The RJ's Judging the Judges poll results are out, and our district court judges run the gamut from good to bad. Here's how the numbers brake down for our DC judges:
- Judge Valerie Adair: 80% would retain
- Judge David Barker: 91% would retain
- Judge Linda Bell: 81% would retain
- Judge James Bixler: 78% would retain
- Judge Elissa Cadish: 86% would retain
- Judge Kenneth Cory: 74% would retain
- Judge Kathleen Delaney: 81% would retain
- Judge Mark Denton: 81% would retain
- Judge Allan Earl: 82% would retain
- Judge Jackie Glass: 60% would retain
- Judge Elizabeth Gonzalez: 83% would retain
- Judge Kathy Hardcastle: 46% would retain
- Judge Douglas Herndon: 87% would retain
- Judge Susan Johnson: 82% would retain
- Judge Michelle Leavitt: 43% would retain
- Judge Stefany Miley: 42% would retain
- Judge Donald Mosley: 57% would retain
- Judge Abbi Silver: 62% would retain
- Judge Douglas Smith: 63% would retain
- Judge Jennifer Togliatti: 83% would retain
- Judge Valorie Vega: 65% would retain
- Judge Michael Villani: 78% would retain
- Judge David Wall: 91% would retain
- Judge Jessie Walsh: 36% would retain
- Judge Timothy Williams: 82% would retain
Congratulations to the Davids (Barker and Wall) for being the only DC judges to get greater than a 90% retention score ... and congratulations to Nevada voters for giving Jessie Walsh at least four more years on the bench. Let us know your thoughts on the results of the district court poll in the comments. We'll be posting about the remaining polls throughout the week.
Mses. Leavitt, Miley and Walsh: Thanks for playing, now GTFO! We can do better.
ReplyDeleteWhat happened to Legally Unbound? I liked him/her. And why do lawyers hate female judges?
ReplyDeleteLawyers don't hate female judges, they hate retards.
ReplyDeleteIt seems the breakdown would be more effective and useful if it were in order of the retention rate, from highest to lowest.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I agree with 8:52. I don't think its just about being female when Cadish, Delaney, Gonzalez, Adair and Togliatti have some of the best scores.
ReplyDeleteI think it is at least partially about gender when cretins like Mosley and Smith, who are just as incompetent as Leavitt or Walsh, get higher scores. I’m not going to defend the bad female judges. What concerns me is that male judges apparently get a pass for the same bad behavior. It seems like male and female judges are held to different standards, and that lawyers feel okay about abusing female jurists for issues that they don’t hold against male judges.
ReplyDelete(Also, look at the comments on this blog if you think that sexism isn’t an issue. No way would any male judge have to deal with the vitriol and comments about fuckability that poor judge Miley has to deal with, no matter how hot and incompetent he was.)
@9:10 -
ReplyDeleteYou gals don't think we watch you hang around Denton's courtroom staring him down and silently wishing he was your own personal hunk of manmeat?
Walsh's retention rating shows that almost 4 out of every 10 attorneys is a bigger idiot than she is. Head scratcher.
ReplyDeleteI think Smith and Mosely have criminal calendars but I don't think Leavitt and Walsh do.
They are all equally incompetent but Smith and Mosely may have less 20 page motions to rule on (without reading) than judges that do all civil.
There's less opportunity to f up a plea bargain than a motion concerning the rules of evidence.
Leavitt handles criminal cases and Mosley has been screwing up cases, including a large number of trials, for 30 years. It's amazing that he's still on the bench and even more amazing that half of the lawyers think he belongs there. What I've never understood is why he gets so many contributions from civil attorneys and their clients when he hasn't carried a civil caseload for a decade.
ReplyDelete9:10 AM - Your anti-sim is so yesterday. I ebmrace all the -isms. Sexism. Racism. Trollism.
ReplyDeleteEven the worst male judge is better than the average female judge. The numbers prove it, baby. Now go make me a sandwich.
Thanks for the "brake down".
ReplyDeleteI'm surprised Smith's numbers were as high as they were. He's lazy and unprepared.
ReplyDeleteI have appeared in front of Mosely dozens of times. I have found him to be well prepared, exceptionally knowledgeable on criminal procedure, and deferential to attorneys. I think he gets hammered because his son is a fuck up and he is not lenient when it comes to sentencing. The Defense Bar, of which I am part, can be pissed at what he does to our clients but we can't be pissed at how he gets there.
