Monday, October 12, 2009

Harris Strikes Again

We're not exactly sure how new/old this is, but we were tipped to the fact that Richard Harris (the highly-suspect winner of our Advertising Firm Poll) has expanded his empire with yet another easy-to-remember phone number.

This time Dick went for a super hero theme, simply calling his new group of soon-to-be-rich associates "The Defenders." We have to admit that the use of handcuffs and a key to represent the phone number, while completely unprofessional, is genius - give that marketing guy a raise.

Does anybody know (or care to guess) how much Harris paid for the number?

(; Thanks, commenter)


  1. I just saw that billboard this morning on Charleston heading downtown from I-15. I loved the use of the handcuffs and keys for the phone # - great idea.
    My next thought was that I needed to start scouring the phone book for good numbers and buy one from a failing non-law business that has it so I can be the next phone-book law firm.

  2. Anyone catch the fist fight at CPK?

    Was Randy Miley there? Doesn't he know he is already in a bunch of trouble?

  3. who fought at the CPK beer bash? this should be top news here

  4. LOL @ the Randy Miley comment. They were younger. Either law students or friends of law students. Mr. Kenny and some big goons came over to make sure everything was under control though!

  5. Dick? All of us who know him & love him call him Rick.

  6. 12:47
    I would hardly call former Running Rebel great/current top notch attorney at CPK Leon Symanski a goon. I believe an apology is in order.

  7. @ 7:36
    You're kidding right? Running Rebel Great??

  8. 11:17 Time and history can be very kind. Great Defensive Specialist and underappreciated offensive skills. Don't be such a hater.

  9. I like how the 333-3333 thread turned into CPK Party Talk. WWL missed the boat on what its readers wanted to discuss. Come on, I even linked to WWL for the anticipated CPK coverage, it has still not happened.

  10. When he's right, he's right.

    Who cares about the markenting juggernaut that is Rick Harris? Blah Blah Blah.

    When a fight breaks out at the legal drunkfest of the year, we want details. That is "legal antics" at its best! Also, who is covering the Miley story?


  12. Yea, he is right. Let's cover what we all are talking about:

    1. CPK's party....

    2. Randy Miley.

    Not this other fufie stuff!
    We want meat and potatoes!

  13. Ok, went to and couldn't find the link for 09/10/12/a-monster.

    Print it here and show all of us what you want us to see.

  14. By the way, the Miley pup did not die.

  15. Rick Harris paid one meeeeeelllleeeeoooonn dollars for the number.

    Actually this appears to be the old listing:

    Grand China
    (702) 333-3333

    75 horizon ridge
    Henderson, NV 89012

  16. Miley pup is dead..... it says in three papers it had to be put to sleep. The LVMPD said it was put to sleep.

    Are you Ed trying not to get a felony so you can keep working now your don't have your wife to lean on anymore?

  17. The number was part of the package deal he got! Seems he might have sat on the number for a bit before deciding what sham to use it on next.

  18. @ 3:22

    Strokes, you can do a better job than that.

    Don't be a hater. This most recent move by Harris confirms who the real marketing genius is, and sorry T.S., it's not you.

    T.S. = Tourette's Syndrome

  19. Wow, seriously? Which Einstein attorney are they planning to have handle these serious criminal cases? And please don't say Nancy "I only have 2 brain cells" Bernstein. He has no one who can manage these cases. Then again, he has no one who can manage his personal injury cases and he seems to do fine, so I guess he'll figure it out. I just hope he has good malpractice insurance.

  20. Oh, and another question...why is this blog so far up Richard Harris' butt? It's kind of annoying.

  21. I just love the haters. People hate Kobe because he's the best. People hate the Yankees because they're the best.

    People hate Harris because he's the best.

    Don't be a hater because you're jealous.

  22. @ 4:15: I think Bob Eglet and Bob Cottle are laughing all the way to the bank on this one. But keep telling yourself that, buddy!

  23. OK, color me a confused newbie to the legal community, but I don't get it. Why does every negative post regarding Richard Harris always turn towards attorney Andy Stokes? I've heard a lot of negative about Richard Harris since I've arrived in town. Clearly there are plenty of people who don't like Richard, so why do posters on this blog always think the negativety comes from Mr. Stokes? Anyone have anything to say in response? Anyone even care? Just curious...

  24. 12:56 - Adam Stokes totally changed the traffic attorney market when he developed Ticket Busters and his 444-4444 ad campaigns. Stokes then reportedly sold all of that to Harris for a few million and left LV for his home in NJ or NY.

    Lo and behold, Stokes is back with even more price cutting and deflation with Half Price Lawyers.

  25. At 8:30: Not what I was asking. I'm wondering why Rick's cronies (or Rick himself) always posts negative comebacks on this blog directed at Mr. Stokes when so many people in town don't like him. Does he really think all of the negativity is from Adam? How about Robert Cottle, or Robert Eglet, or any other attorney in town who I hear has it out for him?

  26. You're so obvious, Adam...

  27. It's pretty obvious that Harris couldn't make the Ticket Busters business work so he is pulling out anothter Stokes number in an attempt to regain some market share. Maybe he will use the 999-999-9999 number to market the malpractice defenders since Nancy Bernstein (yes, 2 brain cells corrupted by botox)is running the joint.

  28. Keep punching yourself out, Adam. No one is reading this, but you...
