Friday, July 9, 2010

Friday Open Thread

Happy Friday everyone!

So, what's up?


  1. Maybe the Obama administration's time would be better spent enforcing immigration laws rather than suing Arizona for enforcing those immigration laws.

  2. What's the current decision time for civil cases decided w/out oral arguments at the NV supreme court level? If I submitted my reply brief in May or June, am I going to be waiting until next May or June for a (probably ungfavorable) decision?

  3. 8:55 - did you get a letter of submission stating that the case would be decided without oral argument? I usually get decisions within a few months of that letter.

  4. 8:41 - Good topic. In response I'll ask a question: From a purely economic perspective (in other words, ignoring all social justice issues), does it make sense to try and round up millions (maybe even tens of millions) of undocumented Hispanics in the US, deport them, and then try to prevent re-entry?

    Seems daunting and unworkable -almost the equivalent of trying to prevent the sun from rising. Although I'll concede that what's happening now also doesn't work.

    I don't have an answer, but I don't think what Arizona is trying to do is the answer. The law enforcement resources necessary to do what Arizona is trying to do will have to be diverted from violent crime, organized crime, public safety, and other areas which also require attention. There is no free lunch.

  5. I agree that what is happening now is unworkable. What we need is a guest worker program so the workers will be documented and paying taxes. We also need to realize that there is no way to deport al of the illegals that are already here. We need to specify a path to citizenship, especially for those with children who were born in US and are, therefore, fellow citizens.

  6. Maybe we can bag them and tag them, and then release them back into the wild so they can lead us to other illegals. (Relax, I'm being completely sarcastic.)

  7. Maybe we can bag them and tag them, and then release them back into the wild so they can lead us to other illegals. (Relax, I'm being completely sarcastic.)

  8. Let's talk about law firms with the highest concentration of d.bags and/or are the worst to deal with. I'll start:

    1. Hutchison & Steffen

  9. Anyone know where LeBron is going? I can't find information on his decision ANYWHERE!

  10. 8:55.

    I submitted a Reply brief on 11/18/09; received an "Order Submitting Appeal for Decision Without Oral Argument" on 1/7/10; and received an unpublished opinion on 6/10/10. I don't know if that time frame is typical or not.

    Good luck.

  11. The problem with the illegal Mexican immigrants is that they look so damn much like Arabs. If they were a different shade of brown or didn't love mustaches, there would be no problem.

  12. LeBron is eventually going to hell (by way of Miami first)

  13. So how exactly is Thomas S. Shaddix of Ticket Defenders getting a list of names and addresses of people being cited for traffic violations in the county? My client brought in a letter from him, a clear solicitation sent after "cooling off" period offering to fix the ticket for $75.

  14. @9:54 a.m.


  15. the LV you align with AZ had hope for some of their tourist dollars, yet sacrifice the only labor work force in southern NV; or do you fight for a reasonable immigration amnesity program to keep the thousands of maids, labors, and roofers employed so that LV has a reasonable tax base? (Sales tax if nothing else)

    Up here in Northern NV, we don't care about immigrent labor. we have enough slackers, bums and good for nothing rejects from LV that we have a constant labor force. Problem is that none of them will work in the winter when it is cold and snowing, so then we have to import Mexijans to get any real work done.

    But to answer 8:41's question: have you ever heard of a government worrying about what position was a better use of time? or money? if that was at all a reality, we'd have more than 4 eleveators and one entrance into the RJC.

  16. Bag it, tag it, sell it to the butcher in the store.

  17. I'm so tired of this dicussion. For I don't know how long now Mexicans have been flowing into the US like a leaky faucet. They procreate expontentially. Now the progeny of these "good intentioned" "hard working" folk have been raised in families with no priority for education, work ethic, etc. So, the girls make more babies and the boys become criminals. Just look at LA. It's becoming a third-world country. Why do you think we have so many CA transplants here?

  18. @ 9:54

    1. Bochanis's office. Not him really, just his staff.

  19. @9:54: Dave Sampson.

  20. @12:26

    Coconuts and chloroform, some wicker and some cork.

  21. 1:26 - The reason there are so many CA transplants is due to the abysmal CA bar pass rate of third tier CA law students. The retards come here and do just fine... apparently working at Hutchison and Steffen.

  22. @9:54

    Ditto on H&S. They are a firm of whiny bastards who turn and burn their files for no reason other than to bill.

  23. 8:55 here.

    Thanks for answering 9:11 & 10:09, that was very helpful.

