Friday, October 23, 2009

Friday Open Thread

It's official, we're loving it. Friday Open Threads are now a regular feature on WWL.

Discuss whatever you'd like. Previous threads are available here. Have a great weekend!


  1. Has anyone seen Judge Miley? I hear she's MIA.

  2. The three Medical Mafia defendants will be tried together.

    For all the obvious fraud and theft crimes these men committed (along with Awand's stable of doctors and lawyers), for all the perjury, for all the tax evasion, for all the harm done to those who were crippled physically and financially by these charlatans; the best the United States of America can do is prosecute them for the Melody Simon case? Sad.

  3. My firm is potentially splitting up. But no one knows it yet. Except the key players doing the dumping. Wonder who will have a job.

  4. I passed the bar and am SOOO glad I don't have to spend the next 4 months studying for the Feb. exam!

  5. @8:21 am

    Name the firm name or shut the hell up. Gossip about "some" firm or "some" attorney is meaningless and uninteresting.

    Example: an attorney I know is having sex with prostitutes and doing drugs.

    Ooooohhh. Name names or don't share.

  6. Halloween Costumes:

    What are the attorneys in town going as this year?

    I'll contribute $20 into a pool if someone will rent a rascal & a fat suit, and then ride around the Courthouse next week telling all the bailiffs to rub their feet. Who's with me?

  7. 8:18-

    Awand and his wife has tax charges against them as well.

  8. 8:18

    Your post actually answers a lot of questions. The feds have had over five years to investigate these "crimes," and the only case they can focus on for prosecution involves a client who was happy with the results of her case, and has nothing to do with pushing "unnecessary procedures." If it wasn't such a waste of our tax dollars it would almost be funny. If they can spend five years and unlimited resources on their investigation, what makes you think you know more than they do? Maybe you should knock on the door of the AUSA and tell them what they are failing to understand, I'm sure they will appreciate it. All three will be acquitted-guaranteed.

    After they are acquitted people will complain about how Quakenbush, an out of state judge, was in their back pocket. See, it's an impossible situation. If they had a local judge then there would have no doubt been accusations of the "medial mafia" having the judges in their pockets. So, they bring in an out of state judge and people still use the same old BS excuses. The other excuse will be that the jury were idiots. However, if they convict them, then the jury will all be geniuses.

    Also, does anybody find it interesting that Ruth Cohen, who helped initiate this investigation, left the government for a job defending State Farm? Puuuulease, this has been a witch hunt from the very beginning.

  9. @8:56 - I'll be sure to shut the hell up because I am not giving the details to make you happy. Your wish is my command. Open threads are here for you and only you.

  10. @ 8:56

    It's your firm and you are getting fired.

    Does that help?

  11. Maybe they should start making the bar harder. For those of us who are already on the inside, it protects this market even more. Maybe that's me being selfish, but there are way too many lawyer factories in the United States. When I talk to young associates who have no connection to Vegas, the only reason they said they came here was for the job.

    Knock Boyd if you want, but it accepts 80% of Nevada residents (many who go out of state for UG). At least these people want to stay in the Nevada community.

  12. Hey does anyone know anything about Nelson Law? I'm going out on my own and they have space listed on Craig's list to rent over there but I don't want yellers and screamers. Also, any ideas for how to generate referral for PI/Family Law?

  13. Anyone catch the fist fight at CPK?

  14. to 9:54

    I agree that the entry barrier to the profession, other than debt, is way too low. It amazes me how lame most of the people I run into in this profession really are. It seems like competence is the exception. There are way too many law schools out there and they exist because they are profitable, not because there is any real need. It is indeed laughable how easy it is to get into a law school.

    With respect to Boyd, the problem is that Nevada isn't big enough to really need its own law school. While there is some benefit to having local people be able to become attorneys without leaving, there simply is not enough need for as many people who come out of Boyd.

  15. I concur with 10:01 -

    There are around 200 accredited law schools.

    Assume each graduates 200 a year (some have more, some less).

    That is 40,000 new lawyers a year.

    What are they all going to do?

  16. Pass rate for Boyd graduates first time taking the test was 86%!!

  17. 9:54

    I'm almost certain the 80% NV residents thing is bogus. I know people that were classified as NV residents pre-law that had not ever lived here before going to BSL and after 1 year anyone can get residency. I'd love to see how they really calculate the 80% number.

    And the statement that "at least they want to stay in the community" is also BS because honestly, how many of them really have any opportunity for employment out of the state?

    I know an out-of-state BSL grad, LR, magna, etc. that struggled to find employment because out-of-state firms had never heard of BSL and in-state firms questioned their desire to stay.

  18. Let's have another argument over how much Boyd sucks! Woohoo!!!!!!!

  19. 11:54

    I would be interested in talking more about Boyd if there were some scandal to discuss, especially a sex scandal.

