Friday, July 2, 2010

Friday Open Thread

Happy Friday everyone!

Enjoy your holiday weekend and be safe out there.


  1. Damn it's hot here, especially when wearing a wool suit. Tell me again why people voluntarily move to this desolate climate. It can't be for the heat and the trash-covered, vacant, vegetation-free landscape. Must be for the political signs on every square inch of fence. Or for the cultured populace.

    After eight years of this hot, ugly place, I'm taking the Washington Bar exam later this month and getting out of this shithole.

    And before any of you Vegas lovers says "good riddance", look around you and see just how awful a place Las Vegas really is.

  2. < looks around >
    < notes the beauty of Mt. Charleston, Red Rock Canyon, Valley of Fire >
    < /looks around >

    Good riddance.

    BTW, is your house for sale? I'll give you $126k for it.

  3. Uh...

    Sun with reasonable temps and low humidity 300 days a year.

    No state income tax.

    Strippers in the supermarkets.

    Watching Sharron Angle trying to have a coherent thought while running for Senate.

    You think I'd give any of that up?

    Good riddance.

  4. It took you eight years to figure out that you hate Las Vegas? I understand giving a place six months to a year to adjust, but eight years? You're an idiot. Don't let the door hit you on the way out. We never asked you to come here. Good riddance.

  5. Good riddance, asshat

  6. Reasonable temps my ass. Besides, you can get all of the good things you mentioned without living in an overheated sh**hole by moving to northern Nevada.

  7. Northern Nevada? Home to more smug, pretentious assholes that anywhere else? I hit the "Tools" icon on my computer yesterday, and a map of Reno popped up!

  8. Northern Nevada?

    What time is it there? Oh, yes.


    *sings* "I've got spurs that jingle, jangle, jingle..."

  9. Maybe 9:40 has a point. This place was vibrant back in the mid-late 1990's - albeit with few educated people, hot weather, and no culture. But, economically speaking, there was a sense that all would be well; there was activity everywhere. New businesses were moving to town. The new housing developments all looked so nice and manicured back then.

    Now Vegas and the surrounding areas look kind of desparate and run down. The crappy construction is starting to show early decay. All those vacant strip malls are empty and scary. People look unhappy.

    Good luck, 9:40. Part of me wishes I were going with you.

  10. Desperate enough to spell 'desperate" with two 'a's?

  11. Who really cares about the spelling and grammer on this site, seriously? You obviously understood what the point was, let it go already.

  12. For someone halfway smart with a law license, Las Vegas is a great place to work but not such a great place to live.

    It's just easier for someone to make it in law here than it is in nicer cities. The reason - smart people want to live in nice places and many aren't willing to sacrifice quality of life for easy career success.

    Not to say we don't have some good lawyers here; we do. But many lawyers here who have found it easy to rise within their firms would not have found it so easy in, say, San Francisco. There's just more competition there.

    Bottom line, I'm staying because I simply don't want to have to start over.

  13. Why did you move here, Mr. or Ms. soon-to-fail-the-WA-bar?

  14. Why would anyone move to the middle of the desert? mo' m-o-n-e-y.

  15. @10:02,

    Reasonable temps 300 days out of the year. Those other 65/66 days? Yeah, those are the unreasonable ones.

    If you're going to Washington, that means you'll be practicing in Tacoma, Seattle, or Spokane. If either of the first two, you can say goodbye to the sun for 300 days of the year. If to Spokane, say hello to shoveling snow, picking out winter tires, and taking your vacations in warmer climes.

    Oh, and if you're really getting scorched, you might try buying a better suit. Although wool breathes well in general, the higher-quality summer suits (even the ones made from a different weave of wool) allow you to look good and stay cool.

  16. @10:14 has it exactly right. We're collectively frogs in the pan of water and the heat is slowly being turned up.

    The quality of life has clearly dimisihed from what it was in the mid-90s. I suspect we're looking at some very bleak years to come in this state. A pretty fair slice of the corporate world relocates throughout their career - maybe @9:40 is on to something.

    Either way - to each his own.

    Happy 4th of July

  17. On-campus recruiting and a nicer salary package than I was offered in Seattle back then. I liked the job and thought I'd be able to tolerate Las Vegas. It was before I had kids.

    I kind of doubt I'll fail the bar.

    And I won't lose a dime on my house - bought in 2002 (before things went crazy), put 20% down, and never refinanced! I'm actually making a little bit (but not nearly as much as I'd have made if I had sold in 2005).


    I live in Laughlin. When did you people in Las Vegas get the idea your town was HOT???? You don't know hot. We come to Vegas to cool off. Winters in Las Vegas are freezing to us. It's so hot and dry down here the sand is dying. And we LOVE it!

    Small town living - no crime, no smog, no traffic. Have a nice day.

  19. Bye. I thought most of your kind already left town. If you don't get anything from Las Vegas, chances are you didn't put anything in to it.

    The people who came here for the gold rush of the last 20 years and made zero effort to give anything back to the community are the ones who complain the most. I am glad to see another of your kind head out of town.