    I did get the letter of sumbmission, so it sounds like I have about five months to prepare myself for a big disappointment, as I'm taking it as a bad sign that I didn't get oral arguments.

  24. Idaho and Utah conservtive states-- republican states-- making millions of dollars from undocumented workers. You will not see these states takes action to hurt theri farm and rach owners that these workers. In fact that has been the immigration policy of the US.
    For you with a legal mind, when you hear people claim that their grandparent came here legally, pull out the immigration from 50 to 60 years ago and compare those laws to the prsent mean immigration law.

  25. We should use the BP slushfund,that is being used to spoil the american worker by paying benefit to business and worker, to help BP cover their additional cost.

  26. 5:09

    We didn't get oral argument granted but we got a partial reversal and remand. So not all is lost.

    - 10:09

  27. H&S is harmless. I'm surprised at the comments about them; I didn't know that anyone really considered them as a serious player in town anyway. Maybe they've arrived if people are complaining about them on WWL.

  28. in U.S. v. AZ, the SCOTUS will rule in favor of the Feds pursuant to the "Doormat Commerce Clause," with AZ being the doormat.

  29. I'm my own Mexican. I do my own yard work, I watch my own kids, I steal stuff all by myself. BE YOUR OWN MEXICAN !!!!!

  30. reholCourt information officer resigns; Sommermeyer's skills will be missed

    No official announcement has been made, but it looks like Michael Sommermeyer, the popular public information officer for the Clark County Courts, will take his talents to the Nevada Supreme Court and its Foreclosure Mediation Program.

    Sources close to the court's administration confirmed he tendered his resignation today and proffered the obligatory two-week notice.

    Sommermeyer will be an asset to the Supreme Court, but his departure will leave a Grand Canyon-esque void at the Regional Justice Center.

    Here's hoping Steve Grierson, the court system's executive officer, chooses a replacement who shares Sommermeyer's appreciation for transparency in government and his skills in dealing with local media outlets.

    Sommermeyer, a master at balancing the wishes of his bosses with satisfying the curiosity of reporters, will be missed.

  31. Saturday at 8:00 pm and I'm studying my community community property outline. If anyone wants to know how to prorate a home that was initially purchased and paid for with separate property and then later, mortgage payments were made with community property, I'm your man.

  32. @8:08,

    You should have been studying your crim pro. They you could answer the question: After shooting someone in the back, should the officer write in their report that the perp made a furtive movement or that he jus' needed killin'?

  33. I think " ...that he jus' needed killin'?" is a valid defense in Texas.

  34. 9:54 AM - Amen, indeed.

  35. Did Cottle leave MEC? I am hearing through the grapevine that he's been forced out, but not sure if he's taking his team with him.

  36. BK hottie is in rare form this morning.

  37. Wow, you are right 11:37. They took Cottle off the website and its now just Mainor Eglet.

  38. @1:30,

    He may have been, but according to the SoS website, there is no such entity as "Mainor Eglet, LLP."

    Is this round 2 of messy partnership dissolutions involving the name "Mainor?"

  39. The papers creatng Mainor Eglet LLP would have been filed today so not likely up on SOS website.

    Couldn't happen to a more deserving guy aside from Eglet himself.

  40. wow, they are fast with the use of photoshop over there to erase - er, redact, what they don't want seen.

  41. its just cruel that no one will share who this bankruptcy hottie is

  42. This is 11:37 again. I guess I should have checked their website. No more Cottle.

  43. How sad is it when you've become so unlikeable that even Robert Eglet can't stand you.

  44. In all sincerity, I feel bad for Rob Cottle. He did all of the leg work and was the legal mind behind the endoscopy cases. They hit the biggest verdict in Nevada history and for his thank you... Eglet allegedly forces Cottle out AFTER Cottle created the endoscopy game plan. That being said, I don't feel bad enough about it to ignore the fact that Karma was probably involved.

  45. Personally, I think the chick with the Spanish accent is hot. But I'm a girl so what do I know?

  46. who is the chick with the Spanish accent??

  47. @ 3:26 p.m.
    I think the bankruptcy hottie is Lisa G from Hanes & Krieger.

  48. Lisa is cute, but I'm fairly sure the BK Hottie is a former Haines and Kreiger (better known as the skinny guy and the fat guy) associate.

  49. She is not debtors side. The BK hottie is a low level associate and appears on creditor uncontested matter, lift stay motions analysis the like.

    But she smolders when she rocks that blue micro skirt. Wow. Marry me.



  52. BK hottie is actually a hooker that got lost looking for the ghost of Bucky Buchanan
