Friday, July 23, 2010

Family Court Towing Scheme?

Wrapping up WWL Family Court Week 2010, the RJ posted an interesting rumor about a possible tow for profit scheme by Family Court marshals. From the RJ post:
Concern is mounting in courthouse circles over reported questionable activity among Family Court marshals.

Word is that a large number of cars have been towed from Family Court’s parking lot since the first of the year. The figure bandied about is said to be astounding.

Some people at Family Court have overheard marshals bragging about the number of cars they can have towed on any given day.

And there’s even talk that some marshals might be profiting from the towing bonanza.
How about it, commenters? Anybody have experience with overzealous parking enforcement at Family Court. We know that Libo was able to get away with questionable parking a while back, have they stepped up enforcement recently?

(LVRJ; Thanks, Tipster!)


  1. It's official,no one cares about this thread.

  2. I care about this thread.
    It's scummy as hell to have marshals out lining their own pockets at the expense of people who are already suffering. If the allegations against the marshals are true, they should lose their job and face prosecution. If the marshals have time to patrol the parking lot, they have time to do their jobs securing the courthouses and should quit whining about their lack of resources. Open the south gate at the RJC, dammit.

  3. I think the implication in the rumor is that individual marshals are getting paid by tow companies to call them out. It’s simply not true. Nobody is lining their pockets. They enjoy imposing suffering on those who park illegally and brag about it. Rude, but not illegal. This is a non-starter.

  4. If they're having cars towed just for kicks, then they're complete assholes.

    It's long been recognized that the marshals are wannabe cops who couldn't get into Metro, but it's pretty pathetic that they want to play metermaid.

  5. This is Vegas. Even the cops are wannabe cops.

  6. Unless they're towing legally parked cars, I can't imagine why anyone would give a shit about this, or about who I split my fee with after settlement.

  7. how about the lt. choking the handcuffed chair restrained pregnant female? any info on that?

  8. I'm happy that other people are noticing this towing thing because I can't get over the time I saw a couple marshals, at the family court, calling in a car that was smoking a little bit. Why do we need County employees to investigate and enforce something that has nothing to do with securing the family court? Aren't they going outside of their job descpription? Or is it their job to make sure vehicles in the parking lot comply with every county code, NRS, etc.?

    We need to have respect for the people that provide security in our society, but we don't need to pay them over 60k to be hall monitors

  9. First they claim they need more officers then they have these clowns on bikes given jay walking tickets fifty yards from the court house when people are force to park at Food for Less because of lack of parking.

  10. First guys, we are talking about the Family Court parking lot. Family court is where they place the marshall that cannot make it in the big house. One guy at family court was so useless the other marshall bought a bike so he could patrol the parking lot when he is not busy texting his girlfriend.

    Recently a mother drove in from New Mexico to pick up her child from juvenile court and her license plate sticker had expired and her car was towed not a ticket it was towed. She and her child were left in the parking lot. Do you think the judges (if they come to court house) even know this if going on?

  11. the judges don't really know about anything unless it interrupts their lunch. They are REALLY SENIOR. It's all about happy time and eating paste

  12. Rejoice brethren rejoice! Right here in our own little metropolis is the safest, bar none, building in the known universe, our very own family court. It is guaranteed safest place you can ever be. You now all know this to be true since the protectors thereof don't even have to be in the building, which apparently they're not since they're roaming the parking lots for the express purpose of increasing the misery of those whose lives were already rather miserable since they had to come to family court in the first place.

  13. I was at family court when a female with a black and blue face resulting from a domestic confrontion came out with her restraining order to find her car being tow by the constable and the parking bike patrol.

    These cop wanttobe know already what it means to protect and serve the public.

  14. 6:45 PM - Rejoice. Now this women knows the true purpose of the State. Vote Ron Paul.

  15. I also care about this thread, and here's why....there may be marshal's doing their job, and some doing a bit more - or too much, but the real question is who is managing these people? Don't they have to abide by the same laws everyone else has to? Give tickets don't tow!

  16. What's in it for them to have the cars towed? Don't they also auction off those cars that people can't afford to get out? Hmmmm.....can't help but wonder if there are some marshals or friends of them out there driving auctioned cars from that same towing company. Smells REALLY REALLY wrong. Doesn't the city have contracts with companies to avoid stuff like this? Just a thought.

  17. First thing for you conspiracy theorist the Marshals dont do the towing the constable do it. the only thing i see wrong is they are wirting a moving violation on private property and these people are the onse that crash into your car and have no insurance and then your stuck with the bill. Now lets talk about there pay someone said 60k a year not even close if they are part time it closer to $13.00 an hour now when they get full time we are looking at a breath taking 39k a year and they have the same classification as METRO or any outher category 1 law inforcement officer which in the academy they are at around 51k a year. So before people jump to conclusions get all the facts or maybe some.

  18. So whats the BIG HOUSE the RJC? realy from what i have seen the Marshals at Family Court are a hell of a lot more professional then any one at the RJC. For the TWO bike guys ( some of you make it seem like there is 50 Marshals out there ) 9:10 is correct getting them for expired tags and they are on private property is not rite. They also get a lot of people with fictious tags or plates. Thats a crime we all end up paying for so keep that up bike team. 9:10 realy 39k a year hmmm I thought the NRS says that all law enforcment agencys are to be payed about the same rate? and as for wannabes these are the same people that are keeping us safe in the court and surrounding area have a little respect for there are some asshole most of them are very nice and evidently under paid. O YA DONT PARK AT FAMILY COURT WITH EXPIRED TAGS LOL!

  19. @12:21
    Yeah, it really is $39k to start. There is no NRS that says all agenies have to be paid at the same level.
    Family Court is a completely different environment than the RJC.

  20. i do think there is an NRS for that.. from what i have herd their union is gunna try to do somithing bout it. Family court is a completly different environment people seem to be more volatile at Family Court then RJC and ( MOST not all ) the Marshals seem to be little more cool headed their at Family Court.

  21. Your a bunch of fucking idiots............. You have no clue. If you break the LAW, you pay the price. I know for most of you its hard to do what the law requires, but big people do it everyday. So get a fucking job. O ya and a JOB/LIFE. NOOB's

  22. Ya The Big house, Family Court... who runs both places, not the Marshalls. I dont Know about the rest of that stuff, but I don't see the downtown Marshalls running around with lights in their personal cars! Just because they think their cops they can do that! What kind of crap is that?... No other cop shop does that stuff.

  23. haha ya thats one officer thats does that i wouldent put all the outhers in that boat. if your gunna do that then all the attorneys are tweekers skum or law clerks are worthless i think you get the point and for knowing the LAW learn it before you write those tickes

  24. The Family Court Marshals practice vigilante law. They tow cars instead of giving tickets. They choke a pregnant woman that was in a restraint chair. They taze a handcuffed child. They break the water bowls for the stray animals around the courthouse. They are mean. They are unethical. They are unprofessional.
