Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Someone Needs To Coddle Cottle

An eagle-eyed reader noticed something interesting yesterday: Rob Cottle has been removed from the firm now known as Mainor Eglet's website. Seems like it was done in the dark of night; the firm was quick to scrub any evidence that Cottle ever existed.

Word is that he was forced out. If you have any further details, please enlighten us in the comments.


  1. Wasn't Justice Injury Lawyers his business too? Maybe he was transitioning out over time with that?

  2. http://www.gettingyoujustice.com/about.html

    Ugly picture

  3. Wondering if he wasn't bringing in the money like the other two partners.

  4. Mainor Eglet's webmaster still needs to edit Cottle out of their website video.

  5. Looks like a few associates left too.

  6. The missing associates left a while ago. Their departures are not related to Cottle's.

  7. Two stories are circulating. Cottle and Tracy Eglet had it out over something a couple of weeks ago and it went downhill from there. Also, Cottle was supposedly not included in the ownership of the new office building. Could be totally false, but hey, that's what this site is for...

  8. @9:08
    Bringing in the money like the other two partners? You're joking, right?

  9. @ 11:43. Cottle might be good, but he is not $500M good.

  10. What happended to David Tanner? I wonder if it's related to Cottle?

  11. It will be years before they see any of the $500 million, if at all, so really no one is “$500 million good.” Tanner not related to Cottle. Justice Injury Lawyers closed quite some time ago. All law firms change. This could be nothing but someone moving on. Now how boring would that be for you all?

  12. I received this forwarded e-mail, sent in the form of an advertisement--guess it's "official":

    Mainor Eglet Cottle has changed its name to Mainor Eglet. Robert Cottle will be pursuing other interests. Robert Cottle would like to express his gratitude and appreciation to his former partners for the many great years together. Rob's former Partners at Mainor Eglet wish him the best of luck in his future endeavors.

  13. @12:46,

    What a buzz kill. Our boring lives depend on the salacious and lascivious gossip we get from this site. Can't someone at least make up a good story!

  14. @1:34
    Here's a good, made up story:
    Rob Cottle is leaving on the best of terms with his former partners, and they all wish each other well in their endeavors. In fact, so much so that Mr. Cottle has agreed that one of his other interests will not include talking to. . .

  15. This is boring, but only because it's the same old Eglet story. Yeah, Rob was voted out. Deals with the devil(s) were made. It wasn't one event. This was planned out, probably as far back as the Mainor-Harris days. David Tanner was tied to it only in the sense that it was a power play Tracy made to create the conflict with Cottle and because David's a good Mormon. Randy was the last good Mormon they liked. Cottle, with all of his significant personality and character faults, WAS the one bringing in the money. If any of you know the Eglets, this can only be tied to one, and probably both, of two things: the insatiable hunger for power and money. My guess is power for Tracy and money for Bob. Although glory is his drug of choice. Just take a peak at the new website. It puts Bob in a Christ-like pose with the other members looking like his disciples. Make no mistake, the firm is now Eglet and Eglet, regardless of what Brad Mainor tells himself. He's probably next. But, it will be interesting to see what they are able to do without Cottle there. He was the brains behind the endoscopy verdict. Eglet probably didn't know anything about the case until a month before the trial. He just played his usual role of talking head. Which he does probably better than almost anyone. But no one will have to coddle Cottle. He's going to be fine with all the money he has. And he's probably smarter than both of the Eglets. Don't tell him I said that. Humility isn't one of his personality traits. And no, this isn't Rick Harris writing this although I suspect he'd agree. And that email was sent without Cottle even knowing. I don't know what the truth is about the new office building except that Cottle isn't one of the owners. The more interesting question behind all of this is who are the owners? I don't think it's just the Eglets. And, I don't think all the owners are in the firm.

  16. an idiot like you!

  17. Other owner probably includes Howard Awand.

  18. Did staff leave also?

  19. @1:42 - THANK YOU.

  20. @1:42,

    I always thought it was kind of a slap in the face that Brad Mainor's profile read "Brad is the only legacy member of the firm..." But if he didn't take it that way, I guess that's his prerogative.

  21. That's great, a legacy member, just like Kent Dorfman.

  22. All are fine attorneys. In the end, all you have is your good name, talents and skill set. Cottle will do fine, as will the the Eglets. Tanner is a stud - too modest to drive a Maserati but surely as worthy of one as any other PI power player.

  23. Tanner! Is that you??

  24. Tanner! Is that you??

  25. @ 1:34. Here it goes: Rob is leaving the firm to pursue other interests, such as teaching proper turnicut application at a local college. He also always wanted to be a firefighter, but he could not lift the hose, run up the stairs, and perform the requisite CPR. As such, after teaching turnicut application classes, Rob will host movie nights showing Backdraft, where he will serve free popcorn to homeless youth. It is an exciting time for Rob and we wish him well. Good luck buddy!

