Friday, July 2, 2010

The Heavy Hitters???

Rumor has it that at a charity golf event a few weeks ago, there was a fist fight between some of the attorneys from Glen Lerner's office and an opposing party (not attorneys). Does anyone know the details on this?

(Thanks for the tip!)


  1. My sources say Lerner was standing on a stepladder to punch someone below the belt.

  2. They're all pussies over there.

  3. 2:06= ed bernstein

  4. Both 1:32 and 2:06 = ed bernstein

  5. Lerner has a shirt that says "My Lawyer can beat up your lawyer". I want to get a shirt that says "At least my lawyer is tall enough to ride on a roller coaster".

  6. @ 3:07

    You missed what was on the back of the HH T-Shirt: "but my lawyer has not shown up for anything in years"

  7. Is it just me, or does GL look like he has a lazy eye in his latest spate of billboard?

  8. It's a bionic eye.

  9. I have it on good authority that two Glen Lerner associates were cited for either battery or disorderly conduct, not sure which, but my source tells me citations were issued all around regarding this incident.

  10. 3:45 is wrong. No citations were issued. Some Lerner associates were approached during the golf tournament by some employees of one of the sponsors and were offered some freebies by the employees. The Lerner associates joked that they probably weren't welcome at the sponsors establishment considering the they were suing the sponsor for an injury that occurred at the sponsor's establishment. During the awards portion of the tournament, the Lerner associates accepted some golf award. Right then, the purported owners of the sponsor confronted the Lerner associates asking them why they were telling the sponsor's employees that Lerner's office was suing them (a matter of public record, of course). The Lerner associates didn't pay the owners much attention and went outside to load their clubs. Once they were outside, the owners again confronted the Lerner associates and started throwing punches. A melee of sorts ensured with some bloody noses, etc., but nothing other than that. No citations were issued and nothing else has come of it.

  11. 5:31 -- save it for Court, assuming your clients show up.

  12. Sounds like Glen Lerner's pack of juiced up thugs struck again.

  13. Wait, wait. You mean, if I represent a client being sued by someone represented by those lawyers, I don't have to do discovery, or file motions, or present evidence? I can just hit 'em?

  14. This thread hardly seems the appropriate spot in which to post the following sad news, especially when one considers the laughable disparity in grace, character, and the quality of contribution between Roid Boy and the following person.

    It's Vince Consul. He died last week. RIP, Vince, and
    my sincere condolences to his family. They must be devastated.

  15. @3:09

    Take the blog for it's worth. Don't be offended because everyone doesn't know who you're writing about. Nobody means any disrespect.

  16. This thread hardly seems the appropriate spot in which to post the following. . . Your right its not you jerk!

    Saying, "this may not be appropriate...," or, "with all due respect...," does not suddenly make a thing apprppriate or respectful. So, stuff it!

  17. The anonymity of this blog allows people to make light of the situation and make false allegations, such as claiming that any attorneys were cited. The truth of the situation is that two attorneys were attacked by 5 or 6 owners/employees of an opposing party and were forced to physically defend themselves before onlookers pulled the opposing party off. It was an unfortunate, scary situation no attorney should have to endure, no matter what you think of the attorney. So, have at making fun of Lerner or his associate attorneys who were outnumbered and attacked, but hope that Karma doesn't show its face and put you in the same situation.

  18. If no citations were issued and Lerner's attorneys were victims and had to defend themselves, then why not press charges? Come mean to tell me the attorneys who had to defend themselves did not want to press charges and just walked away?

  19. @ 7:41 - So what you're saying is that your lawyer CAN'T beat up my lawyer?

  20. So are the Lerner guys going to use Paul Powell to sue or will they get Bob Eglet to sue the manufacturer of the lawn seed used at the golf course for being the proximate cause of the injuries?

  21. 3:57, so you are saying that if their boss came in the more diminuitive single-dose vial and disposed of after the altercation, all of the trouble to come could have been avoided?

  22. Yeah, something stinks with this guys story. Me thinks that next week there will have been 10 guys who attacked them. Probably was some kind of patty cake psuedo altercation with a lot T rex style girlie slapping.

  23. Talk about a golden opportunity. How often do you get to knock the opposing party the f*** out without fear of consequence.

  24. You guys have this story all wrong. Stay tuned. Somebody gonna get PAID!
