It's that time again ... time for all you early graduates, repeat takers and out-of-towners to sweat it out. Nevada may be the wild wild west of the legal world, but we have a very difficult bar exam that you must pass before we allow you to go out and commit
unrestrained malpractice. Don't worry, we're sure
all but about one-third less than half of you did fine.
Commenters, how about posting some happy thoughts for our soon-to-be-hyperventilating pals? Let them know that life goes on, regardless of the results ... tell them your tales of woe.
Results are usually posted around 1:00 PM ... press button below to check.
Good luck!! Don't forget about
tipping us when you become big shot attorneys!
Look on the bright side, at least bar results were not released yesterday so as to destroy a fledgling attorney's cinco de mayo celebration. Heck, for everyone who took the bar in February, I would suggest you start drinking now. If you passed, you will have a good head start on celebrating and if you did not pass, you will have a good head start on drowning your sorrows.
ReplyDelete1:00pm? They told us 3:00pm...I better leave work sooner :P
ReplyDeleteI just passed last Oct....and I remember how damn nervous I was the day the results came out. My fingers hurt from hitting refresh so many times. My advice.....call whoever you know that is clerking (preferably NVSC) and have them call you so you don't have to keep hitting refresh.
ReplyDeleteOh and I second 8:13....start drinking now
@942...they always say 3....but they are usually posted by 1
I was nervous about results even when I figured it was almost statistically impossible for me to have failed. It sucks waiting until you see it in writing and when that happens, it feels totally anticlimactic, just like when you finish the exam.
ReplyDeleteHow stupid or arrogant do you have to be to fail the bar exam? Its not a pop quiz, if you do the preparation work it is impossible to fail.
ReplyDeleteAnd, yes, I've taken bar exams while working full time.
@10:45 so did your mom
ReplyDeleteI agree with 10:45. If you fail the bar, it's probably because you wasted too much time browsing the comments on a silly blog.
ReplyDeleteFor those of you who pass, congrats! I eagerly anticipate mopping the courtroom floor with your face.
ReplyDelete10:41- Please explain how it was "statistically impossible" for you to fail.
ReplyDeleteBrace yourself for the pass rate...pretty low this time around
ReplyDelete10:41 here.
ReplyDeleteBased on what I had done on other bar exams and the BarBri practice exams. Anyone can fail and people who it seems should pass, sometimes don't, but running prior numbers, it would seem like it would have taken something seriously going wrong for me to have not passed. The process sucks no matter what.
At least you get the results a week before the CA Bar. Those who took it have to wait until the 14th after 6 p.m.
ReplyDeleteNot sure about the rest of you, but I knew it was statistically impossible for me to fail because more than half the people taking the NV bar pass, and I am smarter than 90% of the people taking it. So there.
ReplyDeleteAnyone have any idea why exactly the passage rate is so low? Is it how they grade or set the curve? I know there are a lot of hacks taking it but I can't believe there are that many more idiots taking it in NV than other states with higher passage rates.
ReplyDeleteAn attorney at my first job was talking to me before I took the exam and I asked him if the exam was so much harder, since it was the 2nd-lowest pass rate of any state, and he had taken 2 other bar exams (Louisiana and Utah) Here was his response, verbatim:
"The exam is about the same difficulty as Utah, but lots of people fail because Nevada is full of doorknobs."
As an aside, he passed the exam despite winning a $10,000.00 slot machine payout during lunch and coming back over an hour late.
Best of luck to everyone - the hardest thing was worrying about those names that were missing and whether they'd need space or would want someone to call them and see how they were. I was really happy for myself but I kept thinking of how terrible they must feel.
ReplyDeleteRE: The low pass rate. (taken from what was posted last year)
ReplyDeleteThe big reason the rate is lower in February is because that is what the NV Supreme Court decides to do upon the recommendation of the Board of Governors. If you look at the Supreme Court Rules, you'll find that about a month before the exam, they set a passage rate. This is not just a case of poor performance in February. The Board has decided that February takers are more in need of being sifted and so they lower the pass rate. They raise it in the summer so that Boyd's pass rate can go up. The sad fact of the matter is that this makes the chance of passing the Feb. bar only slightly greater than winning a coin toss.
SCR 65(3) states, "At least 30 days before each examination, or within such further time as the court may permit, the board of bar examiners shall file with the supreme court for approval a proposed formula upon which the Multistate Bar Examination results will be applied with the other portions of the total examination results. In addition, at least 30 days before each examination, or within such further time as the court may permit, the board of bar examiners shall file with the supreme court for approval a proposed formula for grading the entire examination."
When you fail, you get a copy of the scores along with that formula. If you examine the formula you will find that one number is a variable that corresponds directly with the percentage of people that they want to pass each year.
You'd be surprised how many people are oblivious to the way this works.