  26. While Eglet is a great trial lawyer, that firm would crumble without Robert Adams. He is the attorney that makes the money and puts together the trials. Without Adams-no Mainor Eglet!!!!!! P.S. Bradley Mainor is a joke!

  27. I admit I'm not a Mormon, but if Randy Mainor is considered a "good" Mormon, then clearly the standards are relatively low, ethics-wise.

    I hardly think that Tanner's negligible record warrants the vaunted status being conferred upon him by 2:44 pm (David, is that you??). He doesn't completely suck, but he's hardly a "stud" by any rational definition of the word. Tanner (or any ex-Mainorite) without Cottle or Eglet to back him up is just another run of the mill amubulance chaser. This firm does not breed great lawyers, at least it hasn't yet.

  28. Totally agree with 2:53 about Adams. If he left, they'd be screwed. To their credit, I think they know it.

  29. EVAPS, LLC was formed 2/25/2010 by Eglets, Vannah, Adams and.... No doubt the "P" is Prince. No Cottle in sight - so this ouster was in the workings for while. Interestingly, no Brad Mainor in sight either. If he didn't have his dad's voting shares he'd be long gone. EVAPS, LLC purchased Oxford Court on 6th Street (the old insurance defense homestead of Edwards, Hale) on 3/2/2010.

  30. Interestingly, Mainor & Harris used to take its holiday card photo in front of Oxford Court back in the mid-late '90's. If ME moves in there, it will have come full circle.

  31. Listen to how silly some of the comments are. Why would the dude who was bringing in all the money be kicked out? I would imagine that the one not making any money for the partnership has gotta go.

  32. Agree with 2:53 about Adams, they should change the name from Mainor Eglet to "Adams & Associates".

  33. I love how people can say so and so attorney is not good, but is to scared to say who they are. Grow a pair.

  34. @ 3:59 = Brad Mainor.

  35. 3:59 = the ghost of Randy Mainor, coming back to haunt non-NTLA/NJA-dues-paying-members.

  36. Cottle should run for judge. He has the money, the looks and the skills to bring our humble court up a level or two. He sure doesn't need more money, and we all know that a few more penises are just what our bench needs.

  37. 3:59 has the writing skills of Brad Mainor. Nice grammar.

  38. Actually, the comment about Adams isn't far from the truth. He is what makes the firm work from the claims side. Cottle is what made it work from the litigation side.

  39. Randy wasn't perfect, but he was honest and he cared about people. He lived, in its entirety, a pretty darn good life. My experience with David Tanner is that he is a very good guy. And why don't we put our names on these? Did you forget that it is the Eglets we're talking about. Keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer. Or should I say potential enemies. In litigation there are two effective methods: the lover and the fighter. Eglet is the best in the game at fighting. "Anonymous" is no sign of cowardice. It's a sign of intelligence.

  40. You got one thing wrong, 1:42. Cottle wasn't the brains behind the endoscopy verdict; Will Kemp was. The guy's a failure-to-warn, products-liability genius.

  41. There is so much misinformation here that its funny. First, it was a money issue. With the Eglets... it's always a money issue. Rob Cottle is a superb attorney (he really has the best legal mind of anybody over there). But, Rob's cases have 2 problems: 1) they are extremely expensive and 2) they are risky. Keep in mind that Cottle was the product liability specialist at the firm. He would only take catastrophic type cases. Cottle, by far, had the largest costs of any lawyer at the firm. When he wins; he wins big. If a case goes south, it goes really far south. I really don't think Cottle has turned much of a profit in years (at least in comparison to the others). That being said, Cottle was the brains behind the endoscopy cases (it was Cottle's idea to drop the negligence claim before trial which was the strategy that one the case as it kept the DRs and nurses negligence out of evidence).

    Rob is a fairly good guy (once you get past his arrogance). He can be a total dick but he's also a fairly straight shooter. I wish him well. And, he really would make a great judge. I could see him joing forces with Tanner or some other former colleague.

  42. I should have said that Cottle was the brains behind the MEC role in the case. You might be right about Kemp. I don't know him that well.

  43. Cottle, call me. Rick Harris 444-4444

  44. 10:08 - I'm falling off of my chair! Good one!!

  45. Good thing Cottle doesn't carry at Costco. Poof.

  46. He hasn't been scrubbed quite completely off their website. He's off their banner on the top, but still appears in their "why we're wonderful" video.

  47. Fox and Cottle, Ltd.

  48. Is this the Perez Hilton site about attorneys in Las Vegas? They are attorneys people. Who the hell cares???!!

  49. Want to see Eglet go white. Ask him about the trouble he had in law school

  50. White? Can he go white? He's sorta got that John Boehner, burnt-umbery skin thing. To me, his skin is the color of a crayola crayon I cannot name.

