Friday, May 21, 2010

Friday Open Thread

Happy Friday to all!

We're fresh off the unofficial "stupidest 50+ comment thread in this blog's history." Let's see if we can top it!


  1. TGIF...what a long, exhausting week

  2. amen to that 9:05! This week felt like two!

  3. I think it may be because of the upcoming Memorial Holiday off that everyone is looking forward to that seems soooooo far away!!!

  4. Word is that the judges at the RJC are whining because they have to cross a public street to get from their parking lot to the courthouse. They are proposing a $2.5 million skybridge/walkway. How in the hell can they raise money for a private skybridge, but not find money to open the south entrance. And aren't there a thousand better uses for this kind of money in this budget crisis? Money for kids in safekey? UMC cancer treatments? Something?

    And if a secured walk from parking to the courthouse was a priority, why in the hell didn't they build it that way. The idiots who designed that building should be summoned for a public flogging.

  5. I think judges should get their own personal rickshaws to transport them from the parking garage to the entrance of the courthouse. They've earned the right not to have to wait at a crosswalk. That's for peasants.

  6. Amber Candelaria . . . mmmmmmm.

  7. Why not have the bailiffs valet their cars? Either that or massage their weary feet after the arduous trek across Lewis.

  8. Damn, when did the judges reach royalty status? While I agree that safety may justify the creation of the sky bridge (and that they should have built the parking structure under the building like the federal court), there are so many marshalls in that area that it's fairly safe.

  9. Can't we just talk about Miley some more?

  10. saw her having lunch at Mundo yesterday -- with her husband.

  11. Miley + Miley = Stupid....stupid is as stupid does!

  12. They've unleashed "Law is WAR" Claus against a detective in Pahrump who was harassing Sheriff candidates

  13. 9:26 - we need a good protest outside the south entrance to open that back up.

    Also, the city needs to get booths installed and force the wedding chapel salespeople to stay in booths, not be out on the corner. The booths would be rented, generating some revenue.

  14. Jacob Hafter lost his motion seeking an injunction to stop the state bar from investigating him for misconduct while he runs for attorney general.

  15. What is this infatuation with Judge Miley? She is not even remotely hot.

  16. Let's go back to yesterday's thread. It's a lot more interesting than this one.

  17. Agree she is not technically "hot" (although she was when she first got to town).

    I think the interest in Miley is that she's a judge who isn't remotely (to use 12:05 PM's word)qualified to be one. And the reason: in Las Vegas, you can get elected based solely on the quantity and quality of your election campaign signs. And a lot of lawyers are rubbed the wrong way by that. And so those lawyers take every chance they get to call her out as a moron and point out that she is kind of a bimbo.

    But tell us honestly, 12:05 PM, wouldn't you take a roll in the hay with her just to find out what it's like?

  18. Sorry 1:35, I don't see the hotness at all...curiosity isn't even peaked.

    Maybe it's the Miley and Miley public drama and the "bimbo-ness".
    Not attractive at all.

  19. If hotness gets you elected, I can TOTALLY see how Halverson was a judge. She is finger-licken' good. I can imagine a romatic, her, the rhythmic psssst sound of the oxygen being released from the tank. Ahhhh.

  20. i am so glad everyone thinks I'm hot, except 12:05. But please can you just keep the comments to sightings and disparaging comments about my idiot husband? I won that election fair and square. My knees were worn bare in every law firm in this town. It isn't easy being this hot and wanting to be a judge.

  21. 1:54, hilarious. Coke came out of my nose and not even the good kind.

  22. Is there a bias against Vegas attorneys in Reno?

  23. She's tall and blonde, keeps herself well groomed, isn't fat, and has big knockers. Okay, that nose is a bit much, but really, what's not to like?

    And she's dumb as a toilet full of turds.

  24. 1:54....hahaha hilarious!

  25. There are those, who become judges, by begging for campaign contribution's with big promises. Then there are those who snub, their contributor's, be that they work on their campaign or called individuals for donation's. Stephanie Miley, did not hesitate to ask, beg, or make false promises to others, in order to become a judge. The reason she won, was because of the department she went after. Next election, will be a whole different story. I feel confident, that she will have numerous people running AGAINST HER, then we can call her the loser, that she really is! L for LOSER, seriously lose her!

  26. @4:12,

    What is this "Reno" place?

  27. Can't stand girls with pointy elbows like miley yo

  28. Usually if you have pointy elbows, you are generally thin all over. I'd rather be thin with pointy elbows than chubby with gently rounded elbows. Maybe that's just me.

  29. So glad Hafter lost. He is such a f'ing idiot with a HUGE Napolean complex.

  30. No pointy no round, just rgeular. Like ankles--no bony no cankles

  31. May 21, 2010 9:26 AM - My blood boils. What a farce.

  32. May 21, 2010 1:54 PM - you win, best comment in this thread.
