During the raid, however, The Man used that plain view thing and allegedly found Mr. Bloomfield's stash. From the RJ:
... on April 27, police found a "plastic bag containing several individually bagged leafy substances believed to be marijuana." They said they found a water pipe with residue and rolling papers.Busted! Huh huh huh huh ... awesome. Pass the nachos.
United States Justice Associates was one of several companies that offered programs for alcohol and drug abuse, AIDS awareness, anger management and petty larceny to those charged with misdemeanors. At sentencing, judges often order defendants to attend such programs to steer them out of the justice system.
(LVRJ; Thanks, Tipster!)
Is marijuana still illegal? Lame
ReplyDeleteIt's only illegal when the officer hates dislikes you more than he dislikes writing reports.
ReplyDeleteMaybe Brian's friends can sell drugs to get him out of jail...just like in 'Half Baked.'
ReplyDelete"You ever see the back of a twenty dollar bill... on weed? Oh, there's some crazy shit, man. There's a dude in the bushes. Has he got a gun? I dunno! RED TEAM GO, RED TEAM GO."
This is my question...his office got raided a week and a half or so before they raided his house...NOW...common sense would dictate that the FBI just completely raided your office...maybe you should get your illegal substances out of your house???? Just a thought...
ReplyDelete@9:28. That was sort of my reasoning. If you're involved in various dubious activities, keep them in seperate locations. Cuts down on the "oh lookie here" compounding of trouble.
ReplyDeleteBrian's a good guy, we all knew he liked to smoke - hell he smokes with some of the DA's, but they didn't need to raid his house. Somebody's got a major hard on for that poor bastard.
ReplyDeleteShould have gone to Diversity for his card before that bust went down
ReplyDeletecan you name me five attorneys, besides Troy Fox, not doing MJ on at least a social basis?
ReplyDeleteI agree with 8:24 and 8:37. Just like traffic citations, possesion crimes are simply a revenue stream for the county.
name five attorneys not doing MJ on at least a social basis?
ReplyDeleteYes, I can. Easily.
Stupid pothead
11:22 - Apparently the Mormon contingent felt the need to speak up. Okay, can you name 5 attorneys who don't work at Alverson Taylor or Payne & Fears who don't smoke marijuana at least socially?
Athiest, social liberal. no smokey.
ReplyDeleteUp with hope, down with dope
ReplyDeleteI can't stand pot and don't particularly like the smokers, but I sure believe it should be legal and available at all convenience stores.
ReplyDeleteAll the non-smokers must be the annoying a-holes i have to listen to in Bulla's courtroom every day.
ReplyDeleteThe rest of us just say "dude, its all cool. if u need an extension, sure."
I'll also bet, other than the hypocritical Mormon attorneys, that those that claim they don't smoke are the ones closing the bars in this town.
Was 2:27 actually high when he wrote that post?
ReplyDeleteSo 2:27 is in Bulla's courtroom every day...probably because his brain has been fried and he can't calculate deadlines, respond to discovery...he should look in the mirror to see a real a'hole.
ReplyDeleteYeah 2:27, why are you in Bulla's court everyday? Can't get enough of her boyish haircut or her snappy sense of humor? Get a life boner.
ReplyDeleteHe can use the "I got busted in order to understand what my clients go through..." line. I think another 'TV-star' attorney used that one here recently after a DUI arrest.
ReplyDeleteHigh Times Magazine is going to be calling to sell Bloomfield ad space.
Or I'm her clerk watching all of you idiots. And I know who you are.
ReplyDelete@2:27 - the bars don't close in this town.
ReplyDeleteWhy the religious bigotry against Mormons? How ridiculous and pathetic. And no, I am not Mormon.
ReplyDeleteBulla's clerk? Are you serious? Did you actually apply for that position? Were you high when you did so?
And, no, you don't know who I am.
Who is the best mormon attorney?
