Tuesday, July 27, 2010

You Got Marcummed!

The comments (and the courthouse) were abuzz yesterday with a rumor that criminal defense attorney Jonathan MacArthur has been served with a Marcum notice - which informs an individual they are a target of a grand jury proceeding and gives them an opportunity to testify before the grand jury. Yes, we had to look that up.

We have no idea why MacArthur is being targeted ... oh, wait.

You may remember MacArthur as the attorney who got himself in a bit of hot water with the DA's office back in 2007 for posting on his MySpace page under personal interests: "Breaking my foot off in a prosecutor's ass ... and improving my ability to break my foot off in a prosecutor's ass."

Shockingly, that statement got MacArthur removed as a judge pro tem, a position which he defined like this: "Imagine a substitute teacher with a black choir robe and a disconcerting amount of authority."

Mr. Mac - if you're looking for an outlet for all that pent-up provocative legal wordery, we'd be happy to provide you a guest spot here at WWL. Don't waste that stuff on MySpace!

(LVRJ; Thanks Tipsters!)


  1. The DA's Office had to get a pre-trial order that said MacArthur couldn't cry in his closing. Something he often does.

  2. I shall choose to remain skeptical until more facts are in. John MacArthur is an aggressive attorney but I don't see him intimidating a witness. The Grand Jury is a rubber stamp for the prosecution. I won't be surprised to see an indictment, but I don't see this as going anywhere.
    Good Luck, Mac!

  3. This guy is an arrogant d.bag who mistakenly thinks he’s sweetest thing ever. I sat near him at an event one time and had to feign amusement at all the stupid and annoying comments he made while other people were speaking.. Plus, he has halitosis.

  4. Jonathan is a great guy, who also happens to be the most annoying bastard on the face of the planet. I would be amazed if he even came close to doing what the DA is alleging, he's a pain in the ass but he's not unethical. This sounds like a case of DA is an ass-itis. It seems epidemic over the past six or seven years...

  5. I've known J.MAC for years and he compensates his inadequacy, with being a pain in the ass. I totally view him as being capable of attempting to intimidate a witness. He's only capable of intimidating someone less than intelligent, which as we know, most lay witnesses are.

    The guy is a douche-bag and I hope he gets nailed. And no, I'm not a DDA. But,I'd like to break MY foot off...

  6. 10:54

    less intelligent lay witnesses? Did you read the article about what he posted on his facebook? Not the sign of an intelligent person.

    Posting that sex is one of his hobbies is pretty immature for someone his age too.

  7. JMac is an attorney? I remember him as a hell of a shooter: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ngzyhnkT_jY

  8. re: MacArthur

    It is not witness intimadation, it is witness bribery and on the record in open court.

    Case No: C260368 Defendant is Steve Adams with Dave Barker being the judge and Maria Lavell is the prosecutor.

    One attorney who was in court said it was scary the way the judge dressed down MacArthur. He said he had never seen anything like in his long career.

  9. COURT NOTED that when counsel met in Chambers the State advised it wanted to
    present its oral argument for its Motion to Withdraw Mr. MacArthur from this
    case. State's Motion To Withdraw Mr. MacArthur was orally argued by Ms.
    Lavell at this time. She explained that she received word from her
    Investigator that the victim, Mr. Boyadjian, had been approached by Mr.
    MacArthur and was told that if he would "change facts" of his testimony Mr.
    MacArthur would be able to get him restitution payment. She further noted
    she had subsequent conversation with Mr. MacArthur and he explained his
    representation made to Deft. COURT NOTED it also has reservations at this


    Mr. MacArthur stated his position. . . . . . .


    Ms. Lavell to obtain an Affidavit from the victim in support of the State's

  10. Say what you will about MacArthur. I took over a case post-conviction from him wherein he did not file a direct appeal.

    We had an evidentiary hearing and MacArthur came in and told it like it was - he didn't do the usual 'I don't recall', 'I have so many clients', etc. He had a ton of integrity on the stand, didn't waffle around or cry like a little girl. I was impressed. In the end, it saved the case.

  11. @3:44

    I'm not sure how I feel about "Mr. MacArthur was orally argued by Ms. Lavell at this time" but I feel kind of dirty and would like to watch.

  12. bow chicka wow wow

  13. @508. This is the reason he shouldn't be allowed to pactice defense. Huge pain in the ass but the only results he gets for his clients is ineffective assistance claims.

  14. You call it "ineffective assistance," he calls it a "W" on appeal. Although i bet his malpractice premium is sky high.

  15. MacArthur can't value a case to save his ass, but did you know he keeps statistics on all County Track Attorney's "win" percentages at trial? According to his statistics, he is the third most successful track attorney at trial... Statistics, awesome...

  16. Who are the top two?

  17. I agree...this guy's breath would gag a skunk. I hate when he comes in and sits down and...well...breaths. He will get what he deserves and I am not surprised at all about the allegations against him. He thinks the robe is permission to do whatever he wants and that makes him a scary member of the bar. One poster said he was a stand up guy, but his sentiments about power....power he repeatedly seeks, reveal a bully who just wants to make up the rules as he goes and to suit his mood.

  18. @10:34

    Please distinguish MacA from any other judge or judicial candidate who seeks the robe, bullies and makes up the rules as he/she goes??

    Frankly, that could be any of our esteemed judges or candidates particularly over in family court.

  19. He is crazeeeeeeee!!! and dumb. He also confuses loudness, bullying, crying and going to the race card with legal ability. Try learning the rules of evidence for starters.

  20. yea... who are the top 2?

  21. @10:34
    Rediculous overbroud statement. Some do seek the power and some of those power seekers are bullies and have less than laudable motives in becoming a judge. There are many who seek it because it is challenging and can be a satisfying way to use your legal mind. Cadish, Johnson, Williams, Villani, Barker, good judges all.....on the other hand, Silver is the definition of a bully who does not know teh law and simply makes it all up as she goes.

  22. @9:41A

    Re: Silver. Beware days when she shows up with a pony tail and no makeup. 12-gauge scary Beeyatch days....out with the law!!

    I still remember her days as a DA in micro minis and thigh high boots....

  23. well look who made front page news on the ABA website...http://www.abajournal.com/news/article/attorney_faces_probe_re_claimed_offer_of_restitution_to_witness_for_testimo/

  24. Jonathan MacArthur is an amazing person. He is one of few in our justice system that has the integrity to do the job he's hired to. Even if "The Good Ol' Boys" try to ruin his career for it. He knows the law and makes it work for his clients. Just as fear prompted them to allegedly sabotage his judiciary position. I can only wonder if he is being implicated because the prosecution feels intimidated by his intelligence and has a 'personal interest' in the outcome of this case. I speak from experience. So to those who doubt him, dig a little deeper and 'read between the lines'. You may be surprised at what you find, and more by who tries to keep you from sharing it. So take this challenge and see if you can prove me wrong.
    Thank-you again Jonathan MacArthur for having the integrity, honesty and knowledge it takes to stand up for what you believe. You have not given in, as so many have, to those that take "The Easy Way Out'. It is only because of you that my grandson has a wonderful father to guide him through his life. I see that justice is being done to some of those that put such little value on a persons life. His former attorney seems to be getting a taste of his own medicine.
    Hang in there!
    Tommy's family