    I come here for gossip, particularly juicy gossip. Anyone?

  20. Do I tell the other law clerks I was offered the job, not them?

  21. 12:13

    It would be dickish to tell them unless they ask you.

  22. @ 12:13-

    Thanks, not sure what to do. I am not trying to gloat they are my friends. No announcement to the rest of the firm for awhile and I don't want them to wait to look for a job etc.

  23. 12:13

    If you know your friends have not been offered a job before they know themselves, the best thing to do for them is to let them know so they can get cracking on trying to find one.

  24. Tax payer's dollars ~

    Why can't there be a BOARD made up, just to "review" case's that are filed in Clark County so they can throw out case's that are considered a nuisance?

    Example ~ people who file lawsuits as a means of
    extorting money. Tracy Hurst who has been instrumental in filing against people who have assisted her financially. The Summerlin Med Spa had issues on the day of conception, due to Tracy Hurst's lack of integrity for business.

    Now taxpayer's dollars have to be spent to hear gossip, gossip, gossip.

  25. 9:15 AM sounds like a lawyer at Mainor Eglet or Vannah Vannah - be happy the US Attorney's office is incompetent.

  26. Some associates have been let go at my firm recently. I guess these weren't technically layoffs but they've historically been underperformers and I think were told that their dismissal was performance related. They aren't being replaced. So I guess stealth layoffs in ATL terms. This is a firm everyone's heard of.

  27. I almost got mixed up with Tracy Hurst's business a few years ago. If I recall correctly, she was a... character.

    That said, I'm not sure I'd want a Board exercising plenary authority over all litigation. I say diffuse and / or defuse the corruption.

  28. @ 1:50

    Were the now-redundant associated underperforming in terms of hours, work product or both? I'm assuming you're not at a firm that makes a living off contingency fee cases.

  29. Tracy Hurst, has ALWAYS borrowed money from "Peter to pay Paul", then Peter finds himself in a lawsuit to recoup their money. How many people are out there in the community ~ WHO IS OWED MONEY ~ by Tracy Hurst? or HOW MANY PEOPLE HAVE ALLOWED Tracy Hurst, to RIDE ON THEIR COAT TAIL'S, from their education, to allow this woman to look as if she is
    the rightful "owner" of the Summerlin Medical Spa?
    Then you have people like Jon Ralston and Dana Gentry do a story, as if Tracy Hurst is the victim? I don't think so??????

  30. 1:48,

    I guess I should have anticipated that response, since it comes a dime a dozen.

    BTW, perhaps I missed something, did somebody at Vannah & Vannah or Mainor Eglet get indicted for something?

  31. I still want to know whats going on with the Miley Saga as well 8:15!

  32. 2:15:


    No, it's a full service firm.


  33. I'm thinking of dressing up as Annie Le: an asian girl pressed between two pieces of sheetrock.

    Too soon?

  34. @3:51

    Too Soon,

    Should probably wait until Raymond Clark III enters a plea.

  35. That makes three of us that want to know about the Miley's. That is too much fun. I hear he went to rehab somewhere - let's bet if she is going to take him back.

    I got $50.00 that says she probably already did.

    And he probably bought her another dog too!

  36. Yeah, the Miley story will be a WWL classic, like the Halverson saga or the legendary ATMS Mole vs. Shill.

  37. Preparing for the Nov MPRE...any advice???


  38. To @1:45 re: MPRE:

    Yes - study the BarBri MPRE book at least two days before the exam and take it. Easy stuff.

  39. @ 219. I say we lock up Tracy Hurst and Terry Mosely together

  40. Hurst sounds like she has Terry Mosely's methods of operation down. Maybe it is just another alias or they probably already know each other since Dana bad check Gentry is involved. Is Terry Mosely still on the lam?

  41. @ 10:01 p.m. ~ Terry Mosley has a few felony warrants out on her, and from what I know, is still on the lam. Rumors have it, that Dana Gentry is FRIENDS with Tracy Hurst AND Terry Mosley. Doesn't surprise me at all, since ALL three hang out. Go to the Henderson Township Website, and you will notice all three have a HISTORY of writing bad checks. Arrest warrant was issued for Dana Gentry the around the same time that Terry Mosley was arrested and put in detention. Terry's arrest motivated Dana Gentry to finally pay her insufficient funds, which took a FULL YEAR. Also, it was Dana Gentry who sent a so-called friend, into the court house, check on the BAIL, for Terry Mosley. Don't you think that reporter's should uphold the law, especially IF THEY ARE ASKING QUESTION'S of other's and APPEAR TO HOLD THEMSELVES "better" than other's, simply because Greenspun, Channel 8, or Cox Cable, gave them jobs with a microphone, video, and cameras.
    Rumor's have it that Jon Ralston had a DUI, does anyone know IF, that is fact or hearsay? Terry Mosley and Tracy Hurst, were friends, I just don't know if they still are. Heard that one got mad, over the other one, trying to take property from the other. Terry wanted Tracy's property in the mountain's and tried to wiggle herself into AN EQUITY POSITION, then I heard, some guy that Terry was dating became interested in Tracy.