  51. @3:03

    The skin color matches his peculiar hair color.

  52. you losers are just jealous of Eglet because he's wealth and successful and you're neither

  53. 3:38 has a point.

    How many of those around here who snipe at Eglet have ever had a jury award half a billion dollars in favor of their client?

  54. @3:38 = Tracy Eglet.

  55. Jealous? No. "It's easy to make a lot of money, if money's all you want..." Always liked that quote from Citizen Kane, I believe.

    Would I like his money? Sure. Who wouldn't? But, would I swap my life for his in order to get it? No way in hell. Rich and ruthless still means you're ruthless, and ruthlessness is bad karma.

  56. 6:16 - Kemp is far from a genius, but he is street smart. He is a liar and a bully, which plays well to morons on the jury who think that trials are episodes of Law & Order.

  57. @3:03

    Are you referring to Burnt Sienna?

  58. I was a client seeing another lawyer in that firm. Eglet was around and was yelling at staff members, swearing at them and was so obnoxious and cruel, they looked like scared animals. He is a horrible man and I am not for one moment jealous of his money! It obviously does not make him a nicer (or even remotely attractive) man!

  59. Putting Wild Wild Law back into more familiar footing: Tracy looks way hot in their website's little promo video

  60. Anyone know how to get in touch with Cottle now?

  61. Cottle can be located in the RJ Classified ads.

  62. Rumor has it that Rob Cottle is Partnering up with Cory Hilton.

  63. The feds haven't forgot about little Bobby E. and his criminal activity with Awand, Kabins and Vannah in the medical fraud matters. Little Bobby will be wearing his custom made federal prison garb before he collects one cent of his "verdict" on endoscopy.
    There are many people who have knowledge of what transpired and in the medical fraud matter and it is only a matter of time for their grand jury testimony. Too many people know Bobby!!!

  64. Rob Cottle "sitting" at Counsel table for 3weeks w/Eglet, $500M;
    Mainor Eglet erasing Cottle's existence in 48 hrs., PRICELESS

  65. Cottle's Number 767-6776

  66. Bob "Tiny" Adams is nothing more than an overweight lazy person. He should go back to changing transmission fluid and oil changes at his brothers auto repair shop like he did before he became a "lawyer". By the way his tie in another article with a photo of Eglet and him has to be 3 feet long to cover his gut.

  67. 12:18 you are a douche bag. You clearly don't know Adams because he's the hardest person at that firm. Nothing lazy about him. Sorry your Friday night didn't pan out and you were posting here at midnight. Fucking loser.

  68. Remmel is that you? Hey buddy there is no need to defend Adams, he is big enough to do that himself. And watch your language buddy, your bishop would not like that.

  69. To 12:18 7/17: I doubt that comment was written by Remmel. If anything, "Tiny" was sitting in his underwear jawing a couple of dozen burritos and tacos. This blog is monitered 24/7/365 by Mainor Eglet Cottle, oops! Mean Mainor Eglet, as least for a while.

  70. I think the previous poster was referring to 12:37PM 7/17, who no doubt was Adams himself.

  71. what does Cottle know and when did he know it? Is money ever an issue among friends?

  72. Evaps? doesn't Prince do defense insurance work?

  73. T he person who said they liked the quote from Citizen Kane has excellent taste our kind of person... Eglet makes Ebenezer Scrooge look quite charming. I wonder woh will play Bob Cratchit tomorrow? And when does the Ghost Of Christmas Past Present and Future come?

  74. Who needs TMZ with this crap?

    - Jon Remmel

  75. Scott at ME monitors this site. He does nothing else there all day......... Yeah Scott. You are now 'almost famous.'

  76. This place is a joke. Almost all of the attorneys flirt with all the younger girls or had an affair with them and Scott... haha he is truly useless

  77. does the FBI monitor Scott?



  79. Not enough time to tell all. This must be justice.

  80. Your kinda a douche too.

  81. @ 11:15 am -- Good come back Scott.

  82. Who the hell is Scott?

  83. The final erasure of Cottle has taken place. The Justice Injury Lawyers (there appears to be no lawyers at this firm) has eradicated him from their website. Rumor is Bradley is the "managing attorney" so he'll have some place to watch TV when the Eglets cut him loose and fold ME.

  84. @8:41 p.m., also seems to be no one paying attention to silly little business filing details, b/c Justice Injury Lawyers is in default according to the Nevada Secretary of State Web site. Guess that's OK though, if its just to give Brad a place to watch TV.

  85. Oh people. Justice closed their doors a year ago. NEXT!

  86. In case anyone cares, Cottle is NOT partnering up with Cory Hilton. He is using some of Cory's office space right now but that is all.

  87. Cottle owns the building so it is not Cory's office space. It is his own!

  88. If Justice is out of business why do they have a purged website and a telephone number?