  20. Twilight fanatic?

  21. I'll gladly take two or three months of 110 degee heat if I can avoid snow storms, hail, earthquakes, hurricanes, twisters, oil spills, etc. Do yourself a favor and start planning weekend getaways to Cali and Utah if you can't stand the heat so much.

    The only two beefs I have with this town are the lame Clark County School District and the lack of suitable public transportation. I wish we had nice subways like DC or the Bay...that way I wouldn't have to fork over $80 to take a cab home every time I drink a little too much.

  22. 11:39 - Vegas was a shitty place to live even before the boom. The economic boom just masked the shittiness. People will endure a lot when they're working and living in an overpriced house that they can't really afford.

  23. Interesting thread.

    It will be interesting to see if Vegas makes a comeback. Like 10:50 says, the economic future of Vegas looks bleak.

  24. 10:02, 10:08, 10:11: Sounds like you are the Las Vegans who get their ass*s handed to them before and after UNR/UNLV games. Stay where you belong. We don't want you up here.

    Smug and Connected Reno Native Attorney

  25. Rumor has it that Vince Consul passed away. If true, it is quite a loss for the Las Vegas legal community. A great lawyer and a great guy. So sorry to hear it.

  26. Only in Vegas -- still building while we look for water. Moreover, we continue to ask for more greedy business people to come to Vegas and not pay their fair share of tax burden.

    Sandoval promises no mas taxes. Good bye Lake Mead, good bye UNLV.

  27. Rest in Peace Vincent Consul.

  28. @2:37 AND 2:47.
    Wow! If this is true (not saying that I do not believe you) it stuns me. Had he been ill? He was a great person and worthy adversary in our cases together.


  30. I'm 2:37.

    Apparently, he was jogging and down he went -- heart issue.

    Really sad.

  31. RIP, Mr. Consul.

    Shocking, because he was fit and trim and kept active as a high school football official.

    My condolences to his family and his colleagues.

  32. Why live in Vegas? Are you kidding?

    -Former Strippers
    -Wanna be Strippers
    -Women who look and dress like strippers (not just in court!)
    -An overabundance of young women with low self-esteem and silicone supplements.
    -Every conceivable drug readily available AND a place to consume them and party, 24/7. (Anyone who does drugs at home watching HBO is a fool or lives in one of the other states. The party does not end here in Nevada.)

    On top of all that, Vegas has a great climate and lots of strippers.

  33. As a lifelong native, I'm happy to see you go. Meanwhile, as economic rebounds go, BK practice is booming (creditor and debtor) and I'm hoping to inherit a few of Jorge's former clients. Give me 400 cases next year or next king lol DeLuca.

    I'm not going anywhere as long as the BK hottie is rockin them miniskirts.

  34. 2:34: I am completely sports apathetic, have spent some time in Reno, and I can't stand your depressing hick town and the bizarre, misplaced sense of smugness people like you have.

  35. I agree with 9:40. Good luck. As for all those bashing 9:40, keep trying to convince yourselves that Las Vegas is a nice place to live. I almost fell out of my seat from laughing so hard at the "reasonable temps" comment. Are you kidding me? Vegas gets about 6 weeks a year of nice weather. Other than that it is either terribly hot or colder than people imagine with Vegas (I know it's not Montana cold, but winters in Vegas are far from San Diego temps).

    As for the "Shark Pimp" (again, almost fell out of my chair)-of course there are places hotter than Vegas, but Vegas is hot. Period.

  36. I love strippers. Vegas has lots of strippers. I love Vegas.

  37. Let's face it, LV is a wasteland. It crumbles slowly before our eyes. Sure we have Mt. Charleston, sure we have valley of fire, but what else? You have to hunt for culture, it's here, but you really have to look for it. Most of us live in a bubble. House to car; car to office, etc. But I disagree with the stupid misconception that LV lawyers are inferior. I hate small minds that generalize, in general:)

  38. 7:25 PM - There is more culture on a slow night at the Rhino than in all of the "great" museums of gay love juice sissy cities like LA or NYC.

    Culture! You make me laugh. If one likes Valley of Fire and Mt. Charleston but not the strip and the strippers, please move to Colorado. Oh, and btw, the attorneys there are, on average, better.

  39. 100°and up at 3:00pm means your pool is 82° at 1:00am and the air is still 90°, which means the strippers don't mind skinny-dipping.

  40. Really? The weather? That's what we've got?

    Man if I have a complaint about Vegas it's that it's the most populated place I've ever heard of without shit going on between political scandals.

  41. Is Vegas really such a wasteland? You have to look for culture? Nonsense. We have symphonies, art galleries, opera, ballet and some great jazz. If you choose to live in a bubble, well, that's your choice.

    9:40 a.m. - Good riddance.

    2:34 p.m. - I'll never understand where Reno folks get there egos. Maybe something in the water...

    2:42 p.m. - California uses more of our water then we do.

    6:39 p.m. - Thanks for all your posts. Very insightful.

    9:00 p.m. - You're small minded.