ReplyDeletewhat's that smell?
ReplyDeleteIt's called Sex Panther by Odeon.
^^ 60% of the time, it works EVERY TIME!
ReplyDeleteMosley is a joke. There's are reasons why he's been reversed more than any other sitting judge: because his rulings seldom follow the law and he repeats his errors over and over again, even after he's been reversed. The man is a complete joke and he would never make it on to the bench in any state that appoints judges based on merit. I can't wait until he retires.
ReplyDelete9:00 am - Don't feel "sorry" for Judge Miley. She is as stupid as they come. The ONLY thing she has is her looks she would have never won if she was a man.
ReplyDelete1.) didn't go to a decent law school
2.) Couldn't pass the bar (took it several times)
3.) Doesn't have any idea of what anyone is talking about - gazes at you like "what did you say?"
4.) Can't control her husband or kids.
5.) Can't control the courtroom.
6.) Did a internship with a sitting judge - which is the only reason she got this far.
7.) Is there EVER a time she isn't on vacation?
Let's not feel sorry for stupid. She did it to herself.
The general population loves electing blonde women to the bench. If nothing else, it should make it quite easy for me if I ever decide to run for judge. It's just unfortunate that we have to deal with Walsh and Miley because of it. I gave them very low scores.
ReplyDeleteI personally have never appeared in front of Smith or Mosley, so I was unable to rate them with the same level of disdain that I used for Walsh and Miley.
ReplyDelete8:43 - she is running for judge. Seriously. Did you notice she fell silent right about time candidacies for judge started being announced?
ReplyDeleteWhy do some posters have to make such viotrolic comments about any judge or any person for that matter? Yeah, we all have our opinions about this or that judge being substandard for a litany of reasons, but the comments of some posters makes me question the decency of some of our colleagues. I suppose to each his own, but personal attacks serve zero value and debase the discussion.
ReplyDelete@ 9:53
ReplyDelete4 out of every 10 attorneys are plaintiff's attorneys, likely the same ones that make "contributions," to her campaign fund.
LU is running for a spot on the bench? I'm going to quit private practice and try to clerk!
ReplyDeleteIf LU is running for judge, someone needs to start comparing writing samples on the blog to the answers on the interviews. Anyone remember any similarities. LU did hate a lot of our current judges...
ReplyDeleteWho is this Dave "Batman" Thompson running for Justice of the Peace in Searchlight?
ReplyDeleteBatman? Seriously? He registered like that? They allow that?
Instead of reading through briefs, Judge Mosley holds 10 minute mini- trials to decide the fate of a defendant. WTF?
ReplyDeleteWhat about the Fed bench, BK judges and magistrates? There are a few that are really good and others that bring the average down, especially the Mag. in Reno. What's her deal?
ReplyDeleteWhat would be the purpose of ranking federal judges and magistrates? It's not like you can vote them out during the next election.
I think the main reason would be so the law clerks of the shitty judges would be embarrassed.
ReplyDeleteIn regards to judging certain judges, one should be outside of the courthouse, and sit in a booth NEXT to Judge Donald Mosley, and hear his opinions about spear chuckers. Yep, that is right, SPEAR CHUCKER'S. How can a judge make a ruling of an individual, when he DISCRIMINATES because of the color of the skin? He was talking so obnoxious about a (quote) "N....G.....R", that appeared in front of him. I could not believe what I was hearing. When were judges ALLOWED to use these type of words? Then to top it off, he was laughing about an illegal "wetback", that he had to send home! Didn't he date a Mexican? Judge Mosley needs to be REMOVED FROM THE BENCH. All of his past, current, and future cases should be reviewed by the JUDICIAL ETHICS COMMITTEE . Also, one day in his chambers he called a female attorney, "honey" and then asked "sugar", who happened to be his J.E.A., to get a P&P on the phone. What really pissed me off, was when he was referring to another female attorney as a BLONDE BIMBO, because she didn't like the DEAD ANIMALS in his chambers. What happened to treating people with respect? This judge is in the STONE AGE!
ReplyDeleteYes judge potter need to go. Has no respect for women lawyers. Sides with only Norman lawyer even when they lie have no proof to what they are saying. We have proof showing the truth an judge potter said we are liers. Also has police reports. The judge said the police report we not attached the the complaint. But the were when the submitted to the courts WHERE DID THEY GO? Or where they there an judge potter lied? The DA need to start doing there job and stop the corruption in the courts