Thursday, May 13, 2010

What a $505 Million Smile Looks Like

Bob Eglet with MEC colleague Robert Adams at the Richard Harris party on their victory day ... right before they made it rain.


  1. WTF? Harris and Eglet hate one another. Or at least that's what seemed to be the case during their contentious lawsuit a few years back.

    You gotta hand it to Eglet - the man has balls.

  2. Dude, when you win half a billion dollars you have to show up to your former partner's party and stick it in his face. Especially when your marketing budget is exponentially smaller than his.

  3. MEC paid Harris millions to settle their contentious litigation. Who says friendship can't be bought?

  4. time has a way of healing among friends

  5. how worried are all attorneys at mec without last name eglet. that chunk of change will make bob think why have all the minions hanging on his coat tails.

  6. They must be worred. Especially the little Mainor. He's useless.

  7. What does a remitted, due process- compliant punis award smile look like? My humble prediction: $20M = 4x the compensatory award (unless they settle). Oh wait, that's still a friggin' boatload of cash... Why would anyone work after getting his cut of that kind of money?

  8. for some, enough is never enough

    Eglet just might like hunting the prey more than he likes eating it.

  9. Two handsome fellows!!

  10. Bob needs to take $100 to a Euphoria or somewhere and get a better coloring job.

  11. Adams to Eglet: Bob, does this suit make me look fat?

    Eglet to Adams: You ARE fat, Adams.

  12. I foresee a new PI Trial firm of Eglet & Eglet. Leave those poor saps at MEC who have been living off of Bob's fanfare for too long now. $100 million in bank is a good way to start off without other equity partners.

  13. You all do realize that Cottle and his associates did all of the work on this case (critical Motions in Limine, hearings, depos, etc.) Eglet just tried the case. What also made it a winner was the pretrial work. Not sure he's going to be getting rid of his partners or staff anytime soon!

    And I love that he shows up at Rick's party so he can gloat about his big W. Classic!

  14. I'm not just the president of the Hair Club for Men...I'm a member.

  15. As I understand it-- Adams did an enormous amount of work on that endoscopy case. Why would Eglet want to ditch him? He tends to be by his side at all his trials. Mainor has knocked some verdicts out of the park. I don't think Eglet will be ditching anyone.
