer your questions in order (although your one paragraph counts as 3 ROGS):
ReplyDelete1) No
2) Yes
3) Objection, slight mischaracterization.
I say leave the kids completely out of it though.
Must agree with 8:58 AM about one thing - Las Vegas is the world's outhouse. It only exists so people can come relieve themselves far from where they live and sleep.
ReplyDeleteMust agree with 8:58 AM about one thing - Las Vegas is the world's outhouse. It only exists so people can come relieve themselves far from where they live and sleep.
ReplyDeleteYes. They deserve it. Public light, public spectacle. Overall, this blog is entertainment.
Sometimes, you just have to watch the train wrick,
You people are some heartless fucks. It is no wonder that the reputation of attorneys is as it is.
ReplyDeleteMost of you are simply jealous of Judge Miley and her success.
Yep, we all desire fake tits, bad hair, a stupid brain, an over-sized ego, out-of-control debt and a loser husband. That's it - we're jealous of a bimbo with bruises.
ReplyDeleteThey're FAKE??????
ReplyDeleteI thought they were real, just lifted.
8:58am: It is a sad situation, but if the MILEYS (yes both of them) weren't so arrogant and self rightous no one would be blogging this way. They both walk around like they OWN the place and LV. They can't do any wrong. WELL, guess what they screwed up and everyone is watching!
ReplyDeleteThey deserve EVERYTHING THEY ARE GETTING! You can't treat people like shit and then think they will come to your rescue.
ReplyDeleteWho did they treat like shit? Randy Miley is a second-rate downtown street lawyer and she's a horrible joke of a judge. Do you think any real players in Vegas give either of them a second thought? And they're broke from living beyond their means (like 75% of the attorneys in Vegas). They don't have any power. Anyone who got pushed around by those two must be a real loser.
I agree with those who say it's unfair to pile on when these two, and their kids, are going through a very painful situation. A situation like theirs hurts; yes it even hurts the "arrogant and self rightous(sic)". To go through something like this publicly, and have the obdurate commentators here and in the RJ just feed on the dirt, must be awful.
No, they're certainly not the most sympathetic people in the world; but good people are kind, even to the unsympathetic.
unhaPersonally speaking, I have "experienced" the good, the bad, as well as the ugly, regarding THE MILEY'S. It started a decade ago, when I was persuaded by BOTH MILEYS to help what I thought was - "sweet" Steph - in her "first" attempt to run for judge. As time went on through the years, "sweet" Steph, turned out to be an "evil" and "wicked" WITCH for a friend and JUDGE. The only thing see needs, to fit her ward(robe) is her pointy hat. Trick or Treat, Stephany ~ you reap what you sow - know wonder YOU chose Deptartment 23.
ReplyDeleteHow about a pointy bra over those ample breasts?
ReplyDeleteShe just doesn't strike me as a freak.
ReplyDeleteYou can only finance the look of "success" for so long before debt catches up to you.
ReplyDelete10:50am - If she doesn't strike you as a freak.... you don't know her do you? It only takes about 2 minutes if you talk to her to know.
ReplyDeleteFreak like nuts? Or freak like wears a pointy leather bra?
ReplyDeleteRandy Miley is a piece of garbage ... he loves hookers - especially the good looking ones that he wanted METRO to arrest!! and thrives on going to the Adult Video Network to get his kink on!! Additionally, he sucks people into his world of freakishness and brings them to his level... Sadly, his wife is pretty pathetic staying with such a low life. I will confirm he is not "allowed to drink alcohol and smoke cigars" so I guess what does that leave - KINKY STUFF and deviate sexual behavior!!! Love him as my attorney - NOT!!!