If you find that irritating, you don't even want to know about the lack of an appeals process, or the fact that your answers only get double checked if your close, and by close they mean less than .5 of a point from passing.
I passed. What a relief! Sad for those who didn't.
ReplyDeleteThey're up. 48% pass rate.
ReplyDeleteTo those who failed - take comfort knowing that this is the lowest passage rate ever.
ReplyDelete@10:41. Clearly, you went to law school because you are bad at math. You can be the best solitaire player in the game (hint: you always are) and still lose. "Statistics" play no part in the bar exam.
ReplyDeleteEven if they did, the, on this exam at least, you are "statistically likely" to have failed along with the other 52%.
I passed too. I usually walk away from the bar knowing I passed, but this one I wasn't too sure. This was my 4th bar. I know I completely bombed one of the essays. When I took VA last year in Feb, the passage rate was 49% so 48% isn't surprising.
ReplyDeleteI just failed it for the 7th time. Is it just me, or do all California attorneys like myself struggle to pass this bar??
ReplyDeleteI don't know if all California attorneys struggle with the Nevada bar, but as a Nevada attorney taking the California bar, I thought it was easy (except for your stupid 3 hour Performance Test).
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone know how well Nevada bar "passers" tend to do on the California bar?
ReplyDeleteI thought the California bar was easier than Nevada. I passed both on first try - I passed the Cali bar after studying literally less than 24 hours
ReplyDeleteI failed. Again. Damn! Seven hours of studying down the toilet!
ReplyDeleteI failed. Again. Damn! Seven hours of studying down the toilet!
ReplyDeleteNevada Bar was more difficult than California (2 1st-time passes).
ReplyDelete(I post this every time bar results are released) WHY THE HELL DO THEY POST RESULTS ON A THURSDAY!! I you didn't pass, you have to go to work the next day (or stay home and look like a cry-baby piss pants). If you do pass, you can't go out and get blotto with your buddies.
ReplyDeleteCalifornia is harder (passed them both first time). Nevada's essays had longer fact patterns are more about issue spotting, and Cali's are more about analysis with shorter fact patterns. Also, the Cali performance portion, which is 6 hours v Nevada's 1.5 hours, from what I'm told, really separates the passers from the non-passers. One of the CPT's was like Nevada's, just longer, and the other was very convoluted and gave people problems.
ReplyDeleteCalifornia's pass rate is skewed downward by the non-ABA accredited test takers. The pass rate for ABA grads really isn't too low.
Don't forget the Richard Harris Law Firm party tomorrow at 5:30 p.m. Free alcohol! food and the Rick Harris Band too featuring Rick Harris. yeah baby!
ReplyDelete3:39 - they do it on a Thursday so that Friday can be Termination Day for the failers (or, "Non-passers"). Then they have the whole weekend to cry and revise their resumes.
ReplyDeleteI took a Midwestern state bar before Nevada, and found Nevada to be much, much harder.
So no story on how Fox Rothchild was able to take GT's BK practice group in LV?
ReplyDelete1:56 PM - take the hint, forget the practice of law and just run for Judge. Miley can fill you in on the details.
ReplyDelete9:10 PM - As any one who has been fortunate enough to bask in the greatness of Brett Axelrod knows that all she asks in return is large stacks of cash with a cherry diamond on top.
ReplyDelete12:45, Were you a repeater or just interested in misrepresenting the facts. The Board of Bar Examiners report to the Nevada Supreme Court not the Board of Governors of the State Bar. The State Bar of Nevada administers the exam but it is put together by the Board of Bar Examiners who are unpaid attorney volunteers. The only portion written by the Examiners are the Nevada essays. There is a formula that is released but it can not be said there is some kind of consipiracy to control the numbers or the pass rate. February tends to attract repeaters who actually have a lower pass rate and the pass rate keeps going down each time they repeat the test. California and Nevada use the same consultants for the bar exam.
ReplyDeletePlenty of California lawyers (including me some years ago) pass the Nevada bar on the first try. The Nevada bar is harder than the CA bar, but just because our bench in Nevada is more of a public embarassment does not mean that those who take the bar here are dumber. They are not.
ReplyDeleteI love this whole inferiority complex with California. As an attorney licensed in both states and a former bar tutor for years, I can unequivocally tell you the CA Bar is graded harder, doesn't mean the test itself is harder, just means they have higher requirements on the MBE, the performance test and the essays. If that wasn't the case, all these hacks from the SD schools would have passed the CA bar and stayed there. Nobody chooses Vegas over San Diego, they didn't have the choice. Because the CA bar is GRADED harder. Give up this whole Nevada bar is harder crap, if that was the case how did we get so many lawyers into a state with no law school for 100 years? We got San Diego's cast offs and the few locals who went out, got law degrees and decided to come back. Love Vegas, but don't get that crazy sports fan obsession that our team is the best, it's statistically wrong.