Thursday, October 22, 2009

Happy Bar Results Day!

Hey, you.

Yeah you ... the one with the sweaty palms who is supposed to be billing, but is instead checking the local legal gossip blog in hopes you will be able to take your mind off the potentially career-changing news that will drop later today.

You ... the one wondering if it was a good idea to listen to your friend's BarBri bootlegs instead of actually paying for the course.

And you ... the one second-guessing your analysis on whatever asinine question Nevada's sadistic bar examiners decided to trip you up with this year.

RELAX ... you are amongst friends.

Commenters, how about posting some happy thoughts for our soon-to-be-hyperventilating pals? Let them know that life goes on, regardless of the results ... tell them your tales of woe.

RESULTS ARE POSTED ... press button below.

Good luck!! Don't forget about tipping us when you become big shot attorneys!


  1. Can we get a 100% pass rate? Pretty please.....this waiting is horrible

  2. The waiting is the worst part. Well, I passed the first time so I don't know if failing is worse than the wait, but some of you will find out what it's like to fail and maybe you can comment tomorrow about what is worse: waiting for the results or failing the bar exam.

    Good luck!

  3. Advice:
    1)Leave work now. 2)Find a nice quiet bar within walking distance from your home. 3)Turn off the Cell-Phone. 4)Drink till you forget about it and walk home. 5)Check the results tomorrow, the results will still be there.

  4. Any advice on what one can do with a J.D. after they fail the bar? I expect I'll pass, but just in case...

  5. My sweaty palms are going to short out my keyboard...

  6. Goin out for drinks tonight either way. Would much rather celebrate than drown sorrows, though.

  7. Hide the guns.

    Hey, whether you pass or not, you will be surrounded by people that understand you. A lot have passed, a lot have failed. Sorry, no comfort, just a reality check.

    If you are lucky you will fail and go back to school, get a PHd and go teach and pretend you know something about law but really only know about theory and make a lot of money at Boyd.

  8. I completely agree with the last paragraph of LU's post. Be careful what you wish for.

  9. Not afraid to admit I failed NV the first time. Was totally devastated at first, but had friends in the same boat with me. Pass rate was in the low 50's. Life went on and I was better because of it. Made passing it the second time that much sweeter. And gave me a much different perspective on other states' bars I've taken.

  10. I always wondered why they release bar results on a THURSDAY?? If you fail, do you really want to go into work the next day and get the "'ll pass next time" all day? Or like myself, still be sorta drunk from celebrating passing the damn thing the night before? Move it to FRIDAY. Sadists.....

  11. Butterflies in the stomache SUCK! I went through three years of law school....isn't that enough? I miss the old days where you just did an internship.....

  12. hey wild wild law, your panic button doesn't work....

  13. The panic button doesn't work because the results haven't been posted yet.

  14. The button will work once the results are posted. Compare the url to past results urls and you will see.

  15. Having failed the CA bar on a few occasions and then passing NV on the first try, I can say that failing sucks. However, life goes on. You decide how the results affect YOU.

  16. I didn't pass the NV Bar my first time. It SUCKED. Worst than failing that first time was when I got my score and I saw that I had failed by 3/10th of a point. The mathematical laws of rounding do not apply to bar results. I was so bitter and angry about my first results, I didn't prepare at all for the following exam and not surprising, didn't pass again.

    Took some time off, contemplated whether I really wanted to be a lawyer and ultimately decided that yes, I did. Studied my ass off for that third time, and voila, I passed.

    Ironically, passed two other jurisdictions, one with even lower pass rates than NV and another with just marginally higher pass rates my first time through on both those exams with none to little preparation.

    I know several people who have taken the NV bar 4 or more times before passing. And based upon the communal experiences my advice to those going through this absolutely miserable wait - life doesn't end if you don't pass. Identify what your weakness or weaknesses were. For me it was and will always be the MBE. So, if you decide to take the exam again, spend you efforts on your weakness and just do enough to keep your stronger skills honed.

    The one thing I ultimately learned is fake it like you know it - and that mentality still rings true in the practice.

    Whether you pass or fail, get drunk tonight in recognition that it's now water under the bridge.

  17. Judge Miley failed.

    So did the legendary Randy Mainor, RIP.

    So did lots of lawyers who are now making big bucks in Vegas.

    It's not the end of the world.

  18. okay so the courthouse already knows who passed

  19. The Nevada Supreme Court clerks all know who passed the bar early. If you have a connection and don't want to wait, pull a string.

  20. There's an interesting phenomenon that occurs with people who fail the bar - they bond with all the other people who fail/failed. When they eventually pass, they all have words of wisdom on what they did different the second time around to succeed. If you do fail, try to learn from your mistakes so you'll pass on the second attempt.

  21. 1:15 - why is it an interesting phenomenon? Is it not human nature to commiserate with those who can empathize? As the saying goes - misery loves company, and there are a fair share of those who fortunately pass their first time through that act like pompous asses to those who have suffered more than once.

    I will tell you this - passing or not your first time through has no bearing on whether you'll be a good and/or successful lawyer.

  22. Although it's nice to pass on the first try. ;)

  23. I'm listening to some of the legal secretaries talk about people who failed the bar. IMHO, if you haven't sat for the bar, try not to talk about people who failed with a ring of pleasure in your voice.

  24. Tick-tock; tick-tock.

    On a somewhat related tangent - I remember the day I passed. I stopped into a sporting goods store the morning the results were to come in. Found an amazingly sweet deal on a Magnum Research Baby Eagle .40 S&W. Purchased it along with a box of ammo.

    Only later did my friends point out the irony of purchasing a gun with ammo on the day I was to find out whether I passed or not.

  25. PASSED! Hey, does anyone know if they will give out your MBE score for licensing in other jurisdictions?

  26. Yeah you will get your MBE Score in a nice little letter in a couple days. It also comes with a letter that says "Welcome to the Nevada Bar now give us a bunch of money."

    This is a good topic though... I never knew what to make of my MBE score. I think it was 155. Anyone know what that means? Is that any good?

  27. @ 2:27

    All I know is that if you score a 145 or higher, you don't need to take the bar to be admitted in a few states (MN for one).

  28. When is the UNLV pass rate figured out?

  29. I passed the first time but didn't exect to. The terror of waiting for results has faded, just like the memory of failing will fade for those who did. Try again and again. Third time seems the charm for even the worst test takers.

  30. Congratulations to all of you who passed the bar. Now you can go on to be a fungible billing unit for some sweat shop for the next five years.

  31. Yeah Congrats to all those who the student loan fairy will come knocking on your door expecting you to pay them $1000 per month when you only make in the low to mid $60's. Lets not mention the hours you spend at work trying to get a raise or bonus from your billables only to find out because of the economic crisis there will be no bonus...UGHHHH I should have gotten an MBA.

  32. 5:03pm must not know many recent MBA graduates. . .

  33. 5:03 - You obviously haven't done your homework. You can consolidate in a 25-year IBR plan and reduce your payment at that income to around $300/mo. Glad to make your day!

  34. 3:55: Not everyone - the really stupid ones will immediately go start their own solo practices despite not having a clue what they are doing.

  35. I just have one thing to say: I AM THE MOTHERF***IN LAW!!!

    (today, anyway)

  36. Congratulations to everyone who passed and to everyone who had the guts to try! For the new Esquires, pay it forward and help someone else prepare for their first, second, third, fourth, or fifth attempt.