  42. BTW, Matt Callister represented both Terry Mosley and Tracy Hurst. Eventually, Callister filed a lawsuit against Terry Mosley, while Terry Mosley has filed a complaint with the Bar Association against Callister - wonder WHY? I don't know if Tracy Hurst is still represented by Matt Callister or not. I have been told, that both leave OVERDUE BILLS, with their attorney's.

  43. Looks like TMFL is back.

  44. To - 9:31 p.m.,

    Who disclosed Terry Mosley's name first...Do your homework not accusation's. Do people get to make comments with freedom from discloser or do you disclose the user? Federal law, will eventually change the privacy of a writer, on blogs...being anonymous gives a person more freedom to write their opinion for other's to read. Those who start these blogs, should allow the truth, as long as it doesn't libel the person.

    7:19 and 10:01 made comments about Terry Mosley, before 4:02 and 7:24., so which writer is TFML?

  45. My scaled MBE score was 155. I can't tell how good that score is. Does anyone have any info on how to find out?

  46. @10:29

    How did you find out your MBE score? I thought NV wouldn't release the scores.

  47. To: 10:29 and 10:47 on Sunday

    Nevada does release MBE scores. 155 is above average, though all that really matters is that you passed. A really good score on the MBE is around 180, but again all that really matters is whether you passed.

  48. Give the readers what we want. All Miley, all the time. Let's get some good gossip going on that story.

  49. A 180 on the MBE is not "really good," it's absolutely amazing. That would mean answering about 160 of the questions correctly. IIRC, and I might not, a 135 scaled score is sufficient, and that means something like 122 questions answered correctly.

    155 is solid in any case.

    I tried to get my essays purely out of interest (I took it the year of the gunplay golf course question), but failed.

  50. Is an MBE score an objective measurement of someone's intelligence? Would that be a way to settle disputes between who went to the best law school?

  51. @11:12 Haha. Maybe. I generally suck at multiple choice. Got a 157 on the MBE when I sat for Colorado a few years back. Back in the day when I passed NV they didn't release your MBE without asking.

    So my score either says two things: (a) I studied appropriately when sitting for the Colorado exam; or (b) really, the MBE isn't that difficult.

  52. Speaking of Miley: 6:52am,

    I hear she IS taking him back.
    She tells friends: I can't do it (all those bills she has) alone. I guess the trust fund she has along with the $220,000 salary isn't enough.

    BTW- she is MIA because she is taking SICK days. A judge can take as many sick days as they want - no questions. I guess she is milking this thing for all it's worth.

  53. I can't believe Judge Miley is going to take him back. Great, I now have to go up with a judge that can't even stand up for herself.

    He killed her dog and then beat her IN FRONT of her kids and states this is not the first time it happened. What's wrong with this picture?

    Can we get her some counseling please?

  54. Wait??? I thought I heard that a TPO was filed not allowing him in the courthouse???

  55. Randy Miley was court ordered to go to rehab, while Stephany Miley returned to her position as: judge, today.

  56. With Mosley as her chosen mentor, it's not surprising that Miley has relationship issues. She once again shows a complete lack of judgment.

  57. The TPO expired, she choose not to have it reissued.

    Went back today to work? Didn't this happen a few weeks back. Oh yea, she was greiving her dog.

  58. Come on, we know how this works.
    He (Randy Miley) goes to Rehab,says he is all better and he won't do this again. He is sorry, won't touch another drink, loves his family etc etc etc.
    They get back together and live happily ever after.


  59. Steffy and Randy are a couple of dumbshit Texas skanks. They deserve one another.

  60. Now that the dog is gone, I see no reason why Miley and Miley can't get back together and live happily ever after. All the naysayers are inexperienced yahoos who do not know what sweat and tears go into a real relationship. In fact, I predict hot sweaty reaffirmations in the marital bed real soon

  61. This comment has been removed by the author.

  62. Who is Tracy Hurst? Should I know her or about her?

  63. To 2:13 pm,

    Tracy Hurst, is a former cocktail waitress, that worked for Steve Wynn, at the Mirage Casino. She will tell you, that Steve Wynn, had the HOTS FOR HER, and would come over to her house. Just like she will tell you that ALL MEN appear to want her. When you first meet Tracy, you think she is legitimate, yet her EDUCATION lacks. She attaches herself around those that she can NAME DROP, in order to appear professional. She has had numerous entities assist her in saving her home from foreclosure, then she will "back stab" the hell out of them. She is a very ungrateful person ~ a user of "good" people - that is WHO, Tracy Hurst is.

  64. What a bunch of gossiping Vegas Degenerates. So typical........