ReplyDeleteOne who stays in Utah
ReplyDeleteSince Bloomfield is well known by all judges who will hear the case for drugs, and involvement with Brox (USJA)? If that many attorneys are half baked what does that say to the community. Regular Joe gets busted for MJ has to go to court pay the fine and do drug counseling, lose their job. Attorneys get a hand slap.......
ReplyDeletewho is the best mormon attorney...that must be clarified by who is the best mormon attorney who has not cheated on his wife or become a drunk? that list should be very small - ie remove little mainor, rick harris, eric taylor, bob vannah, and haight
ReplyDelete10:26 AM Please also exclude Matthew Callister.
ReplyDeleteA few solid LDS attorneys off the top of my head (I'm in commercial litigation so I'm less familiar with non-litigators):
ReplyDeleteDan Waite
Kent Larsen
Richard Holley
Phil Ballif
Mark Hutchison
Jim Gibson
Michael Brimley
Michael Rawlins
Doug Gerrard
Rory Reid
Jim Edwards
I think that the best Zoroastrian attorneys need to be recognized. I think they have some sort of "Mafia" around here, although I think the "Z" attorneys tend to hang out with the Gypsy attorneys.
ReplyDeleteDon't forget the Gorman Mafia. But I think you HAVE to have cheated on your wife or smoked weed to be part of that clique.
ReplyDeleteBest Mormon PI attorneys:
ReplyDeleteBob Adams
Rob Cottle
David Tanner
David Churchill
Jon Remmel
David Francis
Matt Vannah
Roger Cram
Dennis Prince
John Bertoldo
That's just off the top of my head. Now, not to discriminate against other religions... who are the best Jewish, Catholic and Protestant attorneys?
Mormon attorneys I respect a ton:
ReplyDeleteRichard Holley
Dave Colvin
Doug Driggs
John Steffen
Shane Clifford
Shane Clayton
There is a judge or two, but I prefer not to be ripped a new one.
How about former mormon judges.
Gerald Hardcastle
Betsy Gonzalez
Um, isn't Betsy still on the bench?
ReplyDeleteI think 8:42 is indicating that Gonzalez is a former Mormon, not a former judge.
Of course, noone will bother to grouse about former Baptists, non-practicing Catholics, Quakers, Unitarians, B'Hai, Jehovah's Witnesses, MoTs, etc. But apparently the fact that some attorneys are not potheads like 2:27 raised 2:27's anti-Mormon hackles.
Isn't it funny how a lot of Mormon attorneys here are only a Mormon to have the connections, but yet a lot of these Mormon attorneys gamble (or try to gamble secretly), drink like no tomorrow, cheat on their spouses and will lie to your face. Hmmm....how religious of them!
ReplyDeleteIf I was Bulla's clerk, I'd be awful bitter that the firms I applied to preferred someone who wasn't smoking pot and getting wasted on the weekends too, 2:27/3:59.
ReplyDelete3:59 PM I too am shocked that someone with a religious affiliation different than mine doesn't live up to each tenant of that religion all the time. I mean, if you say you're Mormon, you sure as shit better live a perfect life. This is such a bull shit attitude I hear from people it drives me crazy.
ReplyDeleteThere are some super shitty Mormons and some pretty honorable ones. There are excellent Mormon attorneys and there are piss poor Mormon attorneys. There are some who use connections they make at church to advance their careers (e.g. network)and there are some who exploit it.
I have certainly met self-righteous Mormons and it is fun to watch them fail - just as it is any hypocrite. But that isn't necessarily a Mormon attribute. On the whole, most Mormon attorneys I know try hard to serve their clients and take care of their families. Now, I could use a beer.
Bloomfield should be prosecuted
ReplyDeleteWho said Phil Ballif? This fool missed filing a Notice of appeal with the Ninth Circuit, along with his fellow Jones Vargas attorneys Kirk Lenhard, and Tiffany Swanis.
ReplyDeleteJones Vargas had to pay a substantial settlement for their professional negligence. Phil Ballif ....what a disappointment.